How to become a model if you are a teenager

Author: Marcus Baldwin
Date Of Creation: 16 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
16 Models Explain How They Got Their Start | The Models | Vogue
Video: 16 Models Explain How They Got Their Start | The Models | Vogue


The fashion industry is great and modeling can become a passion. Tyra Banks started modeling at just 15 years old! Getting started when you're a teenager can be a really good way to become a model.


  1. 1 Tell your parents that you are interested in modeling. If they object, then just leave it. If they think this is a good idea, then start working in this direction. You can star in performances, go to a training center or studio, or delve directly into the world of models. It's important to remember that great models started when they were teenagers - same as you!
  2. 2 Performances are a great way to help with your future career. Experiencing is great, but just because someone else has more experience than you doesn't mean they are better than you. Everyone starts with what you have.
  3. 3 Create a portfolio. * Portfolio creation is the same as for older and experienced models, you and a parent / guardian can go to email classifieds or professional photographer sites to find a photographer looking for a model to build a portfolio, some of them may even do it for free. This is called TFP, which you can do as a teenager. T.F.P is an abbreviation for Print Time. You give your free time in exchange for photos in your portfolio.
  4. 4 Show your parents what you have researched and found out. Write it, print it or Show them. Make sure you present it in a way that will delight your parents and also have fun!
  5. 5 Make sure you have all the information, such as how much it costs and how often you will go to model school. If they decide that you should take extra classes, your teachers will help you. But if your parents won't let you go to modeling school, there's still hope! It's not about who attended the most expensive classes or was the best teacher, it's about you and building your portfolio and skills for a successful future.
  6. 6 Search the internet for jobs for models of your age.
    • Although you are a teenager, it is important to remember to behave professionally, show up early, be pleasant, and present your portfolio in a good way.
  7. 7 Practice to create your own catwalk gait. Make it your trademark. The generally accepted style of gait is shoulders back and relaxed, hip wagging slightly, legs straight and one leg in front of the other.
    • Remember not to jump or wiggle your hips too much.
    • The designer you will be working for will likely give some advice on how he wants you to go on show based on the design of their clothes: be it modern or more outlandish, be prepared to change your gait.
  8. 8 Remember, always be nice to the people you meet in model shows and contests, and the photographers you work with. You never know when you will see them again. Connections are very important in modeling, this is show business, after all.
  9. 9 Be prepared for whatever audience you come across. Some people may like you, some may not. Take all of this as "constructive criticism" and reveal your inner Anna Wintour.


  • Take care of your body and appearance.
  • Be yourself and remember to smile.
  • Feel comfortable working as a model.
  • Remember that although you are younger and less experienced than the adult models, the most successful models started at your age, do not be alarmed or think that you too youngbecause there are many opportunities for you, almost as many as there are for adult women.
  • Treat everything professionally.


  • Beware of scammers.
  • Beware of people on social media Myspace and Facebook. If someone comments rudely, remember that it is most likely not because of you, but because of their sense of insignificance. Send them to haters and move on with your head held high.
  • Many modeling careers end after mid / late twenties, depending on how old you are now, so have a backup plan after modeling. However, if your family members tend to age gracefully, don't worry, you may have more time. In addition, there are lifestyle models ranging in age from fifty or more.
  • Just because you go to modeling school doesn't mean you will be a successful model.
  • Model schools are very expensive. (About $ 1,000 (about 35,000 rubles) or more) But this can pay off in the long run. Make sure that you really want to be a model before you invest that kind of money.
    • However, we do not think that you must go to modeling school, though, this is not a requirement, and no one will deny you a job based on this fact. All of this is an additional boost in self-confidence. The confidence you can get simply from having a well done portfolio.