Hiding an erection

Author: Tamara Smith
Date Of Creation: 26 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
A Guide To Hiding An Unwanted Erection
Video: A Guide To Hiding An Unwanted Erection


As men, we all have to deal with a spontaneous erection from time to time. This can be really, really uncomfortable and you can feel very embarrassed about it - especially if you are a teenager and you are learning that you have no control over your hormones, or if you are in an important meeting or in mixed company located. Here are some ways to deal with this situation properly.

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Method 1 of 2: Hide the problem

  1. Put your hand in your pocket and keep your erection close to your body. Nobody is looking for anything when you have your hands in your pockets. Besides, people usually don't stare at someone's crotch, you just don't. Once you get the hang of this, you'll be fine 50 percent of the time.
    • When you sit, put one hand in your pocket; use your thumb and gently push your erection down so that it rests against your thigh. The bulge of your hand obscures the bulge of your erection, so no one realizes that you have an erection.
    • If you find yourself getting an erection when standing, put both hands in your pockets and try to press your erection against your lower abdomen. Do this before you have a full erection so that it is not obvious that you are trying to hide an erection.
    • Do not massage your erection and try to touch it as little as possible when trying to hold it. The more you stimulate it, the longer it will take. Don't try to think about it.
  2. Try to hide your crotch. Make sure there is something between your erection and the people around you.
    • Sit or sit. It is easier to hide an erection when you are sitting than when you are standing.
    • Cross your legs and lean forward slightly so that your shirt covers your crotch.
    • Use a jacket or casually hold a book in front of it with one hand. Do this as inconspicuously as possible.
    • Grab your backpack, briefcase or laptop and put it on your lap. If you're using your backpack or briefcase for this, mess around a bit and pretend you're looking for something. If you're using your laptop, look up something on the Internet or do something that makes it look like you're doing something.
  3. Go to the bathroom and put it in. Use your belt or the top of your pants to tuck your erection between your pants and your stomach. This will make the erection less noticeable and it will disappear quickly.
  4. Plan ahead. If you have to deal with this more often, make sure you wear clothes that can easily hide this problem. Actively try to avoid thoughts that could cause an erection.
    • Make sure your underwear is not made of a special fabric. Your girlfriend may love those silk boxer shorts you wear every Friday, but the friction of the fabric against your skin can make you unnecessarily aroused. Do not wear silk or fabric with a rough seam as this can rub against your penis and cause an erection.
    • Wear loose-fitting clothes. Clothing is the key to concealing an erection. Never wear super-tight clothes or clothes that restrict your movements, even if you feel like a rock star in those skinny jeans.
      • Loose-fitting jeans can hide an erection, while tight jeans accentuate it. There's nothing worse than wearing super tight clothes and not being able to do anything about your ... case.
      • Khaki pants can usually hide an erection well because they are generally a bit looser around the hips.
    • Wear wider shirts that reach below your crotch. If you are at school or somewhere random, the shirt will hide your temporary excitement. Sweaters work even better.
      • If your shirt is long enough, you can run it over your pants. Pretend you are hot or tired; people around you will not heed this.

Method 2 of 2: Fix the problem

  1. Go for a walk. Come up with a reason to go for a walk (and be mysterious by not asking if someone is coming with you) while keeping your erection firmly in check with your hand.
    • As you walk, the blood from your groin will also start moving to your feet and arms. Moreover, it is quite difficult to have sex when you are walking, so this also gives your body the signal that it is not time for this now.
    • While walking you also have the opportunity to do your pants well and to distract yourself. Try not to draw attention to yourself when you walk away from a group. Tell them to go get a glass of water or pretend to say goodbye to some other friends.
  2. If you can do this discreetly, keep something cold in your lap. Due to the cold, the blood withdraws further into your body, which is why your hands and feet also become numb when it is cold outside. If the blood recedes further, your erection should be gone within a minute.
  3. Distract yourself. We all know how aroused beautiful girls or dubious situations can turn us on. In order for your erection to go away, it is necessary to think about things that are not exciting.
    • Try to worry about something important. Think about a project that you are about to finish, about bills that you have to pay, world politics, etc. Try to think as little as possible about "people".
    • Think about your parents. No, not "that" way. Imagine they are addressing you harshly. We are built in with some kind of natural biological block that prevents us from thinking about our parents when we are excited. We find that repugnant, so it can help us quell our feelings of desire.
    • Don't think about or worry about the erection itself. The more you worry about the erection itself and the more you focus on it, the longer it will last. Remember to convince your body that you are in a non-sexual situation. You can do this by thinking about something else.
  4. Read something that distracts you from what caused your erection. Again, the goal is to distract yourself so that your erection disappears quickly.
    • The more you concentrate on the text, the faster the situation will resolve. Concentrate on understanding the words. Because of the situation, it is easy to "read" the words without really understanding what it says.
    • Again, non-exciting topics work best, such as boring economics or world politics. It's not a good idea to read a book about the sexual revolution of the 1960s, for example.


  • It may help you solve a difficult math problem. For example, try to calculate 23 x 57 by heart without writing anything down. To solve this problem, blood will flow to your brain and away from your penis. It doesn't matter if you manage to calculate it correctly. Just give it a try.
  • Never "stretch" your muscles or tighten your PC muscle. It's hard to explain, but you get the idea if you're a man. By stretching, more blood flows to your penis, making your erection last longer. Resist the urge.
  • Do not make eye contact with an attractive person of your attractive gender.
  • Always wear underpants under your swimsuit when you are at the beach.
  • Concentrate on something like a dead cat and really try to see, feel and smell this for you. Whatever you do, never think about how your erection is going.
  • Put your hands in your pockets and make a fist, this usually works if you are wearing tight pants.


  • Do not do anything that could harm your penis. It is better to feel ashamed for a moment than to be bothered forever by the genitalia that you can use to conceive children and what causes urine to flow.
  • Priapism is a condition that prevents blood from draining from the penis, causing very long and painful erections. This is very dangerous and can lead to damage to the penis, including cold fire and permanent impotence. If you have an erection that lasts more than four hours, go to the emergency room right away, no matter how embarrassed you are.

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