How to Hypnotize Yourself with the Best Me Technique

Author: Alice Brown
Date Of Creation: 28 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Hypnotize Yourself Using the Best Me Technique
Video: Hypnotize Yourself Using the Best Me Technique


Hypnosis is not magic. This is a form of consistent, purposeful concentration, when you, without noticing the surrounding things, focus on one thing.It is fundamentally different from the state of sleep, since, unlike the latter, it denotes an increased level of awareness. Using the Best Me self-hypnosis technique, you focus on creating a virtual experience that enhances self-esteem, increases motivation to achieve goals, and helps you cope with anxiety or trauma.


Method 1 of 4: Preparation

  1. 1 Pick a time when you are not too sleepy. Your task is to retreat from external factors in order to focus on visualizing the implementation of your goals. If you are too tired, then you will simply fall asleep.
  2. 2 Eat something light 1-2 hours before your session. It will be hard to concentrate if you are hungry or overeat. Eat just enough to keep you strong enough to meditate, but don't overeat.
  3. 3 Find a nook to practice. You need a place where nothing will distract you and harsh sounds will not bring you back to reality prematurely. Some kind of small, not cluttered room in your home is perfect.
  4. 4 Make sure you are not disturbed. Disconnect your cell phone or pager. If the house has a fixed line, disconnect the telephone. Ask your family members not to distract you during the session.
  5. 5 Get into a comfortable position. It is best to sit down, as lying down you can fall asleep. To enter a state of hypnosis:
    • Find a comfortable leg position. You can do the classic meditation posture and cross your legs, sit on your knees, stretch your legs straight in front of you, or sit in a chair. In any case, this should be a position in which you will feel comfortable.
    • Keep your back straight. A straight back encourages deep breathing. Sit in a chair if you find it difficult to keep your back straight without support.
    • Place your hands so that they do not bother you. You can put them on your hips or fold them in a prayer gesture.
  6. 6 Breathe deeply and evenly. Before starting the Best Me technique, close your eyes and simply inhale and exhale slowly. Focus your attention on the breath and nothing else. This will help clear your mind and prepare you to enter a state of heightened concentration.

Method 2 of 4: Entering Hypnosis Using the Best Me Technique

  1. 1 Complete all stages of the Best Me technique. Each letter in the title "Best Me" is associated with a specific phase. It doesn't matter in what order you follow these steps or what words you use. It is important that you include in this imaginary experience each of the stages that represent all aspects of your personality.
    • B - Belief system
    • E - Emotions
    • S - Sensations and physical experiences
    • T - Thoughts and images
    • M - Motives
    • E - Expectations
  2. 2 Choose a safe place for yourself (this is your "belief system"). Think of a real or fictional place where you would be calm, happy, and safe. You can choose any location; there is simply no "bad" place. It is best to choose the same place for visualization, as this will make it easier to relax. The most popular options:
    • Beach;
    • a sun-drenched park;
    • the place where you spent your vacation;
    • favorite room in the current or previous dwelling;
    • the place that you saw in the picture.
  3. 3 Imagine yourself in a safe place. This part deals with sensations and physical experiences. You involve not only vision, but also all other senses. As you present all the details of this place, let tranquility fill you. For example, if your safe place is a beach at sunset, pay attention to:
    • color - the red and gold palette of the sunset and the azure of the water;
    • sound - peals of waves and cries of seagulls;
    • sensations - a breath of wind on the skin and warm sand underfoot;
    • smell - clean sea air with a salty taste.
  4. 4 Allow appeasement to drive out your negative emotions. Soak up the serenity that pervades your place. Feel your body and mind relax.Tell yourself, "I have found peace."
  5. 5 Let the serenity of space displace all your thoughts. At first, various thoughts will inevitably run through your head. Don't try to fight it. Just gently bring your focus back to a safe place. You dive into it and disconnect. Dive in and out. Dive in and out.
    • If you find it difficult to discard a negative idea, present it as an image on a TV screen. Take the remote and turn off the sound, then switch the color settings to black and white, and then turn off the screen altogether.
    • You can also put the image in a drawer and close it.
  6. 6 Enjoy the peace. You have no other desire or desire to be elsewhere and do something else. You just want to freely exist in this place, dream and drift through its expanses until you reach your personal paradise.
  7. 7 Expect a deep dive to your own safety. Don't worry if you go into a state of hypnosis. Expect this. Hypnosis is just concentration, concentration in your safe place. Stay here now. By entering it completely, you have reached a state of hypnosis. As the creator of this technique wrote: "The deeper you dive, the deeper you can dive; the further you get, the further you want to go and the more enjoyable the journey becomes."
  8. 8 Repeat these steps as often as necessary. Return to the sensations that you are experiencing in your place. Enjoy the peace. Let the thoughts disappear. Dive deeper and deeper until you are completely in your safe place.
  9. 9 Associate your safe place with a word. When you detail your safe area, think about a name for it. Use this name even when you're not under hypnosis to feel calm and relaxed.
  10. 10 End the session, or picture a situation in your mind, or relive past events. If you are just studying self-hypnosis or your goal is simply relaxation and tranquility, you can end the session at this stage. Or, you can go further and envision achieving your goal to increase self-confidence and motivation to take action, and relive emotions from the past to gain confidence and reduce anxiety.

