How to prank brother

Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 6 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
23 Sibling Prank Wars! Sister vs Brother Pranks!
Video: 23 Sibling Prank Wars! Sister vs Brother Pranks!


Ah, how sweet is the revenge game! Perhaps you are feeling warm because you are overtaken by your brother, deceived or pranked, right? Then now's the time to turn things around by making your brother cry, squirm or simply turn him into a fool with your breathtaking pranks!


Method 1 of 7: Surprised yet!

  1. Plan a surprise raid from inside the cupboard. This is an extremely good plan. First, choose when your brother thinks you are not home and no one is at home. Hide in any closet far away from him, maybe yours. Use your cell phone to quietly call the home phone. When your brother gets on the phone, you will ask him to come to your closet (or whatever closet you are hiding in) to check something out. When your brother opens the closet door, jump out and scream "buzz". Surely your brother will never expect you to be in the closet and will be astonished! Then you will have something to tease him with for many years to come!

  2. Ring the bell and hide in a cardboard box in front of the house. The last sentence described this whole hoax. Find a big cardboard box that you can fit in and close the lid. Put the barrel in front of the house, ring the bell and jump right into the box, remember to quickly close the lid of the box on top. When your brother opens the door and walks closer to the box, jump out! Surely this will make him scream. It's best to ring the bell when your brother is a bit away from the door so he doesn't come out too quickly and see you climbing into the bin.
    • If you can't find a cardboard box in your house, you can ask at the supermarket. Just ask an employee there - many supermarkets often give out cardboard boxes they don't use.

  3. Scare the brother to fear to death. Wait until your brother is sucked into something on his computer and completely unaware of anyone else in the room. If you can do this at night when the lights in his room are mostly off, the better. Put on the freak clown mask, the Jason mask, or the Scream mask and move slowly behind your brother, so close you can breathe on the back of his neck. Next, let out a creepy scream and enjoy the scene where your brother jumps up to almost hit the ceiling.
    • If you have a friend or other sibling in the house who can be as quiet as paddy, have them film the entire scene, then you have something in hand to bargain with.

Method 2 of 7: When brother is sleeping ...

  1. Makes brother to put snowflake cream on his face while he is sleeping. This is another quite classic game. Wait until your brother sleeps. This will work best when your brother is lying on his back with his arms stretched out. Carefully spray a handful of ice cream into one of your brother's palm. (If you don't want to hold back, you can replace the snowflake ice cream with shaving cream!) Next, take a feather or a small object gently brushed it on his face. Your brother will raise his hand to rub his face, and the cream will immediately fill his face!
    • If you want the game to be sure of success, you can spray cream on both your brother's hands!

Method 3 of 7: Classic hoax but guaranteed to work

  1. Place a bucket of water on top of the door. This game is old but still very good. Simply open the door halfway and place a bucket of water on top so that the bucket is against the wall and the top edge of the door. When you open the door, your brother will have a surprise shower! This game is most suitable when done in the kitchen or any room in the house where water splashes are okay. By the way, if you can do this somewhere else, that's even better!
  2. Stick tape on all light switches. When you wake up early in the morning, put the tape in the house and stick it on every light switch.Your brother at that time still sleepy will be bewildered why all the lights in the house are not on! When you see your brother, tell him that the house is out of power and wait and see when he figures out that you're lying. You could even say that he was dehydrated and see how he was deceived.
  3. Pull his pants! Wait until your brother turns his back on you, crept closer to him gently, then grab his inner pants and pull it up as high as possible. Assure you this will make your brother writhe and scream! If you want to be more impressive, you can try pulling the pants up to the level you can put on his head. This game is most successful if the person being pranked is much smaller than you!
  4. Swap items in your brother's drawers. Go into your brother's room and swap the drawers if you can, or you just need to swap the items from one compartment to the other so that all of his drawers get messed up. Your brother will be confused What a surprising and perfect prank, isn't it? Moreover, you also have the opportunity to rummage through his stuff while playing this game. If your brother asks you if you go into his room, pretend you can't remember anything.
  5. Stuff your brother's shoes with cotton balls. This game is extremely fun if your brother is still growing up. You just need to put a little cotton in your brother's shoes. Next time, when he put his shoes on, he will feel something strange, as if his legs are getting bigger. He would even go back and forth like that all day if he wasn't smart enough to guess that there is a joke here! If it's boots or sneakers, it's perfect.
  6. Stick the paper on his butt. This is also a quick and easy prank. Choose a piece of paper that matches the color of the seat, or any color if your brother doesn't notice when sitting down. Spread some glue or double-sided tape on the paper and wait for him to sit down. When you get up, your brother will go everywhere with a piece of paper behind his butt! This is an upgraded version of the "kick me go" variable plate that always works!
  7. Play the "face down" game. This game is very fun. Show your brother that you can balance well by placing your hand on the table and placing the cup of water on the back of your hand; most likely he will be excited to accept the challenge. Now tell him to place both hands on the table and put two glasses of water on top. Done, you say hello "Goodbye!" or "Good luck!" and go out of the room. So your brother will be trapped - how to get out without spilling water on him! advertisement

