How to cook mung bean

Author: Marcus Baldwin
Date Of Creation: 16 June 2021
Update Date: 24 June 2024
How to Cook Mung Beans : Cooking Techniques & Recipes
Video: How to Cook Mung Beans : Cooking Techniques & Recipes


Mung bean is a delicious and versatile bean that can be added to just about any meal. This plant makes the perfect crunchy snack or healthy high-calorie dinner. Fresh beans are used in sandwiches, salads, stir-fries, or noodles. Mung bean can be seasoned, added to stews, curries, or used in place of other legumes in various recipes.


Method 1 of 4: Cooking dry mung bean

  1. 1 Go through the mung beans. Transfer them slowly to a large bowl. Review carefully. Sometimes in packages of dry mung bean come across small pebbles or other debris.
    • Any suspicious-looking beans should also be weeded out. Old shriveled fruits are very difficult to soften. They crunch unpleasantly on the teeth while eating.
  2. 2 Boil a small amount of water. Place a large saucepan on the stove and turn on high heat. Add about 0.7 liters (3 cups) fresh water and let it boil.
    • Always cook beans in cold tap water. Hot water dissolves deposits on the pipe walls, which subsequently end up in food.
  3. 3 Sprinkle in dry beans. Add 200 grams (1 cup) dry mung bean to boiling water. Stir well so that the beans are completely submerged in the water. Don't worry if some of them float on the surface. The beans will settle to the bottom as soon as they are saturated with water.
    • If you are cooking a lot of beans, use more water. For every 200 grams (1 cup) you need to take 0.7 liters (3 cups) of liquid.
    • From 200 grams (1 cup) of dry mung bean, you get 600 grams (3 cups) of boiled, that is, three servings.
  4. 4 Let the mung be boiled for 30-40 minutes. Add water and wait for it to boil again. Cook the beans over medium-low heat for 45 to 60 minutes until tender. Check readiness. Take a spoonful of mung bean, let it cool slightly and taste.
    • Small bubbles will appear on the surface of the water. Reduce heat if it bubbles heavily.
    • Do not salt until the mung bean is cooked. The beans will harden if you add salt while they are still boiling.
  5. 5 Season the dish and serve. You can grind the boiled beans and make a gravy out of them, or strain them for a hearty side dish. Mash will also complement your favorite spicy dishes well. It goes well with seasonings such as:
    • fresh herbs, onions;
    • salt, pepper and olive oil;
    • coconut milk;
    • a mixture of cilantro, coriander, cumin and ginger.

    Vanna tran

    Experienced Cook Vanna Tran is a home cook. She started cooking at a very young age with her mother. Organizing events and dinners in the San Francisco Bay Area for over 5 years.

    Vanna tran
    Experienced chef

    If you have time, soak the beans overnight. Vanna Tran, a seasoned chef, advises: "You can shorten the cooking time it takes to hydrate the beans by soaking them in cold water with a pinch of salt overnight."

Method 2 of 4: Slow Cooking the Beans

  1. 1 Sort the beans and transfer them to a slow cooker. Slowly transfer the mung bean to the bowl, carefully reviewing. If you come across pebbles or very hard beans, remove them and discard them, otherwise you could ruin your teeth while eating.
    • When in doubt, throw the suspicious beans in the trash. For example, if it is difficult to determine how long ago the mung bean was prepared, it is better not to risk it and not use it.
  2. 2 Add the mung bean liquid. For every 200 grams (1 cup) of beans, take 0.7 liters (3 cups) of water, vegetable or meat broth. Don't pour too much.
    • Most instruments have a boundary line on the inside. If not, pour only half of the bowl.
  3. 3 Add spices to a slow cooker. Add onion, garlic, or bay leaf. But do not rush to salt, but wait until the beans are cooked so that they do not harden. Other aromatic seasonings can be used:
    • butter;
    • curry seasoning;
    • shallot;
    • ginger.
  4. 4 Cook the beans. Place the lid on the slow cooker and turn on the appliance. The low temperature setting will cook the mung bean for 6.5 hours and will end up looking like a cream soup. You can also use the "high temperature" mode; in this case, the beans need to be cooked for 3 hours, and as a result, you will get a complete first course.
    • After an hour, periodically check the mung bean for readiness. The dish can be eaten when the beans have become soft and tender in taste.
  5. 5 Season the mung bean and serve. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Then serve the dish immediately. If you add a little liquid to the beans, you get a vegetable soup. They also go well with rice or by themselves will become an appetizing and healthy side dish.
    • Leftover mung bean can be refrigerated for up to five days.

