How to improve FSH (follicle-stimulating hormone) levels

Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 6 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Gonadotropins | Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) and Luteinizing Hormone (LH)
Video: Gonadotropins | Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) and Luteinizing Hormone (LH)


FSH (follicle stimulating hormone) is required for reproductive function and several other functions. There are many factors that cause the body to reduce its production of FSH, and this condition can impair fertility. So it is important to take steps to improve FSH levels in your body if you are planning to become pregnant. Get started with step 1 below for more information.


Part 1 of 4: Increasing FSH levels through diet

  1. Add foods containing essential fatty acids. Essential fatty acids play an important role in the body's production of hormones, including FSH. Essential fatty acids include omega-6, omega-9 and omega-3.
    • Foods that provide omega-3 to the body include fish oil and flaxseed oil, fatty fish (salmon, mackerel, sardines, herring, male fish). Women are often advised to eat at least 2 servings of fatty fish per week to increase their omega-3 levels.
    • A good source of omega-6s are borage oils, which can be taken as a supplement, while good sources of omega-9 include avocados, sunflower oil, nuts and seeds.

  2. Eat more dark green leafy vegetables and seaweed. Dark leafy green vegetables and seaweed provide essential vitamins and minerals to maintain a healthy endocrine system, an essential element for the production of FSH.
    • Dark green leafy vegetables include kale, spinach, broccoli, and cabbage. Along with greens are seaweeds like nori, kelp and wakame. Spirulina is also recommended for its effects on supplying proteins and minerals to the body.
    • Women looking to improve FSH levels are advised to eat at least 5 servings of these foods per day. You can do this by blending vegetables into a morning smoothie, eating a salad at lunch, and adding at least 2 servings of greens or seaweed to dinner.

  3. Add ginseng to your diet. Ginseng acts to support and nourish the pituitary and hypothalamus, both of which are essential in regulating FSH levels. You can take ginseng as a supplement - the recommended dose is to take 2 500 mg capsules twice daily for best results.
    • Ginseng is also widely used to increase fertility in men, and studies have shown that ginseng plays an important role in preventing erectile dysfunction and increasing sexual ability.
    • You should not take ginseng in excess of the recommended dosage, as it may affect your blood's ability to prevent blood clots.

  4. Take 2000 - 3000mg of maca per day. Maca is a tuber that grows in high altitudes and enjoys strong sunlight. Maca helps nourish the endocrine system, thereby positively influencing the release of hormones (including FSH) in the body. Maca comes as a supplement in doses of 2000-3000mg per day.
  5. Take vitex tablets daily. Vitex is an herb that has the effect of regulating the pituitary gland, balancing the production of hormones in the body. The pituitary gland is responsible for sending chemical signals to different parts of the body and transmitting the amount of hormones needed to organs and tissues.
    • Vitex can be taken as a supplement with the recommended dosage of 900 - 1000mg per day. To increase FSH levels, you should take vitex with a course of more than one month.
    • Vitex is most effective when taken on an empty stomach, so it is recommended to take it early in the morning before breakfast.