Method 4 of 7: Bathroom hoax

  1. Put nail polish on the bar. This is also a classic joke. Apply nail polish to the surface of your brother's bar. When the nail polish dries, the bar of soap becomes useless! Make sure you don't have any bar of soap in the bathroom so he has nothing to use once he's in there. When he comes out with a puzzled expression and says that the soap can't be used, you can sneak into the bathroom and swap the other soap so that it still foam normally as he tries to prove what he said is right. .
  2. Add food coloring to the soap cake. You can add some yellow or red food coloring to the underside of the bar. When your brother goes to the bathroom to wash his hands, he won't understand why the more he washed, the dirty his hands are! And when he comes out of the bathroom with his hands dirty, you can laugh at his brother who can't wash his hands! However, you need to let others know about your prank so that your mom or dad won't accidentally go into the bathroom and come back out with a golden hand.
  3. Small red food coloring on brother's toothbrush. Your brother won't be able to spot a red drop under the bristles of the toothbrush. When he starts brushing his teeth and looking in the mirror, he will panic thinking that his gums are the most sensitive in the world. Soon your brother will take on a vampire-like appearance, and he may guess what you were doing! This is most effective when you do it in the morning, when your brother is in a hurry and doesn't have time to guess your joke! advertisement

Method 5 of 7: Prank with food

  1. Disguise a sponge so it looks like a cake. Cover the sponge with cream, chocolates, colored nuggets, or whatever your brother's favorites are. Put the "cake" in a little discreet place, such as on the top of the microwave, even in the refrigerator, pretending it's a piece of cake you don't want anyone to touch. If you bring the cake over, he may not eat it. Now sit back, relax, and wait for your brother to scream as he bites the sponge.
  2. Pretend to eat flies. This is another fun game. Crush a raisin in a tissue and tell your brother you just caught the fly. Next, laugh with a crazy face and eat the "fly" in the tissue. Cut your lips deliciously when you're done eating and shrug away as if nothing out of the ordinary has happened. Don't reveal your tricks - he will never guess.
  3. Treat brother to "Oreo cake filled with toothpaste.""This is also a food hoax. If your brother loves an Oreo cake, then all you need to do is just split the two halves, squeeze the toothpaste in the middle, and close it together. You can do so with lots of cakes if you're not sure what your brother will eat.Wait for your brother to take a bite to see his puzzled and grimaceful expression of disgust.
  4. Give him vinegar milk. Watching when the brother poured milk into the cup to do this game. If he only takes a sip and leaves the glass on the table and goes away, quickly pour in a little vinegar and stir it. Wait until your brother returns to get his glass of milk to see his bewildered expression as he takes that awful sip of milk. Keep a trash can nearby just in case he gagged. You should be on the lookout for the milk so that other people in the house won't accidentally drink the ulcerated yogurt!
  5. Prepare a salt and pepper drink. Take what your brother is drinking (except water) and put salt and pepper in it - the more salt and pepper the better. Whoa! advertisement

Method 6 of 7: Prank with electronic devices

  1. "Break" the remote control. If your brother likes to surf on TV channels like most brothers, then this prank is very suitable. You just need to stick a tiny piece of tape over the light bulb on the remote control so that it doesn't work. He will be very confused trying to click to watch his favorite shows and fail, and even try to replace the battery before guessing your joke (if you can guess!) This game works best when you do it. right when the TV was showing the program he disliked the most.
  2. Wrap your brother's gaming console in jello. Pour a layer of jello into a box large enough to fit his gaming console. Cover the controller in plastic wrap and wrap it in a plastic bag for peace of mind. Once the jelly has hardened, put the controller in, then pour another layer of jelly on top to cover it. Wait for the jelly to freeze and take it out. Return the controller wrapped in jello jelly back to see how furious your brother is.
  3. Change your brother's computer wallpaper. If your brother is away from the computer for five minutes, quickly change his desktop wallpaper with some funny picture. You can choose Little Pony, The tangled babies teletubbies, or pictures of the funniest cats you can find. This game works best if your brother is going to bring his computer to a crowd of friends, and everyone will be surprised to see that his desktop is full of flowers and puppets. advertisement

Method 7 of 7: Other pranks

  1. Write a love letter signed by a girl in the same class as her brother with the same name as a girl in your class and put it in his bag. Your brother reads the letter and will meet the girl to ask or show off to his friends! After all, he will tell you.Then, say in class you have a girl with the same name and she likes a guy whose name is the same as his! Your brother will be embarrassed because the girl said she didn't send mail, and he will brag to his friends by mistake!
  2. If that isn't enough, you can check out other wikiHow articles for more good ideas to prank your brother. Eg:
    • Coin prank game
    • Set a trap in the house
    • Prank game with alarm clock
    • Prank game with toothpaste
    • Prank with food wrap on the front door
    • Ice pranks with ice