How to tell if a guy really loves you

Author: Gregory Harris
Date Of Creation: 15 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
15 Things A Man Will Do Only If He Really Loves You
Video: 15 Things A Man Will Do Only If He Really Loves You


He may say he loves you, but how do you know for sure? What if he never said three cherished words to you? Finding out the answer is not easy, but possible. Pay attention to various signs, like the time you spend together or the amount of effort a man puts into a relationship. Remember, guys are different, so not all of the tips in this article will apply to your partner.


Part 1 of 3: Behavior

  1. 1 Pay attention to the attitude towards you. If your partner loves you, they will treat you with respect, listen to you, and take an interest in your life. Noticing the little things that you enjoy, as well as making an effort to please you. Appreciate you as a person and listen to your opinions. Such actions speak of his sincere love and care.
  2. 2 Rate how confident you are of the guy's feelings. If a guy really loves you, then you are unlikely to doubt his feelings. You will feel love in his relationship to you, as the partner will speak directly and show their feelings.
    • On the other hand, you need to make sure that it is not your complexes and low self-esteem that prevent you from accepting the obvious love of your partner. In other words, if you feel like your partner does not like you, then your anxiety may be the reason for these thoughts. If, in past relationships, your partners have called you a little intrusive, this can be seen as a sign of self-doubt. Perhaps you are trying too hard to earn your boyfriend's love, or you are constantly trying to satisfy his needs, but at the same time forget about yourself.
    • To overcome this self-doubt, start paying attention to your feelings rather than focusing on others. Identify each of your emotions and notice how they affect your behavior. You may be trying to please your guy more when you're upset and feel like he doesn't love you. Often these worries are unfounded, especially if the guy always finds ways to show you his love.
    • It's also important to identify the source of your insecurities. Perhaps you are constantly running over criticisms of your parents in your head, or you have been mistreated by a partner in a past relationship. Don't let your inner critic get out of hand. Give reasons in response to his statements. When you start to doubt your partner or yourself, look at the situation differently. For example, if you tell yourself, “He didn't call back. Apparently, he just doesn't love me anymore, ”stop and think:“ No, it's not like that.Every day he says he loves me. He's probably just busy. "
  3. 3 Notice how much time your partner spends with you. When a guy is in love, he wants to be there. If he regularly finds time to meet and does his best to see you more often, then the guy probably loves you.
    • Consider if the guy is trying to avoid dating you. If your partner doesn't care about you, they'll probably shy away from meetings. In this case, you will rarely see each other, and scheduled appointments may be canceled at the last minute. If you meet rarely and irregularly, then your partner almost certainly doesn't like you.
    • Of course, sometimes people have good reasons to cancel an appointment. In this case, the partner should warn you as early as possible and express a desire to schedule a new meeting. If he doesn't, his feelings are hardly real.
  4. 4 Assess how much the man is involved in the relationship. A loving man will actively make plans and invite you out on dates. Such worries should not fall only on your shoulders. If your partner at least occasionally takes the initiative, then he almost certainly loves you.
    • Stop planning everything yourself to gauge the guy's behavior. Give him a chance to set up a date. If he loves you, then he will definitely take the initiative in his own hands.
  5. 5 Make sure he's willing to make compromises. In a relationship, you periodically have to make sacrifices for the sake of compromises with your partner. Sometimes you have to give in to a guy, sometimes to a girl. For example, a guy might agree to watch a movie that he probably won't like, and you might agree to go to a sports bar sometimes, even if you're bored. If your partner is ready for mutual concessions, then he probably loves you.
  6. 6 Pay attention to small favors. For example, does a guy offer to make you tea when he goes to the kitchen? Does he plug your phone in when he sees a low charge? If your partner notices your needs and tries to make your life easier, chances are he loves you.
  7. 7 Make sure your partner is not shy about you. If a man loves you and wants to be together, then he will not be ashamed of you. This means that he will at least introduce you to his friends and family. If he does not want to introduce you to loved ones, he probably is not yet sure of his feelings for you. Of course, this could be due to other reasons, such as religious differences, but usually such embarrassment is a warning sign.
  8. 8 Rate how close the guy is to you in front of other people. This nuance goes hand in hand with the previous one. If your partner is shy about you, then he will not show intimacy in public. In other words, you need to pay attention to how often he shows his feelings in public, holds your hand or hugs you. If this does not happen, the reason may be the lack of feelings for you or the guy's shyness.

