Ways to Help yourself feel great

Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 6 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
5 RIDICULOUSLY SIMPLE habits to feel better about YOURSELF
Video: 5 RIDICULOUSLY SIMPLE habits to feel better about YOURSELF


If you are feeling bored or having a bad day, there are things you can do right away to revive your mood and regain your enthusiasm for life.It takes a bit of effort, but it's worth it. Take control of your life and spend some time with yourself. You can even take some action to make your life enjoyable in the long run.


Part 1 of 3: Feeling great right now

  1. Muscle relaxants. Get out of bed, get out of your seat, and do a few stretches. Stretching immediately improves circulation and reduces tension in the muscles, giving you a feeling of wellness. Pay all attention to that, notice the stretching of muscles in the body. Be careful and stretch slowly to avoid injury. Focus on each muscle group at the same time. Before stretching your muscles, you need to be mindful of causing injury.
    • Neck and shoulder stretch: Stretch your arms horizontally so your body forms a T-shape. Slowly, bend your elbows inwards in the shoulder and neck down so that the muscles on the neck and shoulders contract. Hold for 3 hours. Slowly, stretch your neck and arms back. Hold for 3 hours. These muscles are especially stiff when they are not actively used and can become very tight.
    • Back stretch: Stand up straight, knees shoulder width apart. Reach your arms out in front of your shoulder, bend your elbows so palm facing you. Slowly turn your upper body to the left side as much as you can until you feel comfortable. Hold for five seconds. Gently turn forward. Slowly turn your upper body to the right side as much as you can until you feel comfortable. Hold for five seconds.
    • Arm stretches. Reach out your hand in front of you and mix your fingers together. Turn your wrists toward your body until your palms are facing you and push with your arm. Hold for five seconds. Loosen your muscles and gently stretch your wrists.
    • Leg stretch. Stand with your right leg, knee slightly bent. Use your left hand to pull your left leg toward your back, flexing your knee. Keep your knees straight and your back straight. A chair can be used for support if you cannot balance. Hold for five seconds. Gently release your feet and lower them to the floor. Repeat for the other side.
    • Body stretching. Erect. Inhale, lift your hands and touch the ceiling, stretch as much as possible. Exhale, slowly bend your spine down and touch your toes. Don't bend your knees. Slowly stretch your spine and stand up.

  2. Prepare a nice outfit. Choose an outfit that makes you feel your best. Sure it is a comfortable outfit but quite neat and not shabby. Having an eye-catching appearance will increase your inner confidence and self-esteem. Think of a new outfit that you haven't worn yet or one that holds good memories. Make sure the garment is clean and free of wrinkles.
    • To feel more trendy, look out for seasonal clothing. Choose the right color according to the season. Autumn colors are brown, reddish orange and dark yellow. The color of winter is traditionally dark. Spring colors are bright, blue and pink with floral print. Summer colors are light and pastel colors. While fashion tends to change its cut, length and color, these still seem to hold a fundamental trend.

  3. Take a long, hot shower or bath. The steam also improves circulation and reduces pain in the body. Don't forget to take a full body bath including hair, between your toes and navel. If you have a private bathroom and have time, take a bath instead of a shower. Try adding products for scented bath water that has bubbles, bath oils, or bath soaps. Mix and match to create your own spa-like experience for added enjoyment.
    • Try not to soak in the water for more than an hour as your skin may wrinkle. If you share the bathroom with someone else, let others know that you will be using it for a while.
    • Brush your teeth while showering. You want to feel as fresh as possible.
    • Moisten skin after showering because this will improve skin elasticity and make you feel great. Choose a moisturizer with your favorite scent.

  4. Prepare. Wear the prepared outfit and create your favorite hairstyle. You can let your hair dry naturally or create straight or permed hair. Choose a style that you are satisfied with. If you're not sure you like that style, check out some of the other hair styling tips online or ask a friend.
    • If you are using some heating device to style your hair, be sure to wear heat resistant gloves, use heat protection sprays, and don't take your eyes off the tools. Turn them off, let cool and stow them safely.
    • If you like, put on makeup. Choose a style that you are comfortable with and match the suit. Pay attention to the time of day because some makeup works during the day and others are good at night.
  5. Go out. Plan an enjoyable outing. See if your friends can join, or if there's somewhere you'd like to go alone. This outing can be a snack, a sport trip, shopping or maybe just a get-together. Going out with friends you haven't seen for a long time can be especially fun. Try going out with friends you know they have a light-hearted atmosphere or friends you enjoy chatting with. People with healthy lifestyles tend to prefer socializing in order to feel connected and happier.
    • The change of landscape will automatically change your mood for the better. Staying in the same environment for too long can degrade your mood.
    • Breathing fresh air is also good for health. In this day and age, we tend to live in artificial and controlled environments longer than when we go outside to breathe fresh air. Fresh air is good for the lungs, increasing energy levels and overall health.

