How to determine the gender of a grasshopper

Author: Alice Brown
Date Of Creation: 28 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How-To Determine The Gender Of A Grasshopper
Video: How-To Determine The Gender Of A Grasshopper


Are you doing an entomology research project or collecting an insect collection? You will most likely need to learn how to sex insects, including grasshoppers. Even if at first glance all grasshoppers seem to you exactly the same, you can easily learn to distinguish male grasshoppers from females. Take a close look at the abdomen of an insect and observe its behavior - and you can surely be able to determine the sex of this individual!


Method 1 of 2: Examine the abdomen of a grasshopper

  1. 1 Hold the grasshopper in the middle of the body with two fingers. Gently but firmly hold the insect. Most likely, the grasshopper will try to break free. Be careful not to squeeze it too hard, or you may damage or even crush the fragile insect.
    • Some species of grasshoppers bite, but this is quite rare. In addition, a trapped grasshopper sometimes empties its intestines as a defense mechanism. Of course, this is not very pleasant, but it is not dangerous for a person.
  2. 2 Gently squeeze the belly of the insect. Gently grasp the back of the abdomen with your thumb and forefinger. Squeeze gently to expose the insect's genitals.
    • Be careful not to damage the insect.
  3. 3 The end of the abdomen is rounded - this is the male. The shape of the grasshopper abdomen allows you to fairly accurately determine the sex of the individual. A rounded, slightly curved abdomen is a sign that you are holding a male grasshopper.
  4. 4 The end of the abdomen is pointed - this is the female. Does the back of the abdomen of a female grasshopper resemble a thin tube? This is a special organ for laying eggs - the ovipositor.

Method 2 of 2: Assess other external signs

  1. 1 Keep in mind that female grasshoppers are usually larger than males of their species. If you are trying to determine the sex of a particular individual that is next to other grasshoppers of the same species, compare whether it differs from its relatives in size. If this grasshopper is larger than the rest, it is most likely a female. If your grasshopper is the smallest, it may be a male.
    • Don't try to determine the gender of a grasshopper solely by its size - it's easy to get it wrong.
  2. 2 Evaluate the behavior of grasshoppers - males are usually more aggressive. Observe the behavior of grasshoppers when they are in a group of congeners - males usually try to bite each other or kick a congener with their paws. During the mating period, males of grasshoppers become aggressive and often attack each other while searching for a female for mating.
    • The behavior and level of aggression in different species of grasshoppers differ.Grasshoppers of one species can exhibit very aggressive sexual behavior, while other species are more peaceful.
  3. 3 Males climb onto females during mating. During mating, the male climbs onto the back of the female and sticks a capsule with seminal fluid to her abdomen. The contents of the capsule enter the female's oviduct and fertilize the eggs. If you see a smaller grasshopper climbing onto a larger individual, the smaller grasshopper is most likely a male, and the larger insect is a female.
    • Keep in mind that sometimes one male can climb onto the back of another while fighting for the female.
  4. 4 If you spot a grasshopper laying eggs, it's a female. You notice that the grasshopper is bent and the tip of its abdomen is submerged in the soil - this is the female laying eggs. Grasshoppers lay their eggs in the soil, so watch closely for individuals sitting motionless on the ground with the tip of their abdomen sunk into the soil.
    • Female grasshoppers lay eggs during the summer and early fall.


  • To accurately determine the gender of a grasshopper, carefully examine the structure of its abdomen.


  • Do not squeeze the grasshopper too tightly, otherwise you can damage the fragile body of the insect.