How to Score Bowling Points

Author: Alice Brown
Date Of Creation: 28 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Scoring Bowling
Video: Scoring Bowling


Most modern bowling alleys have automatic scoring systems that you will see on monitors. But you must be able to do it yourself, in case the system does not work, or if you want to play mini-bowling in the yard. Also, knowing how to score points yourself will help you understand the game better.


Method 1 of 2: Basic Principles

  1. 1 Learn the basic rules of the game. The bowling game consists of 10 FRAMES (Frame). For each frame, the player is allowed to make two throws to knock down all 10 pins.
    • If the player needed 2 balls to shoot down all 10 pins on any frame, then the player is awarded a Spare. For example, a player can shoot 7 pins on the first throw and 3 on the second.
    • If a player does not knock down any of the 10 pins on the first throw, but then knocks them all off on the second, then he is still awarded a spa, not a strike, because it took him 2 balls to knock down the pins.
    • An open frame is obtained when the player does not hit any of the pins on both throws.
  2. 2 How to read the scoring table. The table shows the player's name and each of the ten frames played, followed by the total score. In each square of the frame (except for the last one) there are 2 more squares, where the number of pins knocked down for each throw is recorded.
    • The last tenth frame is divided into three squares. It records the results of the third throw, which must be made when the player has a strike or a spa on the tenth frame.
  3. 3 Define additional symbols. You and your friends may need to figure out how you will mark certain situations on the chart that are sometimes not listed in the rules.
    • “Z” or “F” can denote a spade (or foul) - this is when a player steps over the line at the beginning of the track, and for which he receives zero points.
    • If the player gets Split, then you can circle the score, or write the letter "S" in front of the number of pins knocked down. A split occurs when a player knocks down the center pin, but the corner pins are not knocked down.
    • If the center point is not knocked down, then the terms “Wide” or “washed” (Washout) are used. You can designate this situation with the letter "W".

Method 2 of 2: Scoring

  1. 1 Open frame. When counting the open frame, you just need to add the number of pins hit after the first throw with the number of pins hit after the second. This will be the total point for this frame.
    • In bowling, points are counted incrementally. The new score is added to the previous one and recorded in the square of each frame. For example, if on the first frame the player knocks 3 pins after the first throw and 2 pins after the second, then the number 5 is written in the square of the first frame. If the player knocks a total of 7 pins on the second frame, then the number 12 is written in the square of the second frame.
  2. 2 How to calculate SPA. If the player has a spa, then the number of pins knocked down from the first throw is recorded in the first square, and an oblique line is put in the second square.
    • For spa, 10 points are given, plus the number of pins that the player knocks down on the next throw. For example, if a player gets a spa on the first frame, and then he knocks down 7 pins after the first throw during the second frame, then the number 17 is written in the square of the first frame.
  3. 3 How to calculate the strike. If the player throws a strike, then he is given an X in the box for the first throw.
    • A strike counts 10 points, plus the number of pins hit over the next 2 throws. For example, if a player has a strike on the first frame, and then on the second frame he knocks down 5 pins after the first throw and 4 pins after the second, then the total score is 19 in the square of the first frame.
    • If a player strikes and then strikes again, then the points are still added according to the results of the next throws. Thus, if the player has strikes on all three frames, then the total score for the first frame will be 30.
  4. 4 How to write combinations. For beginners, it all looks a little confusing. Let's check this: if you hit a strike on the first frame, split (7 | /) on the second, and 9 points on the third, what will be the final score?
    • We hope you get 48. For the first frame you get 20 (strike plus space = 10 + 10), in the second frame you write 39 (20 + 10 + 9), and in the third frame - 48 (39 +9).

What do you need

  • Paper
  • Pen-pencil
  • Bowling Accessories