Make a sexy movie

Author: Tamara Smith
Date Of Creation: 26 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Sexy Woman and Two Men Stuck On A Remote Island, Then They Fight To Possess Her!
Video: Sexy Woman and Two Men Stuck On A Remote Island, Then They Fight To Possess Her!


There are many reasons why you might want to make a sexy video. You may want to make a sexually stimulating music or dance video, or maybe you want to make a sexy video for a long distance romantic partner. Maybe you want to make a movie together. Filming yourself or your partner in sexual situations can be fun - however, be careful when you distribute the video; you don't want to get in trouble later when a provocative video of you shows up.

To step

Method 1 of 3: Make decisions about the video

  1. Choose good lighting. For starters, you want to make sure you have flattering lighting. Videos with sexual content often have dim, cafe-like lighting, which can be a nice addition. However, make sure your lighting is flattering for your body type by recording some exercise videos as you prepare your lighting.
    • Some cameras work better with certain types of lighting. Dim lighting may not be visible on a webcam, but it can be seen on a higher quality camera.
    • Make a few exercise videos and experiment with different types of lighting. If you've never shot a sexy movie before, you may feel more comfortable with dark or dim lighting.
    • If you are filming with another person, keep in mind that lighting can create shadows. If you're creating shadows on each other's bodies, make sure they aren't distracting before filming.
  2. Decide what your outfit will be. You don't have to be completely naked just because you're making a sexy movie. It can even make the movie sexier when wearing something! What you can wear depends on what you will be doing in the video. For instance:
    • If you plan on doing a striptease, choose an outfit with layers. It can be fun and tempting to slowly take off one piece of clothing at a time.
    • If you are going to dance in the video, choose clothes that are fun and revealing, but that also allow you to move well. For women, tight leggings and a low top can work. For men, try loose jeans and a tight T-shirt.
    • Remember that your comfort is the most important thing. If you don't feel sexy or confident in an outfit, skip it. If you don't feel good about yourself, this can be seen in the video.
  3. Think about music. Music can be a nice addition to a sexy movie, especially if you are going to dance or undress. Try to take some time to think about whether you will start playing music during the movie.
    • If you're going to dance or do a striptease movie, try out a quick song that you can move on, like Rihanna's "S&M" or Aerosmith's "Crazy".
    • If you're shooting a movie with your partner, think about a slow, seductive song instead.
    • If you're making a movie for your own song, make sure to record a good, high-quality recording of that song before making the movie.
  4. Discuss boundaries with your partner if he or she will also be in the video. Many people make videos of themselves and their romantic partners for personal use. If this is the case, you and your partner should have an honest discussion beforehand about what actions you will take. You want to make sure that you and your partner both feel good about what is being filmed.
    • Agree in advance together what will happen in the video. Never pressure your partner to do something that he or she is not comfortable with.
    • Talk to each other about nudity. As with sexual activities, if your partner doesn't feel good about getting naked, don't force him or her to do so.
  5. Think about how you will save the video. If you are going to save the video on a computer, make sure that everything is secure and guarded by passwords.
  6. Think about your audience. Lots of people make sexy movies for long distance partners, in which case your audience is your partner. However, if you are making a video to upload online, make sure that you are comfortable with everything that happens in the video and that it is okay for a wider audience to see it.
    • Think about the future.If you upload something online, it will be visible to the public for years to come. Make sure this is something you are comfortable with.

