How to make old love jealous

Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 11 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


Ending a relationship can be the most difficult experience in the world. In a painful and angry mood, you may want to make your ex go jealous. This can have huge consequences and make you seem extremely pitiful. Instead of looking for ways to make them jealous, focus on yourself. Take this time to improve your body, mind and move on. However, if you still want to make the person jealous, try a few tips below, and remember to always be calm and calm.


Method 1 of 2: Focus on yourself

  1. Live your life. It sounds simple enough, but this is a way to make your ex be jealous. More importantly, you must really love life. Always be happy with your place in life. That happy mood will make your ex realize that you are happier living even though you are single and that he is no longer a part of your life.
    • Honestly. Don't pretend to be happy, but really feel happy. You may feel sad that you broke up with him, but focus on other things. Don't quit your job, stop exercising, stop hanging out with friends, or give up the things you love. Instead, do all of that and more. You can pursue a new hobby or do something you've never done before.
    • Post pictures of your life on social media. Take a selfie while hiking, hang out with friends, and have someone take a picture of you doing something new. When you see those pictures, your ex will know you're enjoying life without him and get jealous while you're happily doing interesting things.

  2. Entering its own stage. Since you are single now, focus on yourself. Don't stay at home struggling to wait for your ex to call. Don't try to get him back. Don't try to get in touch with him. Instead, turn this time around to take care of yourself. Do the things that make you happy. In the process of finding fun for yourself, you will make the old people jealous by doing various things instead of feeling sad because of the breakup. Furthermore, whether you are crying in pain or continuing on your journey, your ex will hear from you soon. Therefore, there is no better way to make him jealous than not to wrestle with him.
    • Call friends you haven't met in a long time. Plan a fun gathering so you don't focus on the breakup.
    • Traveling. Don't be single without going out on weekends or looking for new places. Get out of the house and explore the life outside.

  3. Practice to have a good body. Sitting in one place eating ice cream and chocolate will do you nothing but a few pounds of weight.Instead of letting go of yourself after a breakup, get active. When you see your slim and toned body, your ex will definitely feel jealous.
    • Join the gym. You can lift weights, join group training classes and walk out of the house. Maybe you will meet someone interesting. If you don't want to go to the gym, just get out of the house. Running, walking, biking or rowing is okay. Participate in every activity possible.
    • Sports will help you feel more confident. When you reach your goal, no matter how small, like running a kilometer or going all the way, you will feel more confident. That confidence in you is what makes your ex angry. A strong and confident person will always be the cause of envy.
    • Not only does physical exercise make you look happier, but it also improves your mood. Participating in activities will take your mind off the breakup, and exercises release endorphins in the brain, which can help improve your mood.

  4. Refurbish yourself. Breakups often hurt people's self-esteem. To make you feel more attractive and confident again, do something to indulge yourself. You can cut your hair. If you're a man, keep a beard. Buying new shoes or clothes is also a good idea. Treating yourself well will help you feel better about yourself.
    • Make small changes, don't overdo it. Don't shave your head, pierce your tongue, or dye your hair blue just because you're in a bad mood. Instead, make a gentle change.
  5. Always as beautiful as possible. Wherever you go, show off the best look. Whether you're just shopping or going to the gym, you need to bring your perfect look. That doesn't mean you have to put on your best outfit, but your look should be well-rounded and attractive. Ask yourself before you leave the house: "Would I want my ex to see me in this manner?"
    • Looking good even though you've broken up is also a great way to make him jealous. Show him what he lost.
  6. Dating with other people. It's not just that you haven't gotten over the break yet that you can't date someone else, especially if you can keep things comfortable. You don't have to find the perfect person. Instead, just go out and have fun. When your ex hears that you are dating someone else, chances are he will get jealous.
    • Don't take advantage of the other person. Remember, the person you date has feelings. Let the person know that your current relationship is just comfortable. Don't take the initiative to kiss and give the person any reason to think things are more serious than they really are.

