
How to use an oscilloscope

How to use an oscilloscope

cared by the many control on a cathode-ray o cillo cope (ELO)? Do not be afraid! They won't be a difficult to u e once you learn a few ba ic . 1 Before turning on the o cillo cope, make ure the i...

How to convert text to curves in Photoshop

How to convert text to curves in Photoshop

In thi article, you will learn how to convert text to curve to re hape or edit individual character . 1 Open or create a Photo hop file. To do thi , double-click the blue P icon, click File in the men...

How to Quickly Prepare Wild Chick Food

How to Quickly Prepare Wild Chick Food

It i impo ible to pa by a hungry chick. Of cour e, the parent or the taff of the bird rehabilitation center hould feed the chick, but ometime it need to be done urgently - for example, if the parent d...

How to Email Photos from Android Phone

How to Email Photos from Android Phone

If you add a mail ervice account to your Android device, you can end photo taken with it camera from the device. If your email account ha not yet been added to your device, you can do thi through the ...

How to make a rose from a tissue napkin

How to make a rose from a tissue napkin

1 Place the napkin in front of you. Be ure to only u e a cloth, not paper. The larger your napkin, the ea ier it will be to fold. To make a ro e from a napkin, it mu t be quare. 2 Fold the napkin in h...

How to use the punching pliers

How to use the punching pliers

U ing the hole punching plier , it i ea y to in ert the eyelet into the de ired material. Thi article explain how to u e them. 1 Cut a hole in the material where you want to in ert the grommet. Thi ho...

How to care for a Chihuahua

How to care for a Chihuahua

Chihuahua care ha it peculiaritie due to the mall ize of the dog . uch a dog need a loving family in which to take care of it. If you want to care for your Chihuahua with the re pect it de erve , then...

How to make your life more exciting

How to make your life more exciting

You don't have to con tantly look for omeone pecial to change your life, do it your elf. 1 Change your elf. No matter what activity you choo e, find omething that will change you. Get rid of your ...

How to tell if your knuckle is broken

How to tell if your knuckle is broken

A broken knuckle can be very painful. In addition, uch a fracture can complicate your life, e pecially if you need to do omething with your hand while working. ometime it' hard to tell if a finger...

How to talk to your wife or girlfriend about oral sex

How to talk to your wife or girlfriend about oral sex

Many men find oral ex a one of the mo t attractive way to expre their love and pa ion. However, not all girl are ready to have oral ex without di cu ing it with a partner. Having an hone t conver atio...

How to use Windows 8

How to use Windows 8

Window 8 belong to the new generation of Micro oft Window operating y tem . Many feature of the y tem have remained unchanged from Window 7, and the rede igned de ign ha become more convenient for u e...

How to calculate the CPI

How to calculate the CPI

The con umer price index (CPI) i a mea ure of change in the price of a product over time. It require cen u data, con umer urvey , and product rating by importance. To calculate a imple CPI, you only n...

How to create a made-up word

How to create a made-up word

A tudent at Ea tern Illinoi Univer ity named Nick Kaltenbronn argued that he could form a meaningle word, and within 48 hour the word would be on everyone' lip , and people would come up with a me...

How to get rich (article for children)

How to get rich (article for children)

Have you ever wanted omething, but your parent refu ed to buy it for you? If you had your own money, you could buy everything your elf. There are everal way to get rich. Try to ell unnece ary item , d...

How to dive into the pool

How to dive into the pool

1 Find a deep pool. When diving, you fir t of all dive into the water with your head, o to avoid hitting it and not getting a head or back injury, the depth of the pool hould be ufficient. By Red Cro ...

How to react when you are ignored

How to react when you are ignored

It hurt to be ignored. It i not ea y to know how to react to thi , e pecially if you do not know whether it i done on purpo e or unintentionally. It i worth con idering whether the per on ignore you o...

How to password protect files on Mac

How to password protect files on Mac

The detail of thi article do not cover how to make your account more ecure. For thi , Apple provide a ervice called FileVault. Thi technique explain how to u e DMG a a ecure container for your file . ...

How to defeat Alduin

How to defeat Alduin

The time-traveling dragon devouring the oul of the dead i all Alduin, the Eater of World , who goe into battle with the player twice in The Elder croll V: kyrim.In both ca e , you will need to learn t...

How to Notify All Group Members in WeChat on Android

How to Notify All Group Members in WeChat on Android

Thi article will how you how to end a notification to all member of a group on WeChat. All member of the group will receive a notification, a if you ent it to each one individually. 1 tart WeChat. It ...

How to convince anyone of anything

How to convince anyone of anything

By developing the power of per ua ion, you will achieve ignificant ucce in your bu ine and per onal life. It doe n't really matter whether you need to convince a cu tomer to make a big purcha e or...