Method 3 of 4: What to Eat Sprouted Beans With

  1. 1 Spoon the dry beans into a large bowl. Transfer the mung bean to the bowl very slowly, examining each fruit. This way you can find small stones or very hard beans, which sometimes come across.
    • If a bean looks suspicious, it's best not to risk it and throw it away.
  2. 2 Pour water on top of the mung bean. Measure out 0.5-0.7 liters (2-3 cups) of liquid for every 200 grams (1 cup) of beans. Pour in the beans. Don't worry if some of them float to the surface. They will sink to the bottom as soon as they absorb water.
    • Cover the bowl with a lid or wrap in plastic wrap.
  3. 3 Soak the mung bean for 24 hours. Place the bowl in a cool, dark place for at least 24 hours. The beans will absorb the water and germinate. Choose a safe storage location to avoid accidentally spilling the contents of the dishes. For this purpose, the following are perfect:
    • far corner of the kitchen cabinet;
    • place under the sink;
    • unused cabinet.
  4. 4 Strain and cover the beans. After 24 hours, you can pour the entire mixture into a colander or carefully drain the water over the kitchen sink. Then cover the bowl with a piece of cheesecloth, a tissue paper, or a thin kitchen towel.This prevents dirt from entering the dish and leaves fresh air.
    • Place the beans back in a cool, dark place to keep them germinating.
    • Gauze can be purchased at most grocery stores, drug stores, cheese shops, and online.
  5. 5 Examine the beans carefully. After a day or two, take out the mung bean and decide if you can already eat it. Sprouted beans with small white tails will break in half. If you want large sprouts, let them germinate for a few more hours.
    • Do not germinate mung bean for more than a few days, or the beans will become watery and tasteless.
  6. 6 Serve to the table. First, rinse the sprouted beans under cold running water to remove any dirt. Let them dry for a few minutes, then place on a plate on a paper towel. Serve immediately afterwards. The most successful serving methods:
    • bean salad;
    • fresh mung bean garnish with olive oil, salt and pepper;
    • a healthy sandwich with sprouted beans.

Method 4 of 4: Cooking with mung bean

  1. 1 Substitute other types of legumes. Many recipes can use mung bean instead of peas, chickpeas, or lentils. For example, cook falafel and add mung beans instead of soaked chickpeas. Also, mung bean is a great substitute for other legumes:
    • in pea soup;
    • in a cold chickpea salad;
    • in a warm lentil salad.
  2. 2 Add sprouted beans to any spicy food. Mash belongs to universal products. This crunchy and healthy ingredient can be added to a salad or used to make stir-fries. Here are some alternative ways to prepare freshly sprouted mung beans:
    • add them to sandwiches;
    • make your favorite vegetable soup out of them;
    • Cook the side dish for the Asian noodles.
  3. 3 Make curry with mash. The beans go well with the traditional additions to this sauce, such as the spice mix garam masala, coconut milk, ginger and lime. Search the Internet for new recipes for its preparation. If you add boiled beans, the liquid seasoning is much healthier and tastier. Here are some of the most successful sauce recipes:
    • Indonesian curry, such as baked fish curry;
    • Palak Panir, Indian curry;
    • slow cooked chicken curry.