Method 2 of 2: Make the old lover jealous

  1. Behave as if you're fine. One sure way to get your ex to be jealous is to not show your sad mood. Even if your heart is broken, just pretend you're fine. Don't talk about your breakup and don't let him see you're upset. Make him think you don't care about a past relationship.
    • Don't talk about the breakup on social media. Don't status updates or tweet about your sadness. Do not post sad lyrics and do not post deeply implied content. He can see it and assume you are talking about your love life.
    • Don't act too excited. There is a very fine line between a steady mood and accepting the past and the state of pretending to be happy. Be sure to feel genuine, not suggest something to your ex. Don't mention him when he's in a happy mood. Don't update the status lines like "Being single is so fun!" or "It doesn't matter if no one loves!". That content shows you are not good at all.
  2. Keep mutual friends. When you break up with him, you shouldn't stop playing with your mutual friends. Instead, hang out with them when you're invited, or go out to dinner at a place the two of you had been together before.
    • Keeping a good relationship will help you remember that they were your friends too. Don't lose your friends just because you broke up.
    • Going out with mutual friends will also keep the person informed. This is a great way to show your ex that you are doing well and not suffering at all.
  3. Cut off all communication. One way to make your ex jealous is to cut off all contact between the two of you right after breaking up. Do this within a reasonable amount of time, from 3 to 4 weeks. Out of touch will make him wonder what you are doing. Did you move on? Are you dating someone else? Did you get over this breakup?
    • If he texts or calls you, don't respond. If the person tries to reach you on social media, do not respond. You also shouldn't text him or call him, especially to talk about a past love. Keep your distance.
    • Pretend you've moved on and don't mind the breakup.
    • The key here is to get your ex to think about you and wonder what you're doing, because he really doesn't know what you are doing, with whom or where you are going.
    • Try not to text your ex late at night. Late night sadness can easily make you do things you will regret the next morning. Don't give up if you get a text message inviting him to talk on the phone. Be strong and ignore those messages.
    • After a period of silence, answer in short sentences. You can use phrases like "Uhm" or respond to their messages in a short and indifferent manner. Keep things natural and light.
  4. Post your pictures with people of the opposite sex. Another good way to make your ex jealous is to post pictures of yourself with friends of the opposite sex. Whether it's a coworker, a friend or a brother. Interacting and letting him see you around will help you show that you've made it through. He will find that he has been replaced, and that will also arouse jealousy.
    • Determine which social media he will be able to see these images. Then, post some beautiful pictures with others.
    • Don't overdo it. Don't post photos with ten different people, nor do you post a bunch of photos. You just want your ex to think you're meeting someone else. Don't make the intentions of wanting to make him jealous out loud. You shouldn't make yourself pitiful like that.
  5. Going out with the opposite sex. Going out and making friends with the opposite sex can make your ex jealous. Flirt, meet and have fun with people of the opposite sex. Try it out for him. You can do this by posting this on social media, or flirting with the other person while mutual friends are there.
    • Date other people with care. If your ultimate goal is to get your ex back, dating someone else can push him away. Don't destroy your chances of being together yourself if that's what you want.
  6. Be kind. When you meet your ex, be kind. By talking, smiling and asking, you will show that you are over. This can make him jealous. Then he can think about how kind and wonderful you are.
    • Keep the conversation light and natural. Treat old love like acquaintances. Ask socially, not who they are dating. If you've been asked how you've been these days, just say you're fine. Don't overdo it. Don't let him think you're pretending.
    • Don't be rude to him. This is the classic way to show that you didn't get over the breakup. If you say something malicious, he may lose interest and be happy that he broke up with you.
  7. Ignore the life of old love. Don't show him that you care. When he publishes articles about life events, such as promotions or travel, don't be bothered. Do not like the article, do not comment or tell your friends. This is to let him think that you have nothing to do with him.
    • If someone later mentions something about him, tell him you don't know, even though you do. Make sure he knows that you are no longer interested in his life, even through rumors.


  • Don't try too hard, lest you look pitiful.
  • Don't expose it, otherwise, your ex will notice it and won't be jealous at all.
  • Don't date anyone or his friends. This will make you seem very distraught.
  • Don't overdo it. You are playing with the feelings of your ex. Remember that they are human and have feelings too.
  • Go to a party and get intimate with your new boyfriend in front of him. Don't overdo it, just a kiss.
  • Don't show your ex that you care. When he publishes articles about life events, such as promotions or travel, don't be bothered. Do not like the article, do not comment or tell your friends.