How to pretend you're fine without him

Author: Janice Evans
Date Of Creation: 23 July 2021
Update Date: 16 September 2024
Imagine Dragons - It’s Time (Lyrics)
Video: Imagine Dragons - It’s Time (Lyrics)


If you are reading this page, then most likely some guy hurt you. Here are some strategies to move on and prove to him that you are not only better off without him, but that you are happier now than ever.


Method 1 of 3: Avoid It

  1. 1 Do not communicate with him and do not answer him if he tries to make contact with you. If you are constantly texting or texting, you will inevitably be sucked back into the "maelstrom of drama." Do not do that! Just limit your communication, at least for a while.Thus, he will understand that you do not miss him, and you will have the opportunity to move on.
  2. 2 Cut off all social media connections. It might be tempting to show you how great you’re having a great time without it, but it’s a trap. You will most likely spend time looking at his profile and tracking changes in it. Your best bet would be to remove him from friends or block his profile and the profiles of his friends you know, at least for a while. When you feel that you have completely overcome this situation, you can think about the need to add him again as a friend or send him a message to restore communication.
  3. 3 Get rid of things that remind you of him. If he left something in your house, send those things back to him. If you have a lot of things that remind you of your time together, get them out of sight. You don’t need to throw things away, but it’s better to put them in a box. Clear your space and start over.
  4. 4 Don't ignore him if you bump into him. Be friendly, but don't socialize for too long. It's like he's someone you don't know well. Ignoring him too demonstratively will show him that you are upset. If he thinks you are still thinking about him, then he can make more promises with you. Try to end the conversation first.
  5. 5 Make him work if he wants to get your attention. Don't react or respond to anything other than a truly respectful attitude. If he wants you to devote time to him, he needs to be really polite, sweet, and respectful of your feelings, but don't get hung up on that. Just be calm and try not to hurt anyone, even if they deserve it.

Method 2 of 3: Stay Cool

  1. 1 Know that he really doesn't deserve you. If he made you feel bad about yourself for whatever reason, you will be much better off without him in life. Don't blame yourself for what happened. Remember, you deserve someone who values ​​you and treats you with respect. It always hurts when you are rejected, but you will be much happier if you hang out with people who treat you with respect.
  2. 2 Talk to your friends. They, too, have watched your relationship many times. It might sound cliché, but you should stock up on a few romantic comedies, buy a ton of ice cream and a bottle of wine, and spend the evening watching TV with your girlfriends. Laugh, shout on the screen that real guys never behave like that, talk about what you want from the next guy who appears in your life - just enjoy the company. Good friends will remind you of what a fun and wonderful person you are, and you won't feel lonely.
  3. 3 Try not to be jealous. If a new girl appears in the arena, then remember that it is not her fault that he chose her. And that doesn't make her better than you. Do not react if she or he informs you of a new relationship in person. Be cool in this situation and others (including your ex) will respect yours for it.
  4. 4 Don't jump into new relationships. Enjoy life without a boyfriend for a while. You may feel better for a little while, but after a while, you will start to yearn for your ex. Instead, do the things that you have not had time to do, busy with your relationship.

Method 3 of 3: Treat Yourself

  1. 1 Boost your social life. You should not sit and sour, leave the house and move in. When you are focused on another person, you yourself can become isolated in a small world with that person, and your social life may suffer. This is a great time to explore what you almost lost. Meet new people, go to parties, organize events with your friends yourself, join various clubs and volunteer organizations.All of these things will remind you that you don't need this guy to have a good time and give you the opportunity to meet someone in the future.
  2. 2 Dress attractively wherever you go. Treat yourself to new clothes or makeup. Remember to smile and walk in your best clothes. Your self-esteem may have been dealt a devastating blow, especially if someone else chose you. A chic appearance will help you feel confident and remind you of what a chic "find" you are. Your new look will attract new fans and perhaps help ignite the old flame, and someone will understand what he is losing.
  3. 3 Take a trip. There is nothing better than a trip to clear your head and remember what a big, wonderful world you live in. Regardless of whether a certain guy likes you. Go on an exotic trip, visit old friends, or just relax for a couple of days at the resort. Take more photos. And if he's still looking at your social media profile, he'll see you are having a great time.


  • Pretending you're okay without it isn't as great as being actually okay without it. Move forward and everything will happen naturally.