Massaging your partner

Author: Tamara Smith
Date Of Creation: 26 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


Many people love getting a massage because it makes them feel better about themselves, and of course giving a massage is a great way to let someone know that you care. Of our five senses, touch is the most meaningful. By giving each other a nice massage, you and your partner can bond better.

To step

Method 1 of 4: Prepare for the massage

  1. Choose a room that has enough space to move around and where you can both fit. The best place for a romantic massage is the floor, as a bed can wobble too much.
    • Place a duvet or soft blanket on the floor.
    • You can also have your partner sit in a chair, then give a massage à la Patrick Swayze and Demi Moore in the movie Ghost.
    • Put some small pillows nearby so that your partner can snuggle up during the massage.
  2. Light a few candles and put on some soothing music. If you have a fireplace, light it to heat the room. Choose music that you know your partner will find beautiful and soothing.
  3. Heat the massage oil. The most popular massage oil is almond oil, because it makes the skin nice and smooth, is thin and light, and is not absorbed too quickly. Other oils such as olive, coconut, grape seed or avocado oil are also good for a massage. Each type of oil has different therapeutic benefits that can enhance the effects of a massage.
    • Pour the oil into a metal container and place it in a pan with water on the stove. Turn on the heat gently and let the oil heat up.
    • You can also heat the massage oil between your hands just before massaging.
    • Always check the temperature of the oil to make sure it is not too hot to massage with. You shouldn't burn your partner's skin or the sensual experience will turn into a painful one!

Method 2 of 4: Massage your partner's back

  1. Ask your partner to lie down on the blanket. Place a pillow under the head and a pillow under the legs. Place two large, warm towels on his / her body.
    • It's best if your partner is naked or only wearing underwear, as you should be able to massage directly onto the skin.
  2. Kneel down over your partner's lower back. Tighten your legs so that you can reach your partner's entire back without straining yourself.
  3. Rub some massage oil between your hands. This way you warm up the oil and spread its scent.
  4. Place your hands on your partner's back, on the towel, and ask them to take three deep breaths in and out. Breathe with him / her and check that he / she feels completely relaxed and comfortable.
  5. Rub your hands up the sides of the spine from the lower back. Rub your hands gently over his / her shoulders. Start with gentle pressure on the back and shoulders.
  6. Massage the back and shoulders. Roll the towels down to expose your partner's upper and lower back, put one hand on top of the other, making circles around the shoulder blades. Use your fingertips to massage the top of the shoulders and the sides of the neck up to the edge of the skull.
    • Maintain a slow, steady rhythm as you use your fingers and thumbs to massage the top of the shoulders. Squeeze them gently to loosen them. Then wipe down the spine again in a few long, even strokes.
    • If your hands tire quickly, use your forearms. Have your partner sit while you stand behind him / her. Place your right forearm on his / her left shoulder, palm up. Rest your left forearm on his / her left shoulder and use your body weight to apply pressure to your forearm as you rotate it towards his / her neck.
  7. Spread your fingers and put your thumbs on either side of the spine. Start at the bottom and then gently rub up and down the spine.
    • Raise and lower your palms along the spine, applying a little more pressure each time so that your hands relax the muscles on either side of the back.
  8. Apply petrissage. Petrissage is a massage technique where you gently knead the skin above the back and shoulder muscles with your fingers and thumb.
    • With your hand and thumb, form a 70 degree angle and knead the fabric of the back and shoulders.
    • You can also make small circles with your thumbs all the way from the bottom to the top of the spine. Be careful not to touch or press the bones of the spine.
    • Ask your partner if it is comfortable and tell them that you are going to massage their lower back and lower body.
  9. Fold the towels further down to expose the hips and thighs. Rub some more massage oil between your hands. Rub your palms up and down the lower back, hips and buttocks. The buttocks often hold a lot of tension, as do the hips, so take your time and apply petrissage or make long, smooth movements to ease knots or tension in that area.

Method 3 of 4: Massage your partner's legs and feet

  1. Massage your partner's legs. Kneel by your partner's legs.
    • Use long, smooth movements to massage the legs: from the ankles to the thighs and back.
  2. Massage his / her feet. Make sure to oil your hands well and make small circles with your thumbs under the toes, arches, heels and ankles.
    • If your partner can't tolerate tickling underfoot, you may want to skip this part of the massage.
  3. Make circular movements from the toes, all over the foot, around the ankles and back up the legs. Keep your fingers on the outside of the large leg muscles and your thumbs on the inside.
    • Try to maintain an even rhythm and keep your movements slow and gentle.
  4. Massage your partner's legs with long, downward strokes from the thighs to the soles of the feet. As you rub down, push a little harder with your palms, and release when you get to the toes.
  5. Ask your partner to turn around. If your partner likes to lie on their back, put a pillow under their knees - if they have back problems, add more pillows if needed. Put some towels over him / her again.
  6. Fold the bottom towel up to expose the legs and feet and put oil between your hands. Rub your palms in long, even strokes all the way from the toes to the thighs and back - but be careful at the knees.
  7. Untie his / her toes by rolling them between your thumb and finger. Then hold the ankle in one of your palms and massage it with your other hand: your thumb on one side, your fingers on the other.
  8. Continue with the legs, with your thumbs and fingers. Be careful with the knees as it hurts when you press on them, but put a lot of pressure on the thigh muscles.
    • Keep the rhythm, put enough oil between your hands, and squeeze the thigh muscles, just like you did with the shoulders.
  9. Carefully work your way back down with circular movements. Apply pressure with your fingertips while rubbing down; rub up with your palms. Fold the towel back to cover the legs and feet.

