How to look and feel good naked

Author: Joan Hall
Date Of Creation: 2 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Feel Good Naked - My Orgasmic Lifestyle by Venus O’Hara
Video: How to Feel Good Naked - My Orgasmic Lifestyle by Venus O’Hara


It's natural to feel a little uncomfortable when you are naked. Men are often as complex about their bodies as women (or even more). Being in tune with your body is the key to good self-esteem. Here are some good tips to help you look good and feel comfortable seeing your body.


  1. 1 Assess your naked body. Stand in front of a mirror and examine certain parts of the body. Which parts do you satisfy and which parts could be improved? Be honest with yourself, but not too harsh or picky.
  2. 2 Set goals for yourself. Create a list of what you would like to change. For example, losing weight in the stomach or adding muscle tone in the arms. Reconcile your goals with your action plan.
  3. 3 Practice good hygiene. This is one of the easiest ways to improve your appearance. This may take a while, but in the long run it will pay off.
    • Wash yourself regularly. Make sure your hair and body are free of dirt, grease and sweat.
    • Get rid of body hair. It's quite normal. If you have hair on your back or shoulders, use wax. Many men prefer to shave their breasts. You can also trim the hair around the genitals or shave it off completely. When it comes to body hair, make you feel comfortable and attractive.
    • Maintain your facial hair. If you are not a supporter of any facial hair, then simply shave regularly to keep the skin on your face smooth and soft. But if you are a proponent of this, then you need to maintain this vegetation in order to look good. Do not be afraid to pluck out the fused eyebrows or give them a little shape. Also, don't forget to get rid of your nose and ear hair.
    • Find the hairstyle that's right for you. It should match and highlight your natural hair type. If you are not sure about this, then you can consult a stylist.
    • Take care of your skin. Clean and healthy skin is always attractive. Find the right care for your skin type.
    • Trim your fingernails and toenails regularly.
    • Practice good oral hygiene. Brush your teeth twice a day and floss once a day. To improve the appearance of your teeth, consider whitening or straightening your teeth.
  4. 4 Lose weight as needed. Of course, this is easier said than done, but if weight loss is one of your goals, then there are many ways to do it. You can try diet, exercise, and many combinations of the two.
    • Determine exactly which body parts you would like to change. Choose a fitness plan that targets these areas.
  5. 5 Build muscle mass. Having muscle tone and definition is a great way to improve the appearance of your body. But here the only option is exercise.
    • Select the parts to be improved. For any part of the body, you can choose specific exercises. For abdominals, try crunches or other high-intensity core workouts. To tone your arms, try floor push-ups, bar chin-ups, and weightlifting.If you are looking to lose weight, choose a workout program that suits your goals.
  6. 6 Focus on your positive qualities. To look good and feel good naked, you need to highlight the parts of the body that suit you. Maybe you have beautiful strong legs or a chiseled back, or you are very proud of your whole body. Amazing! Work on the parts you think need to be improved, but at the same time focus on the areas you are happy with. One of the sexiest traits a person can possess is confidence.


  • A healthy diet can also help improve the condition of your skin and hair.
  • If this is your first time waxing, then make sure everything is done professionally for best results.
  • Be careful when shaving your genitals. Use shaving cream and a new razor to avoid irritation.
  • Many men overlook or avoid using body and face lotion. Moisturizing your skin is one of the easiest ways to improve its appearance. Find a lotion scent and texture that's right for you.
  • If you are considering dieting, then consult a dietitian to find a healthy and effective plan that is personalized to your needs.
  • To implement your plan, try working with a personal trainer to help you work towards specific goals.
  • If you are uncomfortable with pale skin color, then consider a dull tan that can be done at home or professionally.


  • Don't overdo your diet or exercise as this can lead to injury or health problems. Check with your doctor before starting a fitness or diet plan.
  • If your negative feelings about your body lead to depression or even the thought of harming yourself, talk to someone. Seek help from a close friend, family member, or professional counselor.