How to make a girl jealous

Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 6 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


Making a girl jealous is a way to ensure that she will notice you and want you more. Whether you want to make a girl like you by making her jealous first, or if you want to let your ex know that you live better without her, you can make a girl jealous just by Pay a little attention to her and then show her that you are having a great time in your life with other girls. If you want to know how to make a girl jealous, just follow these steps.


Method 1 of 3: Pay attention to her

  1. Use the body. If you want a jealous girl, first you need to show off a little Get excited about her, let her be attracted to you and get the feeling that you want to take things to the next level. Your body language is the easiest way to let her know that you want her without having to say it with words. Take a few minutes to pay attention to her, so every gesture is important.
    • Catching her gaze from the other side of the room. Be courageous and maintain eye contact if she notices you, and even give her a big smile.
    • As you approach, turn around, straighten your back, and lean slightly toward her, showing that your body is giving her full attention.
    • Gently touch her arm or back if she seems interested.
    • Maintain eye contact when chatting. She'll feel like she's the only girl in the world - in a matter of minutes.

  2. Compliment her. Once your body has finished its task, you should let the word go on. A few careful compliments will indicate that you are paying attention to her and that you want to learn more about her. If this is someone you already know well, compliments show that you are still thinking about her. Here's how to do it:
    • Praise her looks. You need to be subtle. Instead of saying, "Oh man, you look so attractive", just say, "Blue is a wonderful color. It really makes my eyes stand out."
    • Compliment her smile or smile.
    • Praise by teasing. Find a way to tease her in a witty manner and also praise her at the same time.

  3. Ask a few questions. Asking a few questions will only indicate that you want to find out and that you care deeply about who she is. Just a few gentle and well-positioned questions will get her to notice and make her want you more.
    • Ask flirting questions. If she mentions her sister, you can say "Is she as pretty as me?".
    • Ask stupid questions but act like it's really important. Ask her what she thinks about a man who loves dogs or who loves to wear leather.
    • Ask about her. Ask about one of her hobbies or an activity she does for fun. You have to make her think that you care about her - just a little.

Method 2 of 3: Chat about getting to know another girl

  1. Let her be 2nd place. Once you've shown enough interest in her and flirted enough for her to think she has a chance, it's time to change the situation. Start talking about other girls, whether it's the person you know or the random girl you call "my good friend", or "I know this girl for a long time".
    • Find a way to mention the girl every few minutes.Don't do this every few seconds or she will get upset, but act as if you are thinking about other girls often.
    • Find ways to compliment another girl. Don't make the process too obvious, though, you can say things like "She seems to be the person you like", or "She can have every guy she wants". You need to make the girl feel inferior.
    • You can also invent this person. If you're a talented liar, the "other girl" could be a completely imaginary character.
    • Keep saying, "You should meet her. I think the two will match." This will make her angry.
  2. Talk about many other girls. Instead of just chattering relentlessly about another girl in your life, take this opportunity to talk about many other girls. Just make it sound like you're a flirtatious man who meets pretty girls everywhere and all the time.
    • Mention the party you attended, where there were many wonderful girls. You could even say that you were one of the few guys present but that's fine - you get used to it.
    • Talk about a happy weekend trip to the beach, and remind that every girl you go with is wearing a ridiculous two-piece swimsuit.
    • Just say it like "the girl I meet" over and over. Make it look like you've been on dozens of dates.
    • Remember not to sound like you are a disgust or a playboy. She will lose interest if you make yourself look like a betrayer.
  3. Use your cell phone to make her jealous. When you're talking to her about being with other girls, the phone is a great tool for making her jealous. You should have your phone in hand and regularly check it, even be ready to answer.
    • Check your phone regularly and laugh at yourself, as if you've just received a naughty text from another girl. You can say "Sorry" and smile as you text something equally mischievous.
    • Let your phone ring once while you're talking to her. Pick up the phone and say "Hi, how are you? Can you call me back later?" Don't go overboard and call her "darling" or "darling" over the phone. Just make it clear that you're talking to another sexy girl through your tone of voice.
    • Do not use the phone excessively. The woman's patience will quickly fade if you spend all your time on the phone.

Method 3 of 3: Show her that you are with other girls

  1. Randomly flirting with a girl. Once you've talked enough to give her a hint of your feelings, it's time to step into the stage of ignoring and start chatting with other girls at the pub. Do this after a few minutes of talking to the original girl. Here are a few good subjects to try out:
    • Whether you're at a party or at a pub, just pick a girl near you and start chatting with her. Slowly redirect the conversation with the original girl into full immersion with the new girl. Remember, you must look like you're laughing and have a great time.
    • Dance with her. Don't kiss or touch her. Just dance with her a song or two and look like you're having fun.
    • Meet a group of girls. Make them laugh and let her watch you.
  2. Flirt with her friends. If you want to focus on her more or if you've finished your work with random girls, you can make her jealous by paying attention to her friends. This will allow you to get up close and personal with her while making her doubt your intentions.
    • Make everyone her friends like you. Be the witty, seductive, and engaging version of me.
    • Ignore her in front of her friends. Even when she's standing in front of you, act like she doesn't exist.
    • Don't isolate her friends too much. Try to get people to like you while you're flirting. If you pay too much attention to her best friend and this girl starts liking you, you will create an unwanted problem.
  3. Leave with another girl. This is a bold act. If you go to a bar or to a party, leave with another girl when the fun is over. You don't have to go home with her. Just let her see you walking out the door with another girl.
    • Greet her with a slight nod or with a smile as you leave the place. Show her that you know she is watching you.
  4. Let her see you and other girls during the day. You can make a girl jealous even during the day. If you're meeting another girl, whether it's a friend or a friend who's flirting, let that girl see you're having a great time with someone else.
    • If she sees you with another girl, make sure you look like you're completely focused on the girl you're with. "In the end" when you meet the jealous girl you can say "Oh, I can't see you". Of course not - you're too busy having fun with another girl.
    • Choose the place where you know the jealous girl will be there. Show up at her favorite cafe or dinner place with a group of girls and look like you're having fun as much as possible.
    • If you are in the same class, you can sit away from her and next to another girl, and show her that you are snuggling into another girl's ear and doodling on the edge of her notebook. that.
  5. Don't wait too long if you want her to like you. This is important. If you use jealousy to get a girl to see you as desirable and let her want you more, don't spend too much time flirting with other women or talking about them, Or else, she will see you as a playboy and lose interest.
    • If you use another girl at a pub or party to make her jealous, don't spend all of your time talking to them and then just ignore her. Get back to the girl you noticed after a few minutes, before she gets impatient.
    • Once you find that she is really excited, stop talking about another girl or talk to another girl around you. The chase was over - at least for now.


  • Many of the tips in this article can completely lose her interest in you.
  • She may feel like you don't like her and move on.
  • The girl you are using to make the girl who was initially jealous is likely to like you. And it'll be easier for her to think that you like her, too. So be careful.
  • If she finds out you're trying to make her jealous, she will get angry.
  • Remember to make others jealous always is a bad idea. There are other methods of determining if a girl likes you, or clarifying any other reasons you might want to make her jealous. Be more mature.
  • You may start causing problems or confusion that leads to a more complicated situation.
  • Lie like the real thing if you want to create a fantasy girlfriend. Don't say she is a model in America if you live on a farm in Hanoi.
  • See other girls while you are with her.
  • Making a girl jealous can make her feel like you're not interested in her, and this can be counterproductive with the intent of getting her to notice you.