How to react when you are ignored

Author: Marcus Baldwin
Date Of Creation: 15 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Ignoring A Guy Is Underrated. How He Reacts To It And How To Do It Properly
Video: Ignoring A Guy Is Underrated. How He Reacts To It And How To Do It Properly


It hurts to be ignored. It is not easy to know how to react to this, especially if you do not know whether it is done on purpose or unintentionally. It is worth considering whether the person ignores you on a regular basis and what their communication style is. Understanding why you can be overlooked can help you respond in an intelligent and forward-looking manner.


Method 1 of 3: Ask why you were boycotted

  1. 1 Ask yourself why the person who ignores you is doing this. He may be ignoring you on purpose, or he may be unintentionally ignoring you. Think back to the last time you spoke to him. Was he angry with you or hostile to you? Did you tell him something hurtful? If so, most likely, he is still not "cooled" after what happened. On the other hand, if you had a great time last time, there is probably some external circumstance that caused the person to inadvertently ignore you. Perhaps he is busy preparing for an exam or has fallen in love with someone.
  2. 2 Ask a third party why you are being ignored. If a friend or coworker ignores you, ask a mutual friend or coworker if he or she knows what is wrong. He may be able to identify or explain to you why that person is avoiding you. Perhaps you angered him without even realizing it, and instead of directly declaring it, he decided to simply ignore you so as not to aggravate the conflict. It is likely that a third party will be able to analyze the situation more objectively and help you figure out why you are being ignored.
  3. 3 Directly ask the person who is ignoring you why they are doing it. Talk openly with the person who is avoiding you. Ask him for a private conversation. In a quiet, secluded place, calmly ask: "Listen, I keep thinking, why are you ignoring me?" Provide evidence: for example, he did not answer your calls or emails, or did not answer when you contacted him. Listen carefully to his explanation.
  4. 4 Know how manipulators behave. If the person ignores you the first time, they probably have a good reason.However, if your friend or coworker consistently ignores you or other people, he may be enjoying what he does. He may take turns using the silence to get an apology or concession for specific demands. Finally, he may ignore you so that you lose faith in yourself. From the manipulator, you can hear: "If you really knew and loved me, you would not ask why I ignore you." All of the above examples point to a narcissistic personality to be identified and not to be indulged.

Method 2 of 3: Back off

  1. 1 Judge the person who is ignoring you by their actions. Suppose you had an open conversation with him and he said that he understands what you are driving at. He may even have apologized for his behavior. However, after that, he began to avoid you again. In such a case, you must understand that he was insincere and was not really interested in maintaining a good relationship with you.
  2. 2 Resign yourself to the person's decision to cut off the relationship with you. Don't keep pushing him to apologize for his behavior or cry out to him explaining how his actions affected you (if you've already done so). Someone who is constantly indifferent to you is likely to enjoy it. Don't play his games trying to solve the problem over and over again.
  3. 3 Don't blame yourself for his behavior. If someone constantly ignores you, even after you have tried to make peace with them, that is their choice. Don't worry about what you might have said or done differently so that the person is considerate of you or your point of view.
  4. 4 Don't burn bridges. Let a friend or family member who is ignoring you know that you are hoping for a reconciliation. Don't give up on your relationship with this person. Some people have personal problems that make it difficult to maintain a healthy relationship. Let him know that you are there if he ever wants to talk to you or if he needs help.

Method 3 of 3: Resolve the conflict with the person who ignores you

  1. 1 See the problem as a difference in communication styles. Suppose your friend or partner is not ignoring you out of anger. Perhaps he is doing this simply to avoid aggravating and spreading the conflict. He probably needs a little privacy and wants to give both of you time to cool off a bit after the conflict. When you figure out that your partner views this silence differently, then later you will have a better chance of reconciling and avoiding aggravating the conflict.
  2. 2 Accept your feelings. It hurts when you are ignored by someone you care about. You probably feel frustrated, angry, and sad about being avoided. If you have these feelings, don't pretend you don't. Accepting your feelings is the first step in speaking out and letting the other person know that they are being abusive.
  3. 3 Have a structured conversation. Structured conversations are conducted at a specific time for a specific purpose and are conducted with a specific set of rules that prohibit things like yelling and name calling. In a structured conversation, both parties are ready to openly discuss the issue before them and have already rehearsed their main arguments. Suggestions for structured conversation can be helpful if someone is ignoring you because of a long-standing problem or a set of problems that is preventing you from forging a deeper emotional connection.
  4. 4 Step outside your comfort zone. Try a different communication style. If you are a hot-tempered person who constantly raises your voice, is angry and turns on half a turn, try to better control your feelings in the midst of emotions.If you are a calm person who ignores others, withdraws when a conflict arises and tries to speak out or explain your point of view only after thinking about the answer for a few minutes, then add more spontaneity and emotion to your behavior when resolving conflicts (but do not get carried away by screaming and curses).
  5. 5 Exchange your apologies if necessary. If, in the course of another person's explanation, you realize that you have hurt their feelings, you should tell them that you did not want it and that you are sorry. However, make it clear that you too have been hurt by being ignored. Forgive the person and express hope that they can find the strength to forgive you too (if you feel you need it).
    • Sometimes it is difficult to understand why people are upset by our actions or words that seem harmless. If the person has an unconvincing or incomprehensible reason to ignore you, it might still be a good idea to apologize.


  • Give time to the person who ignores you. And slowly start communicating with him again! If he really wants to be friends with you, he won't avoid you for long.
  • If someone ignores you and you don't know why, talk to them and try to fix the problem.
  • Often times, people ignore others when they need the time and space to solve personal problems. Don't take it personally and respect the individual's right to privacy.
  • Firstly, respect yourself, and secondly, do not come up first, let him come up and talk to you. Your top priority during this time should be self-respect.