How to lose weight by walking

Author: Marcus Baldwin
Date Of Creation: 18 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Walking is the best exercise to lose weight, control diabetes and cholesterol
Video: Walking is the best exercise to lose weight, control diabetes and cholesterol


Physical activity is a prerequisite for losing weight. Losing weight and maintaining weight without sports is extremely difficult. While walking is not considered a high-intensity exercise, it will allow you to spice up your day, shed excess calories, and improve your fitness level. If you walk for at least 30 minutes every day, you can expend 150 more calories daily. In addition, walking, as opposed to running fast or slow, is suitable for many people due to its low stress on the body. To lose weight faster, try to walk more often.


Method 1 of 4: Walking for Weight Loss

  1. 1 Follow the technique of the exercise. Yes, this is also important when walking! Walking is a low-intensity type of exercise, but if you do it incorrectly, the risk of muscle pain and injury increases.
    • When walking, take your shoulders back, lower them and do not pinch them. The head should be raised. Look straight ahead.
    • Step first with your heel. Always try to step on your foot from heel to toe.Push off the ground with your toes.
    • Move your arms back and forth to involve the whole body. This should be done in the opposite direction to the movement of the legs.
  2. 2 Try to walk for at least 30 minutes a day, as many days a week as possible. Doctors recommend that you devote at least 150 minutes of physical activity weekly.
    • Walking for half an hour five days a week will help you achieve this goal (150 minutes, or approximately 2.5 hours a week), but it is enough just to maintain your weight.
    • Most health professionals recommend walking 45 minutes as many times a week as possible. This will allow you to burn more calories in one walk.
    • If 45 minutes is too much for you, start with 10, 20, or 30 minutes. You should be able to gradually come up to 30 and 45 minutes.
  3. 3 Increase your speed gradually. Over time, it is important to start walking not only longer, but also faster. High intensity will help you achieve your weight loss goals more quickly.
    • Scientists have found that short, vigorous walking burns more calories than long and slow walking. Brisk walking can help you lose belly fat, especially for women.
    • Try to gradually transition to vigorous walking. If you're measuring your speed on a treadmill, brisk walking is walking at 6.5 kilometers per hour. Brisk walking can burn up to 550 calories per hour, but it all depends on the age, weight, gender and fitness level of the person.
  4. 4 Increase the intensity gradually. If you have been walking for several weeks and want to increase your exercise and energy expenditure, you will need to assess your current exercise level and find a way to increase it.
    • Exercising at moderate intensity means you can walk and talk and still have enough air. If you exercise at a moderately high to high intensity, you are short of breath for long phrases - you can only speak single words.
    • Not only can you increase your speed and intensity, there are other ways to increase your energy expenditure.
    • Try walking uphill or pushing a stroller in front of you, if you have one. Can be worn in a backpack that suits you perfectly, weights for your legs or arms. Wear them for 1-2 minutes and then put them in your backpack. Walking with arm or leg weights for 20 minutes or longer can cause joint problems in your knees, hips, shoulders, and elbows and lead to injury. If you are working with weights, only use them for a short time.
  5. 5 Rest 1-2 days a week. Regular rest is important for anyone involved in sports. This helps the body to recover.
    • Too much stress can lead to injury, pain and fatigue.
    • Take a break from your workouts every few days. You can practice for two days, and then rest for one day.
    • On rest days, try to keep an active lifestyle. Instead of walking, you can do stretching exercises or do yoga.

Method 2 of 4: How to stay motivated

  1. 1 Join a walking club. While many people enjoy walking, staying motivated for long periods of time can be difficult. To make sports more fun, meet like-minded people.
    • You can search for information about these groups in your gym or on the Internet. People get together from time to time and walk together. Often, large groups are divided into small ones - according to the level of training.
    • Scientists have found that a person is more likely to stick to their training system if they are studying with a friend or other acquaintance.
    • If you can't find such a club, start your own. Invite friends, family, or colleagues to join you. For example, walk with coworkers during your lunch break at work.
  2. 2 Buy a pedometer and install fitness apps. A pedometer, special applications and fitness programs on the Internet will help you not to leave the business halfway.
    • Pedometers are very popular.They can be different - in the form of an application for the phone, a clock element or a separate device. Research shows that pedometers motivate people and inspire a competitive spirit. Many people like to break their own records or overtake their friends who also count steps.
    • There is another way to always enjoy walking - fitness programs on the Internet. Many of them allow you to sync data with a pedometer and compare your metrics with those of other users you follow. You can compete with others - who took the most steps and walked the longest distance.
  3. 3 Diversify your workouts. Walking is enjoyable, but walking can get bored over time. To prevent this from happening, try to diversify your workouts.
    • If you usually walk on a treadmill, try outside. There you can breathe fresh air, enjoy beautiful views and be in nature. On weekends, you can walk in the nearby park.
    • To make walking more interesting, record good music or podcasts on your phone. This will keep you focused, motivated, and fun to walk. Take with you as many different notes as possible.
  4. 4 Come up with rewards for yourself. Whatever sport you play and whatever your goals, figure out how to reward yourself, as this will motivate you to continue working.
    • Rewards for achieving weight loss and fitness goals have a significant impact on a person's motivation.
    • Reward yourself for being able to walk for a certain amount of time, or for losing the first 5 kilograms, or for walking the right distance.
    • If you're losing weight, don't reward yourself with food. Choose something non-food-related: buy yourself a new pair of sneakers or new sportswear, download new music.