Part 2 of 4: Increase FSH levels with lifestyle changes

  1. Stimulate FSH production with a massage. An easy and inexpensive way to increase FSH levels is by massaging the glands that produce FSH and other hormones. Try massaging your lower abdomen with circular motions every day for 10 to 15 minutes to boost your FSH levels and improve fertility.
    • You can also try rubbing under the big toe. In acupressure, the big toe is linked to the pituitary gland, which is essential for balancing hormone production in the body.
  2. Maintain a healthy weight to keep FSH levels normal. Being underweight reduces the amount of FSH produced by the body and negatively affects fertility. A healthy weight is determined by a BMI between 18.5 and 25.
    • The BMI (body mass index) is a person's weight relative to his or her height. To calculate your BMI, divide your weight (in pounds) by squaring your height (in inches), or use the online BMI calculator.
    • A BMI below 18.5 is underweight, and above 25 is overweight.
  3. Reduce stress to increase FSH levels. When you feel stressed, your body releases stress hormones (like cortisol), which have a negative effect on the amount of FSH produced by the body. For that reason, it is important to reduce stress to help increase FSH levels.
    • To reduce stress, try relaxation techniques such as exercise, yoga, meditation, or a hot bath. A balance between work and rest is also important.
    • Getting enough sleep is also an important factor in reducing stress. You should try to get 7-8 hours of sleep each night, and follow a regular sleep routine, including going to bed and waking up at the same time each day.
  4. Purifying the body to remove excess testosterone or estrogen. Too high levels of testosterone or estrogen in the body can interfere with FSH production. The liver gets rid of excess hormones in the body, but hormones can accumulate over time and the liver becomes overwhelmed. So sometimes you need a cleanse to detox your liver.
    • You can purchase a liver purification kit designed to remove excess estrogen and testosterone, helping to increase fertility.
    • This fertility kit includes purification pills that help the liver regenerate and function effectively. In the product set, there are also herbal teas that help to detoxify the blood and maintain uterine health.

Part 3 of 4: Increase FSH levels with medications

  1. See a doctor to be diagnosed with the cause of low FSH levels. Although the methods described above can help improve FSH levels, hormone levels in the body cannot return to normal if the underlying cause is not addressed. Therefore, it is important that you see your doctor for an accurate test to diagnose the cause and treat it.
    • Tests to find the cause of low FSH levels can vary widely. Your doctor may do hormone tests to compare with certain levels of other hormones in the body (such as GnRH and estrogen), or do biochemical tests to study enzymes and other substances that affect activity. movement of some organs and glands in the body.
    • In some cases, your doctor may use X-rays to diagnose the causes of low FSH, such as ultrasound, computed tomography (CT) scan, and magnetic resonance imaging ( MRI).
  2. Surgery to remove tumors or cysts. In some cases, low FSH levels are caused by a tumor or cyst of the ovaries, testes, or pituitary gland. In these cases surgery will be required to remove the tumors.
  3. Try hormone replacement therapy to get your FSH levels back to normal. The FSH level produced by the body is directly affected by other hormones, such as estrogen and progesterone.Hormone replacement therapy includes drugs that contain synthetic forms of estrogen and progesterone. Once the hormone imbalance has been resolved, the FSH returns to normal levels. advertisement

Part 4 of 4: Understanding the role of FSH in the body

  1. Understand the function of the FSH. FSH stands for follicle stimulating hormone (follicle-stimulating hormone). Although FSH is an important factor in many bodily functions, its most important function is the development of follicles, a factor essential for reproduction.
    • Each month, FSH is released at certain times in a woman's menstrual cycle to help follicles grow and facilitate ovulation. If the FSH level is not enough, a woman cannot become a successful pregnancy.
    • In addition to supporting female fertility, FSH also helps in bone development, genital organs, sperm production and metabolism.
  2. Learn about medical conditions that can lower FSH levels. FSH is determined by a complex and sophisticated hormonal system, so there are many diseases that can affect the body's production of FSH. The underlying conditions need to be identified and treated to bring FSH to normal. Some of the most common medical conditions that can lower FSH levels include:
    • Polycystic ovary syndrome: ' This is a condition in the ovaries where many follicles form, which in turn leads to an overproduction of estrogens and androgens. When these hormones are too high, the FSH levels drop dramatically.
    • Impaired pituitary function: With this disease, pituitary function is impaired, and this can greatly affect FSH levels, as this is where FSH is produced.
    • Impaired gonadal function: As a result of various syndromes, impaired function of the gonads (testicles in men and ovaries in women) affects FSH levels, as this condition can disrupt production GnRH and estrogen (hormones essential for FSH production).
    • Tumors: Tumors in one or more locations - such as the pituitary, ovaries, or testicles - can cause abnormal FSH levels.


  • Physiologically, FSH is often elevated in women over the age of 40. This natural increase in FSH indicates a decrease in ovarian reserves (meaning fewer and fewer quality eggs are produced). This is the most common cause of infertility in women over the age of 40.