Method 2 of 3: Determine content

  1. Do a striptease. A striptease can be a fun and sexy way to start a sexy movie. There are a number of different moves you can use when doing a striptease. For instance:
    • Walk slowly when you start your striptease. Walk away from the camera with conscious, slow steps. Then turn around to the camera.
    • Slide your fingers along your sides until you reach a knot that you can untie. If you have longer hair, think about whipping your hair around a bit as you move.
    • Move in a rhythmic way as you remove your clothes. Delete one layer at a time. When playing music, try to move with the rhythm of the music.
    • You don't have to undress completely until you are naked. If you don't feel comfortable with nudity, you can undress down to your underwear or a layer of lingerie.
  2. Try dirty talk. If you don't play loud music during your movie, try dirty talk. This can be especially helpful when making a video for a long-distance partner. Dirty talk is a fun way to get your partner in the mood, even if you can't be there physically.
    • It can help you put yourself in the right mindset before you start talking dirty. Read erotic fiction or take time to fantasize about yourself and your partner. If you are nervous, take a few deep breaths beforehand to keep yourself calm.
    • Try to let the dirty talk come naturally. Think about what you would like to do with your partner. Talk about the things you have done in bed in the past, and talk about the fantasies you may have.
    • Also talk about your partner. Talk about how sexy you think your partner is, and name the things about him or her that turn you on. Use his or her name.
    • If you feel comfortable doing that on camera, consider masturbating while talking dirty. This can show your partner that you are turned on by him or her.
  3. Dance in a sensual way. Not all sexual videos are meant to be graphic. Maybe you're making a sexy movie to market yourself as a model or actress, or as an accompaniment to a music video. If so, consider filming a sexy dance.
    • Study popular sexy music videos. Artists like Lady Gaga often dance provocatively in videos. Watch some sexy music videos for inspiration.
    • Choose dance moves that you personally feel comfortable with. If you don't feel confident you won't come across as sexy.
    • Rotating your hips, shaking your butt, and moving in a slow, rhythmic way are all popular dance moves for a sexy movie.
  4. Discuss in advance what you will be filming. A sexy movie with your partner doesn't necessarily have to include penetrative sex, and neither should you or your partner be comfortable with it. You can film things like oral sex or joint masturbation, or simply film the two of you talking dirty with each other. It's supposed to be fun and mutually enjoyable to record a sexy video, so don't force your partner to do anything that makes them feel uncomfortable.
    • Think about the point of view. You don't want the focus to be solely on your partner. Make sure to discuss in advance which body parts should not be filmed.

Method 3 of 3: Distribute the video in a smart way

  1. Keep the video private if it features sexual acts. If your video contains sexual acts, it is a good idea to keep it private. Unless you work in the porn industry, you could potentially get in trouble at work or college if a sexual video of you surfaced. Store sexual videos offline and always protect computers containing sexual videos with a password.
    • A lot of people who share this kind of thing online later regret it. Even a mild sexual video can be embarrassing later in life.
    • If an employee looks up your name online and finds out that you are connected to sexual content, this may affect your work later, depending on the ethics rules of your workplace.
    • If you are recording a video with your partner, agree in advance what will happen to the video in the event that you break up.
    • Only record sexual videos with someone you trust 100%. Sometimes people upload sexual content from ex-partners to the Internet as part of an industry called revenge porn. This can cause extreme emotional turmoil and trauma.
  2. Send videos carefully to small audiences. If you made a video for a long distance partner, be careful how you send the video. There are many simple tricks you can use to send sensitive information securely.
    • Break up sensitive information. If you uploaded the video to a password-protected site, email your partner something like "I'll send you my password via SMS." Then send the password without context in a separate text message.
    • Dropbox is a service that allows you to share documents and videos. While it is an online service, it is fairly secure and encrypts all user information.
    • Remember that sensitive data is best transferred in real life. If your partner can't play a DVD, consider putting the movie on a USB drive instead.
  3. Be aware of the legal consequences. Sexual content shared over the internet and a smartphone is never private. If you are under 18, you can be charged with distributing child pornography. You may even have to register as a sex offender. Think very carefully before sharing sexually explicit content over the internet, as it can have serious consequences for your future.
    • If you are under 18, the law states that it is illegal to send sexually explicit images of yourself or another young person to a boyfriend or girlfriend. While cases involving young people spreading sexual images of themselves consensually are almost never pursued, they are technically illegal and a very vague area of ​​the law. The most important thing here is consent, but even that doesn't make it safe or legal.
    • Read the laws about sexting and sexual content carefully. It is important to understand the potential legal consequences before sending a sexy video to someone.