Lose weight as a model

Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 2 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
9 Models on the Pressure to Lose Weight and Body Image | The Models | Vogue
Video: 9 Models on the Pressure to Lose Weight and Body Image | The Models | Vogue


When you look at models and celebrities, you may be wondering what diet or exercise program they follow to maintain their thin and toned bodies. Many models have the expert help of trainers, dietitians and an unlimited budget to help them lose weight or stay in shape. While that may not be feasible for everyone, there are some tips and tricks you can adopt from models and celebrities to help you lose weight. Diet and exercise can help you lose weight and build muscle. Take the necessary steps to keep yourself healthy while you work on your resolutions.

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Part 1 of 4: Dieting like a model

  1. Do you eat full of vegetables. Vegetables are low in calories, high in fiber, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Not only are they great for a healthy and balanced diet, but eating many of these nutritious foods can contribute to your weight loss.
    • In general, adults should consume 250 to 300 g of vegetables daily. This fulfills the daily recommendation.
    • Aim for one or two servings of vegetables with each meal or make half of your meals vegetable-based. One portion of vegetables corresponds to more than 100 g of leafy vegetables.
    • Eating lots of low-calorie foods can limit the amount of other foods you can eat. Filling your plate half with vegetables also means that half of your meal is low in calories.
  2. Choose lean protein. Many popular weight loss diets promote higher amounts of lean protein. Studies also show that protein can contribute to weight loss and keep your appetite in check.
    • The amount of protein you need on a daily basis depends on your gender, age and how active you are. However, if you eat one or two servings of lean protein with each meal, you'll make sure you're getting enough.
    • A serving of protein is approximately 80 grams. This is about the size of a deck of cards or the palm of your hand.
    • Choose a variety of lean proteins such as legumes, poultry, eggs, lean beef, low-fat dairy, seafood, pork, or tofu.
  3. Limit carbohydrate intake. Many celebrity and model diets focus on limiting carbohydrates, which seems to be a good idea as studies have shown that low-carb diets are faster in weight loss.
    • Low-carbohydrate diets aim to cut down on foods that are high in carbohydrates. These usually include fruits, grains, legumes, starchy vegetables and dairy products.
    • Ideally, reduce the carbohydrates from the cereal group. Most of the nutrients found in these foods can also be found in protein, fruits and vegetables.
  4. Leave alcohol. A smart move when trying to lose weight is to cut out unnecessary calories. According to diets of models and celebrities, alcohol should be excluded.
    • Alcohol can be high in calories and has no nutritional value. Skipping these extra calories can aid in weight loss.
    • If you do drink alcohol, you should keep it to a minimum. Women should not drink more than one drink per day and men no more than two.
  5. Drink lots of water. Water is essential for a healthy diet. However, adequate hydration is also essential for weight loss.
    • Recommendations range from 2 to 3 liters per day. Everyone needs slightly different amounts based on age and level of physical activity.
    • Drinking enough water can also help control your appetite. Often you are hungry when you are actually thirsty - the signals feel and appear the same.

Part 2 of 4: Training like a model

  1. Take more steps every day. Some models and celebrities have increased their calorie burn by increasing the number of steps they take each day. Each extra step can help burn more calories.
    • By tracking the steps, you can see how active you are throughout the day. The more you move, the more calories you burn in a day.
    • Some health professionals recommend taking 10,000 steps daily. While this is not a formal recommendation, achieving this goal on a daily basis means that you are very active.
    • Any additional activity to what you normally do will lead to certain health benefits and possibly weight loss.
    • Buy a pedometer or download an app for your smartphone to see how active you are currently. Slowly increase the number of steps over time. Start adding 1000 steps per day.
  2. Train with a friend. Many models and celebrities train together. Research shows that if you exercise with someone, you are more likely to stick to your exercise routine.
    • Studies also show that exercising with a friend can help make exercise a habit.
    • Ask a friend, family member, or colleague to exercise together. Schedule a few sessions a week together.
    • You may also enjoy taking gym classes. The advantage of group lessons is that you can make new friends and enjoy a group atmosphere.
  3. Exercise in the morning. Celebrity trainers recommend exercising in the morning rather than in the afternoon or evening.
    • While some conflicting evidence exists, there are studies showing that morning workouts burn more fat.
    • If you plan to hit the gym or exercise in the morning, aim for 150 minutes during the week. This is the recommendation for average healthy adults.
    • Add a variety of cardio exercises, such as jogging or running, using the elliptical, swimming, dancing, or taking aerobics classes.
  4. Do strength training regularly. Models and celebrities always seem to have defined and toned muscles. Including regular strength training can also help you achieve a similar look.
    • Aim to do strength training about two or three days a week. Spend 20 to 30 minutes training the main muscle groups (arms, legs, trunk, and back).
    • Always take a rest day between the days on which you performed strength training. This to help repair and repair your muscles.
    • Include a variety of exercises such as lifting weights (with free weights or weight machines), yoga, pilates, or exercises with your own body weight (such as lunges, push-ups, or crunches).

