How to make a slime from shampoo and toothpaste

Author: Janice Evans
Date Of Creation: 24 July 2021
Update Date: 23 June 2024
No GLUE - 2018 How to make Shampoo and Toothpaste Slime
Video: No GLUE - 2018 How to make Shampoo and Toothpaste Slime


1 Pour some thick shampoo into a small bowl. Choose a shampoo that is thick. It will be better if the shampoo turns out to be white or opaque. Pour a couple of tablespoons (about 30 ml) of shampoo into a small bowl.
  • If the shampoo is white, you can add 1-2 drops of food coloring.
  • Consider the smell of the shampoo. Subsequently, the toothpaste will give the slime a light mint flavor, so a mint shampoo works better than a fruit shampoo.
  • 2 Add some toothpaste to the bowl. It is best to use an opaque solid color paste (white or greenish), but you can also try the striped version of the toothpaste. The volume of the toothpaste should be a quarter of the volume of the shampoo. About one teaspoon will be sufficient.
    • From practical experience, Colgate toothpaste works best for the recipe, but other brands of toothpaste can be tried.
  • 3 Mix the ingredients together with a toothpick. As you mix shampoo and toothpaste together, they form a gooey substance. The whole process will take about a minute.
    • If you don't have a toothpick, use an equally small object, such as an ice cream stick or small spoon.
  • 4 If required, add more shampoo to the toothpaste and continue mixing the ingredients. If the mucus is too hard, add more shampoo to it. If it turns out to be too runny, add more toothpaste. Stir the ingredients for another minute or so until the mucus is uniform in color and texture.
    • There is no right or wrong way to make slimes. In most cases, it all depends on personal preference.
    • Don't worry if at this stage the resulting mucus turns out to be too much viscous. You need to freeze it to aid in compaction.
  • 5 Place the mucus in the freezer for 10-60 minutes. After 10 minutes, check the condition of the slime. It should become dense, but not hard like ice. If the mucus is still very viscous, leave it in the freezer for another 50 minutes.
  • 6 Knead the slime in your hands until it softens again. Remove the slime from the freezer. Roll, squeeze and crease it with your fingers until it becomes soft and stringy again.
    • The mucus will no longer return to the sticky texture it had before you put it in the freezer.
  • 7 Play with the slime. The resulting slime will be very thick, almost like chewing gum for your hands. It can be flattened, squeezed and stretched. When you're done playing with the slime, put it in a small plastic container with a lid.
    • The slime will dry out eventually, so just throw it away when it starts to harden.
  • Method 2 of 3: Making Monster Slime

    1. 1 Pour some two-in-one shampoo into a bowl. This type of shampoo is usually thicker and slimmer than others, making it an ideal base for making monster slime. You will need 1–2 tablespoons (15–30 ml) of shampoo.
      • You can try different shampoos and find, in a practical way, the one that works best for your recipe.
    2. 2 Squirt some opaque toothpaste into a bowl. Use half as much toothpaste as shampoo. If you want a slimmer monster slime, add even less toothpaste.
      • You can use any toothpaste you want, but from experience it is best to use Colgate.
    3. 3 Combine the ingredients with a toothpick. You can also use an ice cream stick or small spoon. Continue stirring the ingredients until you get a gooey gooey slime. The whole process will take about a minute.
      • Change the mixing direction regularly. Stir the composition several times in one direction, then in the other, and so on.
    4. 4 Adjust the consistency of the mucus if necessary. If you think the "monster slime" is too slimy, add more toothpaste to it. If, on the contrary, it is not slimy enough, add more shampoo. And do not forget to mix the composition thoroughly after adding the ingredients, taking about a minute of your time to do this.
      • Add ingredients in small doses: use about a pea for toothpaste and about a grape for shampoo.
    5. 5 Play with the slime. This type of mucus sticks well. It is stringy and sticky, and also quite dense, and this is how you can imagine "monster slime". When you're done playing with the slime, place it in a small plastic jar with a tight lid.
      • Eventually, the mucus will harden. When this happens, throw it away to make yourself a new one.