Method 3 of 4: Imagine Realizing Your Goals

  1. 1 Choose a target. Focus on one task at a time. Choose a goal that is important to you and that you are concerned about achieving. Imagine that this has already happened, and you received a well-deserved reward - this way you will become more confident in yourself and you will have a greater incentive to achieve what you want. The Best Me technique enhances the effectiveness of actions aimed at achieving goals in various areas:
    • the science;
    • singing;
    • dancing;
    • sport;
    • writing skills;
    • bringing yourself into shape;
    • starting your own business / achieving work goals;
    • losing weight or getting rid of nicotine addiction.
  2. 2 Recreate the successful realization of your goals with the Best Me methodology. Stay in a safe place, visualize in every detail the achievement of the tasks. The more detailed the scenario you create and the more steps it includes, the better.
    • Increase the motivational component by imagining follow-up rewards, such as rest you will give yourself afterwards.
    • Imagine the pleasure of achieving intermediate goals. For example, if you are trying to quit smoking, you might picture a sumptuous dinner as a reward for lasting a week, or a conversation in which you proudly declare to a friend that you have not smoked for a month.
  3. 3 Imagine that you have already achieved your goal. Think about how you are getting a promotion or diploma, or any other reward that your aspiration provides.Recreate this situation in all its glory, just as you did with the visualization of your safe place. Experience this moment through sight, hearing, smell, and tactile sensations. Come up with exactly what you say and do; what at this moment people will say and do.
  4. 4 Feel the pleasure and pride of realizing your dream. Take a look at the excited faces of friends and family in your mind. Imagine what they will tell you. Imagine how proud and happy you will be at this moment. Allow yourself to experience these emotions to the fullest.
  5. 5 Don't think about anything else. If this idyll is disturbed by other thoughts, gently return your attention to the scene you are enacting. Experience it as intensely as if you were truly bringing it to life.
  6. 6 Count on success. Experiencing the fulfillment of your task and the accompanying emotions, even if only in your mind, will create powerful memories that will help you believe that you are indeed on the road to success. This will give you the opportunity to act more confidently, with the knowledge that you will achieve what you want.
  7. 7 End the session by counting to five. Think to yourself that you will gradually return to the surrounding reality when you get to five.
    • One is the beginning of the return.
    • Two - you are happy and confident.
    • Three - you are returning more and more to reality. Focus on yourself, on your breathing, on the feeling of the floor or chair below you.
    • Four are almost back. Become aware of the sounds and sensations that the room is filled with.
    • Five - open your eyes. You are here again and you feel great.

Method 4 of 4: Re-creating Past Situations to Build Confidence

  1. 1 Think about the moment when you felt confident and purposeful. As with a safe place, be extremely precise. Where have you been? What did you do? Who was next to you?
  2. 2 Recreate the situation with the Best Me method. Start with your past image. What do you see? What sounds and smells do you smell? What were you doing and saying at that moment? Visualize the situation so clearly as if it is about to come true.
  3. 3 Live those emotions. As you plunge into an imaginary scene, you will relive the same emotions. Allow yourself to go through this experience again.
  4. 4 Avoid negative thoughts. When other ideas come up in your head, step back from them and return to your creative process. Place too arrogant thoughts on the TV screen and then unplug it, or put it in a drawer and close it.
  5. 5 Have faith in your success. Memories associated with intense experiences are immensely powerful. Re-experiencing these experiences and the accompanying emotions of confidence and joy will give you the feeling that you are steadily moving towards success. Feel this. Expect to achieve what you want. Act, think, and feel like you can't fail.
  6. 6 Come up with a word that will associate you with this feeling. After recreating the experience, come up with a word that best describes this state. Think about it when you mentally return to the situation and the feelings that it generates. In the future, you can use this word to awaken those feelings when you need them.
  7. 7 End the session by counting to five. You will gradually return to your normal state when you get to five.
    • One is the beginning of the return.
    • Two - focus on emotions of happiness and self-confidence.
    • Three - focus on your breathing, on your tactile sensations, on the floor or chair below you.
    • Four - be aware of the space around you, the sounds and smells filling it.
    • Five - open your eyes. You are here again and you feel confident of success.


  • When following the Best Me technique, it is best to use as few words as possible. The most important thing here is the images, sensations and feelings that you experience.
  • At first, you may not reach the desired deep level of concentration, or immediately recreate the realization of your goals without problems, or relive situations from the past. Keep practicing. Like any other skill, the Best Me technique requires continuous improvement.
  • In addition to using this technique, you can also see a psychologist, psychotherapist, or social worker to help you sort out your life goals, manage anxiety, and build self-confidence.