Part 2 of 3: The nature of communication

  1. 1 Evaluate the character of the guy's communication. If your partner only calls you once a week and has nothing to tell you, this is a bad sign. If he writes unexpected messages or letters and calls regularly, you probably do not get out of his head. This means that he truly loves you.
    • It's important to understand that all guys are different. Perhaps he is an introvert and does not like to spend too much time with other people, even loved ones. Don't jump to conclusions and try to understand the character of the person.
  2. 2 Notice what the guy is interested in. When you are together, he asks how your day went? Shows a sincere interest in the events of your life? If so, he almost certainly loves you.
  3. 3 Notice how much the guy remembers the details. Of course, men (and people in general) tend to forget details, including important dates and past conversations. If your partner seeks to remember important dates and recalls the details of previous conversations, then he probably loves you.
  4. 4 Think about what makes him argue with you. If a person cares, then he will enter into disputes to find a solution. If your partner never fights with you or simply discards any reasoning, then it may turn out that he does not care about you.
    • Partners do not have to engage in violent fights, but everyone should be free to express their thoughts and opinions, even if they lead to a fight. If your partner doesn't care more often, then it is unlikely that he loves you.
  5. 5 Pay attention to the construction of phrases. If a guy starts saying "we" instead of "me" on a regular basis, then he probably has strong feelings for you. The pronoun "we" means that the partner perceives you as a couple, a joint unit, which means he wants to be together.
  6. 6 Assess the presence of a common language. If you have a common language, including affectionate nicknames and your own jokes, then this is a good sign. This means that the guy is immersed in your relationship. If he came up with an affectionate name and only calls you that, then the guy probably has warm feelings for you.
  7. 7 Ask a direct question. If you are in a healthy relationship, you can simply talk about your feelings. Say what you like about the guy and how you feel. Then ask him to talk about his feelings.
    • So, you can say: “It seems that I finally fell in love with you. I can't understand how my feelings are mutual, so I feel insecure. "

Part 3 of 3: Why a guy doesn't talk about his love

  1. 1 The guy may be afraid of rejection. The words "I love you" make a person vulnerable, as feelings can be unrequited. He may be afraid that he will be rejected even if you show your love.
  2. 2 The guy may be reminded of past relationships. If a person was in an unsuccessful relationship, then he may not rush to emotionally become attached to a new partner. Therefore, you do not need to automatically worry if the guy has not yet said the cherished words. Perhaps he is waiting when he is ready to devote himself to you.
  3. 3 Understand that some men find it difficult to verbalize their emotions. Maybe your partner just doesn't like to talk about their feelings. Usually such people express their love by caring and acting.

Expert advice

Ask yourself the following questions to find out the answer:

  • Is your partner doing you nice little favors?
  • Is your partner building his life around your needs?
  • Is your partner being genuine and caring towards you?
  • Is your partner always there when you need it?
  • Does your partner ruin your life with his presence?


  • If your partner trusts you so much that he is ready to share problems and doubts with you or seek advice, then your opinion means a lot to him.
  • Talk and talk openly about your feelings.
  • If you didn’t ask directly, then you don’t have to assume that your partner doesn’t love you.
  • There is always the risk of misinterpreting the situation. Never jump to conclusions.
  • If your partner does not repeat "I love you" every minute, then this does not mean that he does not love you. Sometimes a person can worry, even if he does not doubt the reciprocal feelings.
  • Offer to discuss a joint future. If a partner constantly puts off such a conversation, then it may turn out that he is not sure of his feelings or for him this is a difficult topic. Tell them that everything is in order and that you are ready to return to the conversation at any time. Perhaps the guy will open up to you. Otherwise, inform that partners need to communicate openly for a lasting relationship.
  • Ignore rumors and focus on what makes you happy.
  • If a guy loves to discuss the future with you and asks questions, he probably loves you. It may always turn out that he is just shy. Try to discuss the future to find out the answer to your question.
  • If your partner says he loves you, but you don't believe his words, then evaluate his body language, actions and attitude towards you.