Part 3 of 4: Managing your weight

  1. Take it slow. Models that lose weight and keep it off in the long run are slowly but surely doing so. Losing weight quickly is not sustainable in the long term and you will gain weight more easily.
    • In general, you should try to lose 0.5 to 1 kg per week. This is considered a safe and healthy weight loss that is easier to sustain.
    • Slow but steady weight loss is usually the result of smaller lifestyle and dietary changes. When you make major changes or crash diet, you probably won't be able to maintain that lifestyle.
  2. Manage your stress. Dealing with stress is something both celebrities and models work on for their emotional health, as well as to support weight loss. Keeping stress levels low and under control can help with weight loss and control hunger and appetite.
    • In times of high stress, it is more difficult to control the cravings because you may feel hungrier and find that it is more difficult to lose weight. This is a natural response to stress by your body.
    • Control stress. Keep a journal, listen to music, go for a walk, or talk to a friend for relief.
    • You could also try yoga or meditation to calm and calm your mind.
    • If home remedies aren't working well, or if you think you need more help, see a therapist or behaviorist. He or she may be able to give you additional guidance and a plan to manage your stress.
  3. Treat yourself to your favorite food. Even when models are trying to lose weight, they occasionally indulge in their favorite foods or treats. Banning such treats is unrealistic and can make you feel more hungry over time.
    • The key to weight loss is balance. You can't overindulge in your favorite foods or you run the risk of slowing down or even gaining weight.
    • Schedule special treats during the week or month. If you know they are coming or planned, you can make up for those extra calories by maybe going to the gym more often, exercising longer, or eating less on those pampered days.

Part 4 of 4: Staying healthy

  1. Talk to your doctor about what you want to achieve. Losing weight and maintaining your ideal weight can be very difficult. Depending on your current weight and health, strict diet and exercise can also pose potential health risks. Before starting a new weight loss program, consult your doctor.
    • Your doctor can help you set healthy weight loss goals and suggest safe weight loss strategies.
    • Also, your doctor may be able to refer you to a licensed dietitian or fitness professional who can help you set and achieve realistic goals.
  2. Set goals for yourself. Everyone's body is different. Weight loss can be more difficult (and potentially unhealthy) for some than others. Before attempting to achieve runway model physique, think carefully about what kind of weight loss goals you can reasonably achieve. Strive for goals according to the SMART principle.
    • Specific. Plan exactly how much exercise you are going to do each week or how many calories you are going to consume each day.
    • Measurable. By keeping your goals measurable, you can determine how successful you are in achieving them. For example, you can't measure a goal like "eating healthier", but you can measure a goal like "eating 1,200 calories per day."
    • Acceptable. Consider whether you have the time, resources, and physical ability to achieve your goals. Are your daily training goals compatible with your work? Do your diet plans meet your specific health and / or nutritional needs?
    • Realistic. There is only a certain amount of weight that you can safely lose in a certain amount of time. Talk to your doctor or dietitian about how much weight loss you could realistically achieve.
    • Traceable. You should be able to measure your progress in some way, whether by weighing yourself weekly or by keeping a diary of your physical activity and daily calorie intake.
  3. Learn about the risks of a model's lifestyle. Keep in mind that models often take extreme and dangerous measures to lose or maintain weight. Models are at high risk of developing physical and psychological problems due to the unhealthy and unrealistic demands of the fashion industry. Read about the potential risks to your mental and physical health before attempting to develop a model's body.
    • Runway models are especially prone to developing eating disorders such as anorexia.
    • New laws are being introduced in some countries to prohibit modeling agencies from hiring models whose weight is below a healthy limit for their body type.


  • Always consult your doctor before starting any weight loss plan. He or she can tell you if weight loss is safe and right for you.
  • Keep in mind that the media may promote some type of diet done by a model or celebrity that is generally not safe or recommended for most people. Just because a model has lost weight through a specific diet program doesn't mean it's safe or effective for you.
  • Keep in mind that many models' photos have been retouched, so keep your expectations realistic. You want to aim for a healthy weight and a healthy body, not just be lean.
  • Even if you are not a model, that does not mean that you are not beautiful.
  • Remember everyone is different. Your overall build and genetic makeup may mean that achieving a runway model physique is not a realistic goal for you. Work on accepting your specific personal beauty rather than striving for a standard set by someone else.