How to heat up a steak

Author: Janice Evans
Date Of Creation: 24 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
This Is The Only Way To Reheat Leftover Steak
Video: This Is The Only Way To Reheat Leftover Steak


1 Remove steak from refrigerator and place on kitchen counter to heat for a few minutes. Leftover meat will taste better if you reheat it after it reaches room temperature. Heat a skillet or saucepan. Place the steak and drizzle with butter. Heat until the meat is warm but not hot.
  • It may be easier if you turn on the heat, but once the butter starts to melt, turn it down again. Meat loses its flavor surprisingly quickly, so be careful.
  • 2 Place the steak in a resealable plastic bag. Add ingredients and seasonings of your choice, such as minced garlic, finely chopped onions or shallots, salt and freshly ground black pepper. Close the bag carefully and place in a pot of boiling water. Heat until the meat is hot, about 4-6 minutes, depending on the thickness of the piece.
    • This method is not that great if you need to heat more than one steak.If the whole family is waiting for dinner, it is best to reheat the meat in the oven or in a skillet.
  • 3 Heat the steak in a heavy skillet, topping with the beef broth. Turn on high heat, and as soon as the broth boils, reduce and simmer until the meat is completely heated. You can eat the meat without additives or use it in a variety of sandwiches.
  • 4 Cut the leftover steak into slices and sauté with your favorite vegetables. Serve with hot rice and soy sauce. Since the rice is hot, it will hide the underheated steak pieces (if any), preserving its flavor.
  • Method 2 of 3: Preheat the steak in the oven

    1. 1 Preserve the flavor of a juicy steak by reheating it in the microwave. Place the steak in a microwave safe dish and drizzle with a little steak sauce such as Italian, teriyaki or barbecue sauce and a few drops of butter or melted butter. Cover the dish and heat the steak on medium setting in your microwave.
      • Reheat the steak, checking for doneness every few seconds, as reheating too long will dry out the meat. It is very important to use the medium setting because the heat destroys the aroma.
    2. 2 Alternatively, heat steaks to room temperature for about 30 to 45 minutes. This will allow juices and fats to restore flavor. During this time, preheat the oven to 80 ° C.
      • Place the meat on a baking sheet in a preheated oven for 10-12 minutes. The steaks will warm up but not cook. Serve with a hot side dish to maintain the temperature.

    Method 3 of 3: Reheat the steak by heating and browning

    1. 1 Preheat oven to 120 ° C.
    2. 2 Place the steaks on a wire rack on a baking sheet. Bake in the oven for about 30 minutes, until the core temperature in the center reaches about 43 ° C. Use a meat thermometer to check the temperature.
      • Do not heat steaks above this temperature, or they will start to cook. Please note that the amount of time to reheat depends on the thickness of the meat pieces.
    3. 3 Heat a couple tablespoons of oil in a skillet. Remove the steaks from the oven at the same time, pat dry with paper towels and set aside. The oil is ready when it starts to smoke.
    4. 4 Fry the steaks on both sides until lightly browned and crispy. You will need about 60-90 seconds per side. Remove steaks from heat and let rest for about 5 minutes before serving.
      • They should be only slightly less juicy than freshly cooked steaks, and the crust will be even crisper than usual. This method takes longer than reheating in the microwave, but it's worth it.


    • Leftover steak can be cut into narrow strips and served with onions, tomatoes and peppers; in fajita style. Add freshly squeezed lime juice and serve in a tortilla with sour cream and sauce.
    • Use leftover steak cold. Eat the meat this way or cut it and add it to a green salad with a little feta or blue cheese.
    • Chop the leftover steak and heat it along with a can of mushroom soup, fresh mushrooms, chopped onions, a glass of sour cream, salt and pepper; you get an impromptu beef stroganoff. If you have leftover beef sauce, add it to the mixture as well. Simmer for 15-20 minutes and then serve with rice or noodles.

    What do you need

    On the stove

    • Butter or melted butter
    • Frying pan or saucepan
    • Resealable plastic bag
    • Minced garlic
    • Chopped onions or shallots
    • Salt
    • Freshly ground black pepper
    • Pan
    • Heavy frying pan
    • Beef broth

    In the oven

    • Microwave safe dish with lid
    • Steak sauce such as Italian, teriyaki, or barbecue
    • Baking tray

    Heating up and frying

    • Lattice
    • Baking tray
    • Paper towels
    • Pan
    • Oil
    • Forceps