Method 3 of 4: Changing Your Weight Loss Diet

  1. 1 Get rid of excess calories. Regular walking, including vigorous walking, can help you lose weight, and dietary changes can speed up the process.
    • To lose weight faster, you should reduce the number of calories you enter your body from food. If you cut your diet by 500 calories per day, you can lose weight by 0.5-1 kilograms per week.
    • First of all, start keeping a food diary every day. Record all meals, including snacks and drinks. Use an online calculator to calculate the calories you eat in a day.
    • Subtract 500 calories from that amount and set a new goal for yourself. This will allow you to lose weight.
  2. 2 Choose lean protein sources. If you are counting calories and monitoring changes in weight, it is important for you to choose foods that will help you lose weight.
    • Lean protein has fewer calories. Eat 85-115 grams of protein with every meal.
    • Lean protein includes poultry, eggs, low-fat dairy, lean beef, tofu, legumes, lean pork, and seafood.
  3. 3 Eat more vegetables and fruits. Like lean protein, fruits and vegetables are low in calories, which means they can help you lose weight and diet more easily.
    • Fruits and vegetables are low in calories and high in fiber, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.
    • These foods will help you feel fuller longer with fewer calories. These foods fill the stomach well.
    • In addition to lean protein, eat 1–2 servings of fruits and vegetables with each meal. Plan to eat 150 grams of vegetables, 50 grams of green leafy vegetables, or 75 grams of fruit.
  4. 4 Include whole grains in your diet. This is another group of foods that will keep you from feeling hungry with a small amount of calories.
    • Whole grains have minimal processing and are high in fiber, protein, and other important nutrients. Like fruits and vegetables, these foods fill your stomach without adding many extra calories.
    • Limit your intake of processed grains such as white rice, white bread, and regular pasta. Instead, eat 1–2 servings (30–60 grams) of whole grains a day: oatmeal, quinoa, brown rice, and whole grain bread.
  5. 5 Limit junk food and junk food. If you want to lose weight, you should eat more of some foods and less of others. Harmful food is often very tasty, but if consumed regularly, it will negate all attempts to lose weight.
    • Processed foods tend to be high in calories, fat, sugar and salt compared to fresh foods (vegetables, fruits), lean protein, and whole grains.
    • Limit the following foods: junk food, fried foods, candy, cookies, pies and cakes, pastries, sugary breakfast cereals, cold meats, frozen convenience foods, canned foods, and sugary drinks.
    • If you have these foods in your refrigerator, you can indulge in small portions of these foods from time to time. If you eat this kind of food every day, it will be difficult for you to lose weight, no matter how many kilometers you walk in a day.

Method 4 of 4: Weight Loss Planning

  1. 1 Talk to your doctor. Before you start losing weight, it is important to discuss this with your doctor, especially if you intend to lose weight through physical activity in the first place.
    • Ask your doctor if you can and should lose weight. Tell him how many pounds you want to lose and how.
    • Ask your doctor if you will endanger your health by playing sports. Ask if there is anything you should know about losing weight and ask for any additional information.
    • If you find it difficult to breathe during exercise, stop exercising and see your doctor.
  2. 2 Determine your normal weight. At the beginning of the process of losing weight, you should establish how much weight will be considered the norm, taking into account the characteristics of your body. This will allow you to choose a way to lose weight and outline a time frame.
    • To calculate the weight you will aim for, you can determine your ideal body weight. This can be done using an online calculator. Enter “calculate ideal body weight” into your browser's search bar and calculate your ideal weight based on your age, gender and height.
    • Subtract your ideal weight from your current weight and you have a number to aim for.
    • You can also calculate your body mass index (BMI). Find out how much you need to weigh in order for your weight to fall into the normal body weight category.
  3. 3 Determine how many pounds you need to lose and set a deadline by which you need to lose weight. When you understand what your weight should be and when you discuss it with your doctor, set a goal and set a deadline.
    • Through walking and proper nutrition, you can lose weight by 0.5-1 kilograms per week. This is a healthy weight loss rate.
    • Mark the day on your calendar when you plan to start walking and eating right. Taking into account weight loss of 0.5-1 kilograms per week, calculate by what date you will have to reach the desired weight.
  4. 4 Enlist the support of loved ones. No matter how you plan to lose weight and how many kilograms you would need to lose, the support of loved ones is an important factor in successful weight loss.
    • Scientists have found that a person is more likely to stick to their chosen diet in the long term if supported by other people.
    • Support can be provided by a variety of people - family, friends, and even coworkers. Ask them for emotional support on your way to your ideal weight.
    • You can also invite loved ones to join your weight loss system. You will enjoy walking, and it is possible that someone will want to keep you company.


  • Make an appointment with your doctor and make sure you can walk.
  • The surest way to lose weight is a combination of exercise and nutrition.
  • Exercise can help you lose weight, but it's even more important to maintain weight.