Method 4 of 4: Massage your partner's chest, neck, and head

  1. Fold down the top towel to expose your partner's chest and neck. Rub your hands across the top of the chest. First put massage oil between your hands.
  2. Focus on the top of the shoulder. Here, an acupressure point is located in the center of the tendons on either side of the bottom of the neck. It is a place where a lot of tension builds up, and it feels very good to have a massage there.
    • However, do not massage the area for more than a minute or your partner could get a headache.
  3. Massage the bottom of the collarbone. The dimple under the collarbone is seen as an erogenous zone. Squeeze it very gently with your thumb and forefinger.
    • Go to the center of the sternum, over the heart. Feel for a dimple in the sternum. This acupressure point is also called the "sea of ​​calm" because you can get very relaxed when this point is pressed. Push it with your fingers and feel the tension release from your partner's chest.
  4. Stimulate his / her nipples. Pour some oil over the breast and spread it over his / her nipples with your flat hand and long, smooth strokes. Very gently squeeze the nipple or roll the skin between your thumb and forefinger.
    • Do not squeeze or twist the nipples too hard as this is a very sensitive area.
  5. Sit next to your partner's head. Have him / her lie on their back and put a pillow under the head.
    • Check that it is comfortable and that he / she is ready for the last part of the massage: the neck and head massage.
  6. Rub in long, gentle strokes from the waist to the shoulders. When you get to the shoulders, stroke the backs of your hands along the neck to below the chin.
  7. Massage around the shoulders and up to the back of the neck. With your thumbs, make circles on both sides of the spine up to the edge of the skull.
    • Never touch the spine itself: it hurts and can cause injuries.
    • Don't put your hands around your partner's neck, it can be very annoying.
    • Do not put pressure on the dimples under the ears, just behind the jawbone. This can cause facial paralysis, so stay away from that.
  8. Run your hands gently along his / her neck, and take the head in your hands. At the point where the neck meets the skull, you will feel two dimples. These are acupressure points, and it is a little known erogenous zone.
    • Put your fingers on the dimples and apply more and more pressure, but do not press too hard.
  9. Massage the temples and forehead. Take the time to massage the entire head with circular movements.
    • Run over the forehead, nose and jawline with your fingertips. Put a little pressure on the center of the forehead, between the eyebrows, and hold for 30 seconds to relieve tension in the "third eye".
    • Run your fingertips across the forehead. Rub gently towards yourself, taking over with the other hand each time you reach the hairline. Rub more and more lightly.
    • Massage the ears, because these are very sensitive erogenous zones. You can also nibble or kiss the ear lobes gently.
  10. End the massage. Ask your partner how he / she is feeling and if you have skipped areas that need to be massaged.
    • Wrap your partner in the towels again so that he / she stays warm and relaxed.
    • Let him / her rest or lie still to take full advantage of the positive effects of the massage.


  • Ask your partner from time to time during the massage if it is nice and if you have skipped anything.
  • Some people find it scary to be touched: they can express this by giggling, or by getting tense when you touch them. If your partner is affected, start slowly, with non-threatening body parts such as the hands, scalp, or shoulders. It's important not to rush it. Keep your hands in the same place for a while to make it easier for the other person to relax.
  • The most important quality of a good masseur is empathy - the ability to empathize with how the partner is feeling.This is easy if you pay close attention to body language. Do his / her muscles relax under your touch? Is he / she smiling? Is breathing natural and deep? And don't forget to just ask if it's tasty every now and then.
  • Use a massage oil that he / she likes to smell. Use light scents. A little pressure is good, but not too much.


  • Don't hurt your partner by massaging too hard. Be careful.
  • Explain whether your partner has a condition that makes massage inadvisable. If your partner has a fever, inflammation, high blood pressure, a hernia, osteoporosis, varicose veins, cancer, HIV, skin problems such as burning or blisters, or if she is pregnant, do not massage.
  • Know that certain parts of the body are very fragile and that you should not massage them or massage them very carefully. These include: the front of the neck, the sides of the neck, the dimple under the ear, the eye sockets, the armpits, the inside of the upper arms, the stomach, the kidneys, the groin and the back of the knee.


  • Large room with floor space
  • Duvet
  • Pillows
  • Towels
  • Candles
  • Relaxing music
  • Massage oil