
How to draw an anime character

How to draw an anime character

Anime i a popular tyle of animation and drawing that originally originated in Japan. At fir t glance, it may eem that it i quite difficult to draw an anime character on your own, e pecially if you loo...

How to plant roses

How to plant roses

Ro e can grow in the form of a bu h, tree or climbing liana, they can be full- ized or in a "mini" ver ion. The ro e flower exhibit the full pectrum of color , from pure white to deep red, w...

How to learn to read books faster

How to learn to read books faster

If you are low to read or while reading it eem to you that the book i never ending - follow the tep below to learn how to read fa ter. 1 elect a book. It can be anything from your favorite detective t...

How to increase the safety of your home

How to increase the safety of your home

Do you want to ecure your home again t po ible theft? Find out how you can improve your home ecurity y tem without pending a penny. 1 Think like a burglar. Imagine your elf in the hoe of a burglar and...

How to write a business letter to your clients

How to write a business letter to your clients

If you have your own bu ine , then you probably have to write bu ine letter to your client . The goal can be different: notifying about new event or condition , re ponding to cu tomer complaint on beh...

How to protect yourself if you are left at home alone (for a girl)

How to protect yourself if you are left at home alone (for a girl)

The older you get, the more often your parent leave you at home alone, o it i po ible that you will almo t jump on the pot when you hear, for example, a doorbell. And you mo t likely won't know wh...

How to get rid of negative emotions

How to get rid of negative emotions

What we oppo e remain with u . By nature, a per on tend to avoid pain, including unplea ant emotion . If you try to drive away any feeling , the effect will be hort-term, and then the pain will inten ...

How to set up a goldfish aquarium

How to set up a goldfish aquarium

Receiving a decent goldfi h and preparing a uitable aquatic home for it i not an ea y ta k. oon the goldfi h will ettle in the hou e and become a member of your family. Prepare well for thi event o th...

How to calculate the weighted average

How to calculate the weighted average

Calculating the weighted average, al o known a the weighted average, i not a ea y a finding the arithmetic average. Weighted average i a value calculated on the ba i of number who e “value” or “weight...

How to sync contacts with Facebook Messenger

How to sync contacts with Facebook Messenger

Facebook Me enger can can device contact to find people who al o u e Me enger. Thi make it much ea ier to find friend and family on Me enger. Thi app automatically check new contact to find out if the...

How to get tested for attention deficit disorder

How to get tested for attention deficit disorder

Attention deficit di order, al o known a ADD, i very common in childhood, but affect people of all age . If you think you have thi di order, it i very important to get te ted to find out how to deal w...

How to train your puppy to toilet outdoors

How to train your puppy to toilet outdoors

1 You need to under tand how your puppy perceive the environment. Puppie from birth have no idea what people mean by good or bad. However, they are capable of adopting many behavioral habit . The pupp...

How to get started on a research project

How to get started on a research project

You will have to take on re earch project many time during your tudie , and po ibly even when you are already working. If the topic of the project eem too complicated for you, read thi quick guide, an...

How to grow a beard correctly

How to grow a beard correctly

Uly e Grant, Erne t Hemingway, Dr. Cornell We t ... the li t i endle . All the e men had one thing in common - a beard. If you are reading thi article, you probably al o have a beard. After reading th...

How to flirt with a stranger

How to flirt with a stranger

Have you ever liked a tranger who miled weetly at you on the beach or in the upermarket? Probably, thi happened to everyone! o, here are ome tip to help you flirt with a complete tranger! 1 Look at hi...

How to delete a post on Instagram

How to delete a post on Instagram

In thi article, we will how you how to delete In tagram private me age on a mobile device. 1 Launch In tagram on your mobile device. Tap the pink-orange-yellow-purple camera icon on the home creen (iP...

How to paint hair roots

How to paint hair roots

Are you proud of your appearance and want to look attractive? Do you dye your hair every few week and the unpainted root are too vi ible? In thi article, you will learn how to dye your hair root at ho...

How to cook breaded shrimp

How to cook breaded shrimp

Breaded hrimp are popular all over the world in the trendie t re taurant , humble t bar , home and even Mc'Donald in Greece, they erve breaded hrimp with weet and our auce from time to time. Prawn...

How to make a Dog's Joy treat without peanut butter

How to make a Dog's Joy treat without peanut butter

With the many allergic reaction to peanut on the ri e today, it i difficult to prepare all of your favorite treat . The pre ented cla ic recipe can al o be tried by anyone uffering from a peanut aller...

How to dye your hair using dip-dye technology

How to dye your hair using dip-dye technology

Dip-dye hair coloring i a trend among celebritie and tyli t . You can either dye the end of your hair in an ombre tyle, or go a tep further and dye it a bold color. Thi article will tell you how you c...