How to open your own school

Author: Janice Evans
Date Of Creation: 24 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
6 Important Tips to Open your own School - Be an Entrepreneur
Video: 6 Important Tips to Open your own School - Be an Entrepreneur


Congratulations! You have joined an army of parents and teachers whose desire to improve education has prompted them to start their own schools. Opening your school and sharing your approach to learning with the world - few businesses can bring the same satisfaction. But where do you start? Every step of the process requires planning, knowledge of laws and standards, and faith in what you are doing.


  1. 1 Start by studying the legislation. Review the legal requirements for opening schools, primarily the Education Law, as well as information on the websites of the Ministry of Education and Science and the local Department of Education. Keep in mind that it is much easier to open a development center or, for example, an English language school than a full-fledged general education school.

Part 1 of 3: Preparing the Curriculum

  1. 1 Think about what education should be in your school. A comprehensive vision of what you are going to offer is necessary both at the initial stage and afterwards. Based on it, you will make decisions and take actions in the short and long term. Introduce your school and answer the following questions:
    • What are your values?
    • What clients are you targeting?
    • What kind of education do your clients need?
    • What will be the characteristics of your school that will set it apart from others?
    • What will your school provide to students socially, intellectually, academically, and emotionally?
    • How do you see your school in 5, 25 and 100 years?
    • What type of school do you want to create? Commercial or non-profit offering additional educational services or general secondary education? If you want to start with less, consider opening a development center, educational courses, a circle, and the like.
  2. 2 Write a plan. Preparing a plan requires answering all practical questions related to the organization and operation of the school. This applies both to the daily schedule of all educational procedures and to the description of the learning objectives that will be achieved in your school. The goals should include both general objectives and a sequence of steps to achieve them. A complete plan should answer the following questions:
    • Daily operations:
      • How long are the lessons?
      • How many lessons per day?
      • What time do classes start and end?
      • How is food organized?
      • What is the schedule for teachers?
    • Learning Assessment:
      • What do your students need?
      • What is the purpose of their training?
      • What criteria will be used to assess knowledge?
      • How will students' knowledge be tested?
      • What document will be issued upon graduation from your school?
  3. 3 Formulate a curriculum concept for educators. Describe the teaching methodology that teachers in your school need to understand, use, and develop in their classroom. Will your school have a lot of testing and knowledge tests? Will there be an emphasis on writing? Will open group discussion and debate be encouraged? Also describe the criteria that teachers must meet to become teachers in your school and the pedagogical methods that must be used during lessons.
    • As you develop your curriculum, try to express your vision in words that attract the most talented and passionate young teachers who can make your school as close to ideal as possible. Can the teacher use their own curriculum or must choose from approved textbooks? Figure out how to make your school attractive to creative teachers.
  4. 4 Approve your plan. To open a general education school, certain formalities must be observed. You will likely need to go through incorporation checks and have your curriculum approved by your local department of education. Sometimes this procedure takes a long time, but if you have carefully planned and followed all the necessary steps, there should be no difficulty. Contact your local education department to get all the information you need: how this check is done, what documents need to be presented and what to prepare for.
  5. 5 Consider starting a school based on a specific methodology, such as Waldorf School or Montessori. If you would like your school to follow one of the well-known pedagogical approaches, contact the appropriate organization for support and instruction on how to organize teaching so that your school meets its standards and can use the name of the methodology.

Part 2 of 3: Forming a Corporation

  1. 1 Prepare a business plan. Include the goals for creating the school, describe the factors by which they can be achieved, as well as what financial resources are needed for this. A business plan is required for a fundraising campaign and for completing the registration process for an educational institution.
    • Conduct a “feasibility study” to determine the viability of the future school. To determine the likelihood of success, already in the early stages of planning, you need to carefully consider your concept and how to implement it. You need to decide how many students you plan to enroll, what is the estimated cost, running costs, operating costs, and all other aspects of the school's life.
  2. 2 Create a board of directors. It is impossible to manage an educational institution on your own, so finding like-minded people and administrators in order to create a board of directors should be among the first steps. Together, it is much easier to make financial and management decisions, hire faculty, and monitor school activities.
    • Basically, schools are not run by a sole "chief". Although an educational institution requires a clear hierarchy to unite the group, the school remains more a "corporation" than a "dictatorship." To put together a good board of directors, consider which local educational authorities are not comfortable with their current position, and suggest ways for them to fulfill themselves in the forward-thinking and forward-thinking school you are building.
  3. 3 Submit documents for state registration. The board of directors must carefully prepare all the paperwork required to create a legal entity. Documents must be submitted in accordance with the legal requirements in your area.In most regions, there are law firms and services that provide support in applying for the status of a non-profit educational institution.
  4. 4 Register as a non-governmental educational institution. According to Russian law, LEUs are non-profit organizations. They have access to grants, grants and similar funding sources. The school as a non-profit organization should be created and act purely for the implementation of scientific, educational, educational and other goals aimed at the good of society. The following requirements must also be met:
    • Net profit cannot be channeled in favor of any individual or shareholder.
    • The school's activities should not be based on attempts to influence legislation or interfere in political campaigns.
    • The activities and tasks of the institution must be lawful and must not contradict official public policy (at least, its main provisions).
  5. 5 Get an identification code. TIN is an individual tax number that is issued to both individuals and organizations that pay salaries to their employees. Visit the tax office website or go to the nearest office.

Part 3 of 3: Opening a School

  1. 1 Provide funding for your school. Funding depends on the chosen concept. You can charge tuition fees, work on grants, receive government funding, or use other means to raise funds. In any case, first you need to collect the maximum possible funds so that this is enough to open and finance the first year of your ambitious project.
    • Apply for grants to implement your vision.
  2. 2 Arrangement of the place of study. You can rent premises or build your own campus. In any case, for the organization of the educational process, you will need significant funds for the arrangement of the premises. To implement this large-scale venture, start looking for a training location well in advance.
    • Start early. Leasing, renovation or construction work usually takes longer than expected. Renovations should be made whenever possible to ensure that the layout and design of the premises match your school's vision.
  3. 3 Hire an experienced administration. A first-class leader is essential for any school, and even more so for new educational institutions. If there is no such person among the management or board of directors, hire a strong leader with experience in this area for your school. Remember, its characteristics must also match your concept.
  4. 4 Hire excellent teachers. Nothing influences the quality of your school as much as the composition of the teachers. Your teachers will be the single most important factor in the quality of your teaching. Their personal qualities are the foundation of your success. Recruit and retain top-notch teachers who love children and are committed to education.
  5. 5 Promote your school. Marketing is essential for success. Build a strong brand, PR and marketing policy, and get ready to enjoy it. You need to know your market and have the means to attract the required number of students. Remember, good marketing doesn't have to be expensive. Use creative and inexpensive ways to market yourself. For example, in the beginning it is enough to start rumors about a new school.
  6. 6 Start recruiting and enrolling students. Find aspirational students willing to enroll in your school. After you complete the formal registration process, talk to parents, teachers, and students who might be interested in studying at your school. Host open houses and enroll students to make your dream come true.