    Method 3 of 3: How to make a salted slime

    1. 1 Pour some shampoo into a small bowl. One or two (15-30 ml) tablespoons will be sufficient. You can use almost any shampoo you want, but thick white shampoos are best for the recipe.
      • If you use a white shampoo but want a colored slime, add 1-2 drops of food coloring to the shampoo.
    2. 2 Add some toothpaste there too. The volume of the toothpaste should be about a third of the volume of the shampoo. You can use any toothpaste. Opaque toothpastes are most commonly used in this kind of recipe, but clear gel-type toothpastes can also be used.
      • Don't worry too much about the exact proportions. Remember that you can always add any of the ingredients later to achieve the desired consistency.
    3. 3 Stir the ingredients until smooth. This can be done with a toothpick, an ice cream stick, or a small spoon. Continue stirring the ingredients until you get a uniform color and texture. Don't worry if the composition hasn't looked like mucus yet.
    4. 4 Add a pinch of salt and stir the ingredients again. Continue stirring the ingredients until the shampoo, toothpaste, and salt turn into mucus. This process will take about a minute. At this stage, the composition will already be more like a slimy slime.
      • Salt is an amazing ingredient that can turn shampoo and toothpaste into mucus. If possible, use regular table salt to create a slime. Lumpy rock salt will be difficult to stir.
    5. 5 Continuing to stir the mucus, adjust its consistency. While stirring the composition, continue to add shampoo, toothpaste and salt to it a little bit. The slime will be ready when the composition begins to detach itself from the walls of the bowl.
      • There are no clear requirements for making slime; most of the process comes down to choosing the combination of ingredients that will allow you to achieve the texture of the composition that you like.
    6. 6 Play with the slime. The resulting slime will be thick and lush. It can be squeezed, crumpled and stretched. When you get tired of playing with it, put it in a small plastic container with a lid.
      • Eventually, the slime will harden. When this happens, throw it away to prepare a new one.


    • The longevity of the slime depends on what it is made of and how long you play with it. Some types of toothpaste and shampoo dry faster than others.
    • Many people have successfully used Colgate Toothpaste and Dove Shampoo in their recipes.
    • At first, toothpaste may not mix well with shampoo. Just keep stirring until the ingredients are combined.
    • If you have colored toothpaste, use a white or clear shampoo with it, otherwise the final color of the slime may not turn out very good.
    • If you have white toothpaste, try a colored shampoo. Then the mucus will take on the color of a shampoo.
    • If you want to make a colored slime, mix a drop of food coloring with a white or colorless shampoo and then add to it white toothpaste.
    • For glistening mucus, try a gel-based toothpaste (these types of toothpastes often have glistening blotches). You can also add fine glitter to your shampoo.
    • If you can't make a slime, try a different brand of shampoo and toothpaste.
    • Experiment! Replace your shampoo with a balm, liquid soap, or conditioner. Try sugar instead of salt. See what happens!
    • The slime is almost always quite sticky, so don't be discouraged if your slime comes out very sticky.
    • If the mucus is sticky, add 1 tablespoon of cornstarch (or flour) to it and stir. Continue adding starch until you have the desired mucus texture.
    • If you don't need a lot of mucus, try using just 1 teaspoon of shampoo to make just as much mucus as you need.


    • Mucus cannot last forever, even if you keep it in an airtight container. Eventually it will dry out.

    What do you need

    The simplest slime

    • Small bowl
    • Thick shampoo
    • Toothpaste
    • Toothpick
    • Freezer
    • Small container with lid

    "Monster Slime"

    • Small bowl
    • Shampoo two in one
    • Toothpaste
    • Toothpick
    • Small container with lid

    Salty slime

    • Small bowl
    • Thick shampoo
    • Toothpaste
    • Salt
    • Toothpick
    • Freezer
    • Small container with lid