How to gain respect

Author: Marcus Baldwin
Date Of Creation: 22 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Make People Respect You
Video: How To Make People Respect You


Each of us strives to earn the respect of peers, but this requires a lot of effort. If you want to be a successful, happy and healthy person, then set yourself a goal and strive to win the respect of others. Learn to respect others, think and act with confidence, and show yourself as a reliable person to earn the respect of different people. More specific recommendations will be discussed below.


Method 1 of 3: Respecting Others

  1. 1 Be a sincere person. If people feel that you speak from a pure heart, really believe and do not give up your actions, words and beliefs, then they will understand that you deserve respect. Cultivate sincerity with friends, at work, at school, and in all aspects of life.
    • In different companies, treat people the same way - the same way you behave when you are alone. Everyone has come across such a phenomenon as the pressure of society, which forces them to certain actions, or noticed how a person with whom you spoke in a raised voice a couple of minutes ago suddenly begins to fawn in front of a useful business acquaintance. Behave the same with all people.
  2. 2 Listen and learn. Often people just wait for their turn to speak up and do not listen to the interlocutor at all. This is a very selfish behavior. We all have something to say, but if you learn to listen carefully to others, then your opinion will become more interesting for the interlocutor. If you want to gain the respect of the people in your conversation, learn to listen actively and build a reputation for being considerate.
    • Ask a lot of questions. Even in a conversation with a person you know well, try to find out as much as possible with the help of questions and clarifications. People are pleased when the interlocutor listens to them with interest. A genuine interest will help you earn respect. Clarifying questions like "How many sisters do you have?" and "Are you like them?" will allow you to build a deep conversation.
    • Don't forget about the conversation.If a book or album was recommended to you, briefly describe your opinion in the message as you read several chapters or listen to songs.
  3. 3 Praise someone else's work. Praise and compliments to other people earn respect by shifting attention to society. If you liked the actions, ideas, or words of a co-worker or friend, then feel free to say so. Some people tend to be jealous of others' successes. If you want to earn respect, then learn to recognize other people's achievements and successes.
    • Demonstrate to people that you are not only worried about yourself.
    • Give genuine compliments. Excessive and inappropriate praise will not help you gain respect, but it will create a reputation for being sycophantic. Never be silent with sincere admiration.
    • Praise people for actions, deeds, and decisions, not superficial things like physical appearance or possessions. Better to say, "You have a great sense of style," rather than, "Nice dress."
  4. 4 Show support. Empathy is an important aspect of mutual respect. If you are able to notice the emotional needs of others, then you will be respected as a caring and empathetic person who is considerate of others.
    • Notice other people's body language. If a person is upset or disappointed, they may not always say it out loud. Notice such moments and behave accordingly.
    • Give people emotional support, but don't push yourself unnecessarily. If your friend broke up with her partner, try to understand what she needs now. Some people prefer not to keep emotions in themselves and comprehensively discuss the situation with a loved one. Others do not like to talk about relationships - in this case, do not pester the person. Everyone is sad in their own way.
  5. 5 Stay in touch. From time to time, each of us has to forgive our friends about something. Try to be in touch with friends, colleagues and family all the time, and not just when you need something from them - this is a sign of respect.
    • Call or email your friends to just chat. Send them links to different articles on Facebook or other social networks to show the person that you haven't forgotten about them.
    • Tell your family about your successes and failures, especially if you don't live together. Also talk with your parents about school and personal life. Don't shut out people.
    • Treat colleagues like friends. You can't think about them only when you need to ask or clarify something. Take an interest in their lives and treat people with respect.

Method 2 of 3: How to be a reliable person

  1. 1 Always keep your word. It's hard to respect an irresponsible and unreliable person. If you want to earn respect, then keep your commitments and promises. Call at a predetermined time, do not be late with assignments and keep your word.
    • If it is necessary to cancel or change plans, then you should not resort to harmless lies and get out with the help of excuses. You promised your friends to go to a bar on Friday, and now you just want to watch the show at home? Just say: “I don’t want to go anywhere today,” and agree on another day. Always try to offer an alternative.
  2. 2 Offer help even if you don't have to help. Use your talents and strengths not only to earn respect and trust. Help family, friends and neighbors, because doing good is a great way to gain respect. Such a contribution will elevate you in the eyes of other people. Offer help and do not limit yourself to what you are good at doing.
    • Also learn to step back and help others discover their talents. If you are considered a reliable person, then people can turn to you with different requests, while other people with talent in this area will be shy to offer their services. Offer them as candidates to gain the respect of both parties.
  3. 3 Don't be limited to small things. You can meet the minimum requirements or put in the effort and make the job an order of magnitude better. The second option will allow you to earn respect.
    • If you got the job done early and you have time left, use it wisely. Often we put off work until the last moment and then rush. Set yourself up with fictitious deadlines to "finish" early and perfect your work in the remaining time.
    • Even if you ran out of energy and ideas, and the goal was not achieved, then at least you will know that you have done everything possible and impossible. This will allow you to earn respect.
  4. 4 Learn to notice other people's needs. If your roommate or partner is having a tough day at work and you know about it, clean up the house and prepare dinner or treats by the time they return home. Wanting to make life easier for others will help you gain people's respect.
    • Don't wait to be asked. Show yourself as an attentive person who shows respect and cares about others so that you are seen in a positive light and reciprocated.

Method 3 of 3: How to Be Confident

  1. 1 Remember humility. Don't let success turn your head and look at the world with a sober eye to be a happy and humble person who is respected by others. Let your actions speak for you, and people themselves draw conclusions about your talents and skills. Take your time to praise yourself and leave it to others.
    • Remember that people are not judged by their words, but by their deeds. You will not need to emphasize your merits if they are manifested in actions. For example, if a person repairs computers to everyone around him, then he does not need to talk about his technical skills.
  2. 2 Don't say too much. Everyone has an opinion on any issue, but this does not mean that you always need to express it. Try to be quiet and listen to others, especially if you tend to talk incessantly. Seek to understand other people's points of view and express yours only if she can complement the conversation. Otherwise, it is better to remain silent.
    • If you learn to listen to others, you will begin to better understand the motives behind the actions of the people around you.
    • If you are a silent person, then learn to speak when you have something to add. Don't let humility and the urge to show yourself as an unwavering stoic get in the way of expressing your point of view. It will not bring you respect.
  3. 3 Take responsibility for your actions. A person must be consistent not only in words, but also in actions. Complete the business you have started. Anyone can be wrong. In this case, admit your blunder and do not lose respect for yourself.
    • Don't ask for help if you can handle it yourself.
    • Feel free to ask for help if needed. This will help people see that you are a humble person who knows your limits, behaves openly, and is not afraid to appear vulnerable. This will earn you respect.
  4. 4 Defend your rights. Nobody respects spineless people. If you do not want to do something, then declare it. If you have a dissenting opinion on an issue and feel that it is closest to the truth, then do not be afraid to say so. Your polite, courteous, and respectful determination will earn the respect even of those who disagree with your point of view.
  5. 5 Respect yourself. Everyone knows the popular truth: "Respect yourself so that others will respect you." If you want to earn the respect of others, you must first learn to respect yourself. You should evaluate yourself and enjoy your positive qualities. You should always start with yourself.


  • Respect is easy to lose. If you have tried to win the respect of people for years, then you should not do stupid things.