Do a handstand

Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 11 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to do a Handstand
Video: How to do a Handstand


Mastering a perfect handstand is a prerequisite for learning other great gymnastics exercises. Being able to do a handstand is not only fun, it is also a great workout and it is guaranteed to work if you want to impress someone. If you train every day on balance and muscles of your core, you will soon be able to make a stable and beautifully executed handstand. But remember you have to be patient, practice makes perfect!

To step

Method 1 of 3: Detached

  1. Find a good place to do a handstand. You need a place with a soft surface, because you will probably fall to the ground a few times in the beginning before you can properly stand on your hands. A piece of grass in the park or a lawn is fine, because you can make a soft landing on it, and you have enough space. This ensures that you do not fall on top of someone or something or hurt you.
    • Find a straight piece of land and not a slope. It is easier to do a handstand on a straight surface.
    • Other good spots are the beach, a gym mat or the carpet in your room.
  2. Ask someone to catch you. The first times you do a handstand, ask a friend or family member to stand in front of or next to you, cushion your legs, and make sure you stay upright.
    • Once you get the hang of doing a handstand with help, don't let the one helping you catch you unless you're in danger of falling.
    • You don't necessarily have to have someone to take care of you. You can do it very well on your own, or try it against the wall (see next method).
  3. Stand up straight with your feet slightly apart. This is your starting position. Your feet, knees, torso, and head should all be vertically one above the other. Keep your arms loosely at your sides.
    • Some people prefer to start with their arms stretched out above their heads. You can try both ways to see what is most comfortable for you.
  4. Extend your legs and upper body upward. Stepping in, tilting, hitting the floor and lifting the legs should be a smooth movement ending in the handstand.
    • Keep your head in a neutral position and your back and legs straight. Don't throw your head back. Then you arch your back and you can get hurt. It doesn't look very impressive.
    • Keep your legs tight together. If you press your legs together well, you will not fall to one side so quickly.

    Finish the handstand.

    • Finish the handstand with your arms at your ears.
    • Lower your arms farther from your head and turn the palms of your hand out.
  5. Lie flat on your stomach, face away from the wall. In other words, pretend you're going to do push-ups right in front of the wall by lying on your stomach and pushing yourself up with your hands. You have to be able to hit the wall with your feet.
    • Your body is at a 90 degree angle to the wall.
  6. Continue from the handstand. If you are a fanatic gymnast, continuing from the handstand is a logical continuation of the normal handstand.


  • Stretch out your toes. This helps to get a better posture. The straighter you are, the easier it is on your back and your muscles.
  • This mainly concerns visualization and self-confidence. If you are scared and think you will fall, chances are it will. It can help to think that someone is holding you or that you are doing this underwater.
  • Use your whole hand to keep your balance. If your legs fall over your head, push your fingers hard into the ground. If you fall backward, press your palms into the ground.
  • Make sure to lock your elbows so that you stay up.
  • If you think you're going to fall over, bend your neck so you don't get hurt. Retract head and roll on.
  • A handstand is not the same as standing on your feet. You may have to constantly move your hands back and forth to maintain your balance. Don't move your hands too much or you could fall over.
  • Do not move back and forth on your hands, you will fall over.
  • Make the muscles of your core strong, then you can more easily maintain your balance in the handstand.
  • First, ask if someone wants to catch you. If you are stable enough, you can do the handstand on your own.
  • The closer your hands are to your feet when you push off, the more likely you are to get upright.
  • Do not try to stand if you think you are falling, or you could get hurt. Just go down again (feet first).
  • Relax and breathe; it's not that difficult once you get the hang of it.
  • Don't forget to retract your chin. If you hollow your back you will get pain. You can maintain the balance better if you keep your head between your arms. It may feel crazy but you get used to it.
  • Do it barefoot or on socks. Never do a handstand with heels, heavy boots, loose slippers, etc.
  • If you can do a good handstand, clamp a bag of beans or a baby toy between your feet or your knees and try to jump into the handstand.
  • If you find it difficult, put your hands on the ground first and throw your legs up.
  • By practicing yoga you can also prepare for the handstand, because it makes you strong and flexible.


  • Stop when your arms are tired. Falling on your head does not help in training.
  • If you are using a wall as a support, make sure it is sturdy and high enough so that in case you swing through, it does not leave a hole in the wall.
  • Make sure the place where you do it is dry and that there are no objects in the way.


  • Strong core muscles, this improves your balance.
  • Grass, carpet or a yoga mat.
  • Possibly knee pads.
  • A gymnastic mat or something to gently land on.
  • Someone who watches and can give directions.
  • Depending on the person, it may help to wear sports shoes.