Part 2 of 3: Building a great lifestyle

  1. Create healthy eating habits. A growing number of studies show that eating well improves your physical and mental health. Best of all, when you can consult a registered dietitian for an individually tailored diet. Good eating habits include ensuring a balanced diet, reducing sugary foods, controlling portion sizes, and eating at the right time of day.
    • A balanced diet that includes several sources of protein (no dairy), lots of fruits and vegetables, lots of starchy foods, dairy and dairy products, and less fatty foods. and road. Of course, watch out for any allergies or health conditions such as diabetes when balancing your diet.
    • You don't have to cut all sugar. Try to find foods that are naturally sweet and avoid artificial sweeteners and refined sugars.
    • Always eat breakfast. The ideal meal should be lighter because the day goes on: you need 'refueling' at the earliest opportunity of the day. A cereal breakfast, a little fat and protein (such as whole-grain bread with half a fried egg) will help balance your blood sugar and keep you full throughout the day.
  2. Build an active lifestyle. Being active throughout the day and week will give you tremendous mental and physical benefits. An active lifestyle not only improves immunity and all the systems in the body, but also releases hormones that improve your mood and help keep your mentality healthy. Specifically, endorphins help fight symptoms of stress and depression. Try aerobic exercise for about 30 minutes a day. Your heart rate will increase, but this activity shouldn't be so intense that you feel uncomfortable exercising.
    • You don't have to spend a lot of money to have physical health. Going to the gym is not only the way to keep you healthy, but it is definitely an option. Consider joining a sports team or asking a friend or family member to go for a daily walk. Watch a video or blog about different health professionals you can follow.
    • Be sure to check out the credentials of any ‘experts’ you follow. Check their training, certifications and degrees on their website. You don't want to have to watch someone pretend like an expert because you can injure yourself.
    • If you are not used to being physically active, take time to endure exercise. Please continue!
  3. Stabilize your sleep cycle. A good sleep cycle is not only concerned with how long you sleep, but also when you go to bed. The most comfortable sleep is sleeping at night in conjunction with napping during the day. Try to go to bed at 10:30 p.m. and nap for an hour or more during the day. When you take a nap can vary according to schedules and commitments.
    • How much sleep you need will vary depending on how much you are active, how much food you absorb and resting throughout the day. You may need plenty of sleep during exam season because at this time mental activity may be higher.
  4. Reorganize. Keep the room tidy and clean. The level of clutter in your room will have a negative effect on your overall mood over the long term. Although some people feel creative when they are in a cluttered environment, try not to sleep and stay awake in this environment.
    • Build a system to keep things tidy. Make sure clothes are carefully hung or stowed and that drawers are neatly arranged. Try a split drawer. You can make them yourself with cardboard. This will make life more productive.
    • Try to keep a tidy schedule for example just before you go to bed or organize everything as soon as you bring them into the room.

Part 3 of 3: Maintaining a great feeling

  1. Be open to adventure. Plan to do some fun and relaxing activities. Having something to look forward to will keep you in good mood. Taking time to relax actively will help relieve the stress and manage the stress level. Consider the experience and try something new to maintain your sense of wonder and inquiry about the world. As you try something new, you will find things that you know you'll enjoy.
    • Try to incorporate short breathing exercises into your daily routine. Deep breathing improves the amount of oxygen reaching the brain, reducing stress and helping to focus. The simple way to do it is:
      • Put your hands on your stomach.
      • Close your eyes and inhale through your nose for 4 counts. Feel your stomach swell as you inhale.
      • Hold for 3 hours.
      • Breathe through your mouth for 4 count hours. Feel your stomach go down as you breathe out.
      • Repeat 5 times.
  2. Living with purpose. Set long-term goals for yourself. Work towards a fulfilling career or project that you think will have a lasting positive impact. Think about your passions and skills and learn how you can use them. Find out to meet people who are doing something similar to what you enjoy doing and ask them for advice on how to achieve your goal. Living without purpose can cause some feelings of restlessness, guilt, and depression.
    • Sometimes situations happen in life that are out of our control and we cannot get exactly what we want. That is normal. Adjust your plan accordingly.
  3. Nurture a good relationship. Maintain close relationships with friends and family. Build strong relationships and treat them well. Communicate kindly with them, support without judgment, help them get through hard times, and rely on them when you need them. They are a lifelong support system for you. People with intimate and sustainable support will achieve higher results in life and better mental health.
  4. Reflect on life. Don't forget to meditate daily about the ups and downs of the day. Everyone has ups and downs. Look at some of the positives in life and be grateful. Think about the lessons you learn from the negative that happens. Take the 15 minutes before bed and ask yourself ‘What can I learn from today? What mistakes can I avoid in the future? 'Then tell myself' What good things happened today? 'Think about some big and small things. Being grateful will help you feel better in your life and increase your happiness.
    • If you like, write down some of the lessons you learned on a small note pad or in a journal so you can remind yourself later. Stick the sticky notes on the mirror or somewhere you can see them often.
  5. Stay with inspirational people. Thinking about people with positive attitudes is a good influence and encourages you to be the best version of yourself. Maintain good relationships and interact with them regularly. The people you choose to play with affect your mood, ambition, and motivation.
    • Don't leave friends when they have 'mood swings' and are going through hard times. Again, everyone has ups and downs. Choose you wisely.
    • Think about the type of person you are following in the media. This will also affect your mood. If you find that someone you are following makes you feel jealous or negative about your life or waste your time, consider not spying on them.
  6. Mind stimulation. Opening your mind to new ideas and concepts will keep your brain healthy and happy. Engaging in brain-stimulating activities improves neural connections, mental productivity, and may lead to happier thinking. Try reading a few new books, learning about something that interests you, learning a new language or sharpening your skills. There's always something out there that makes you feel great. advertisement