How to do archery

Author: Janice Evans
Date Of Creation: 24 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Archery Basic Tips | How To Look Like A Pro (On Your First Day)
Video: Archery Basic Tips | How To Look Like A Pro (On Your First Day)


Archery is a great sport. Although the bow and arrow have been used for millennia, their popularity has only grown in the twenty-first century. For example, in the United States after the release of the film "The Hunger Games", the number of archers increased by forty-eight percent. The main thing is not to try to knock something off the head of the person with an arrow, and then all the participants will have a good time. This article will show you how to get started with archery!


Method 1 of 4: Target Shooting

  1. 1 Target shooting is suitable for all ages. In particular, it is a great way to spend time with your children.
  2. 2 For target shooting, you will need a compound or recurve bow. You will also need an archery target.
    • A recursive bow with a taut bowstring resembles one and a half periods of a sinusoid. The long bow looks like a simple arc.
    • If you love The Hunger Games movie, know that Katniss had a recurve bow.
  3. 3 Find a shooting spot. Archery galleries and archery clubs operate in many cities.
    • Local archery clubs can be found at archery competitions. Competitions and trainings are held at shooting ranges.
    • Information about clubs and competitions can be found on the website of the International Federation of Archery (FITA).
    • If you intend to shoot outside the range, take steps to set up the target safely for those around you.
  4. 4 Learn to fire. As with any business, there are tricks and skills in archery that are best learned from the very beginning.
    • Sign up for archery lessons. It is better to look for a mentor on the recommendation of friends. If you don't know anyone to ask, check with the shooting range or shooting range.
    • Instructors and mentors usually provide equipment so you don't have to buy your own before you know what you need.
  5. 5 Buy your own gear. After a few lessons, the instructor will help you choose your own equipment.
    • There are many reasons not to buy gear right away. In addition to different types of bows, there are different characteristics of force and length of draw, which are selected individually. In order not to guess what kind of bow you need, it's best to get comfortable with shooting first.

Method 2 of 4: Bow Hunting

  1. 1 Bow hunting requires special equipment. Many train for bow hunting with no previous hunting experience and never hunting.
  2. 2 Many hunters think that bow hunting is more sporty than hunting with a firearm. Bow hunting requires more concentration and hunting skills.
    • Bow hunters follow strict hunting laws and customs and do not kill animals for fun.
  3. 3 Compound bows are commonly used for hunting. The bowstring in such bows is pulled through a block system.
    • Compound bows are better for hunting, as the arrows from such bows fly farther, faster and more accurately. Compound bows are often equipped with aiming systems to help the archer shoot more accurately.
    • Shooting a compound bow requires chest and hand protection as the string can cause serious damage. Women with large breasts often hunt with a gun instead of a bow for this very reason.
    • For hunting, you can use a long or a recurve bow, but a block bow will be preferable for the above reasons.
    • Someone may prefer a crossbow for hunting.
  4. 4 Join a hunting society. They exist throughout Russia. The contacts of the society of hunters can be specified in the hunting store, or in the weapons store.
    • Bow hunters can show where they hunt. Shooting in the woods is different from training on the range, it takes some getting used to.
  5. 5 Bow hunting is a challenge. It doesn't matter who you hunt: deer, elk, wild boar or other game.

Method 3 of 4: Traditional Archery

  1. 1 Traditional archery is suitable for the purist. For such shooting, long and recurve bows are used (with minimal use of modern technology).
    • Before moving on to a traditional bow, it is best to master modern archery at the shooting range first.
  2. 2 The choice of traditional bow is up to you. Many are trying to buy the most authentic bow they can find. Others try to acquire a bow similar to the one from which his ancestors shot.
  3. 3 With a traditional bow, start training at the range.

Method 4 of 4: The Japanese Art of Archery (Kyudo)

  1. 1 In Japan, they practice their archery path called Kyudo.
    • For Kyudo, very long bows are used, which are held in a special grip. It is impossible to master this art without a mentor.
  2. 2 Kyudo is not as popular outside of Japan as karate, judo, and other martial arts. However, it is gradually gaining popularity.
    • You can find the nearest Kyudo club on the website of the International Kyudo Federation. and the Russian Federation of Kyudo.
    • Kyudo equipment is more expensive than regular archery equipment, especially if you are going to order real Japanese equipment.


  • It is not necessary to hunt from a hunting bow. Often the word "hunting" simply means a category of equipment.
  • Finding an archery instructor (especially for a traditional bow) will not be easy. Try to contact your local amateur or professional archery organization to find a coach, instructor, mentor and other archers in your area.
  • If you can't find an archery instructor, consider other sports.


  • Do not engage in archery to shoot people, even for fun.
  • Do not purchase archery equipment without consulting your instructor.
  • Expect to spend $ 400 to $ 1000 or more on range equipment.