How to make every girl "crazy" for you

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 4 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
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Have you ever liked a girl very much, but thought she was out of your reach? The bad news is that this often happens. The good news is it doesn't have to be that way! If you're ready to win that girl's heart, this article will show you how to do it, no matter who you are or how you look! To make every girl "crazy" for you, you should follow these guidelines.


Method 1 of 3: Understand women

  1. Learn how to behave in front of women. Before you can go into seducing a girl, it's better to have a good understanding of how to be around women in general. In fact, in general, the more girls that like you, the more likely the person you like will notice you.
    • There are a lot of rumors about what girls dislike: being a "good guy", being sensitive, etc. Trusting them will only make you lose points.
    • Treat girlfriend (different from your lover) is similar to your boyfriends: be friendly, talk about common interests, make fun of it, and listen. Add a bit of courtesy and consideration and that's it! You're on your way to being the chivalrous, real guy she's hoping for.

  2. Become cute. But should not become a doormat. Being kind and sensitive is a pretty good thing - great. But don't push yourself too hard to become like her brother. This is the end of any hope you already have, so let the conversation shift to a side that the older brothers are never going to get into.
    • For example, a statement like "You look pretty, Tram" might be true, and she'd love to hear it, but come on - this is what brother Her can also speak! Instead, you should try the saying "Oh, Tram, you look so sexy today. Those jeans are very suitable for your shape!" Do you think her brother can say this too? I hope not. Don't be her brother and don't give her reasons to think of you in the same way.

  3. Appreciate her for the whole person. People tend to give what they get, and accept what they give. If she thinks that you value her for her intellect, she will treasure her intellect as well your. But not your body.
    • Appreciate her whole being - intellectually, mentally, and her body. Let her know you think she's pretty, or attractive, or both.

  4. Pay attention to girls who are not familiar with this. Many wonderful and beautiful girls are ignored because they are quiet, shy, or are not part of a fashion group in society.
    • The next time you sit next to such a person in class, try to talk to her; Next time you see a girl hanging out at a party or club, invite her to dance. Even if it is clear that the two of you are not in love, she won't forget it - and will never see you the same way.
    • Learning how to interact with women on a social level without wanting anything more than their company, is a good lesson. The more comfortable you feel around girls in general, the more comfortable you will be when you meet someone you really like.

Method 2 of 3: Express yourself

  1. Change avatar. If your avatar shows you showing your best smile in front of the camera, delete it immediately; Research shows that even though boys will be attracted to pictures of smiling girls, women little be attracted to a photo of a smiling boy. Instead, they prefer photos of men looking proud or depressed.
    • Studies have also shown that the left side of the face tends to be considered the most attractive. Take a picture of yourself with a sad face and turn right with a thoughtful, downward gaze like Edward Cullen or smug, raise your eyes like Jaco Black - and watch the storm "like" (likes) and "favorite" (add to favorites).
  2. Don't try too hard. If your photo looks bleak or is looking for attention, you'll be laughed at. You can take as many photos as needed and choose the one you still look natural and like yourself. Ask a girlfriend to take a picture, if you can. She knows what women want to see, and can take the right picture.
  3. Become normal. Send the message that you are comfortable in all situations, even if you are silently trying to run away. This is called confidence.
    • If you approach women as a desperate beggar who is afraid of rejection, their instincts will tell them this, and they will go on to prove that you really are.
    • Don't act like you're "cool" to ignore it. Just be enthusiastic and calm, and if something doesn't go well, laugh minus and move on without being affected.
  4. Learn how to flirt. Flirting requires practice, confidence, and the ability to forget your worries; In the end, how would you be able to recognize someone else's suggestion if you were wiping the sweat from your palms or staring down at your feet? You should be prepared by consulting another article in the same category from us. To move forward in your game, you should check out the following article:
    • How to Have a Great Chat
    • How to Have an Wise Talk
    • How to Read Body Language
    • How to Touch A Girl — great if you're desperate to find a way to break the barrier of impact.

Method 3 of 3: Action

  1. Invite her out. If you've found someone you really like, don't hesitate to be the first to act. Most girls appreciate it when you invite them out (even if they disagree). Most of all, you will feel proud of yourself for being too brave (again, even if they disagree). You can refer to other articles in our categories to get all the advantages for yourself.
    • There are many stories of a pretty girl who never gets invited out by others because people are sure she's busy and too pretty to be with them, and they never ask her out.
    • Persistence. If the girl you like doesn't agree the first time, try again. This doesn't mean you need to hang on or act like a stalker; it means smiling, saying "Okay - I'll try again next week", and pursuing your own life for a while. If you talk to her often during the week, don't stop. Just avoid putting pressure on her with a date.
    • Give her time to think about your coldness and confidence, and the next time you ask a question, you may be surprised at how different she responds.
  2. Live up to the expectations you have set. So you finally have the girl you've been dreaming of. Now what should you do next?
    • If you are in the kiss phase, you should make sure you are ready - fresh, clean breath, etc.
    • If you are in the relationship stage, remember that you know how to be a good boyfriend.
    • If things are getting serious, you need to know how to have a healthy relationship.
    • Overcoming all the difficulties of driving a girl "crazy" because you just let her down when things are getting interesting is enough for her to go mad!


  • Make sure you make her feel special.
  • Be yourself - you can change your behavior, but changing yourself just to please others is silly.
  • Listen - not just pay attention to what she says, but pay attention to how she says it. You can learn a lot about someone because of what they don't say, as well as everything they say.
  • Pay attention to the change. If she cuts or dyes her hair, say she looks pretty - if this is the case. If she accidentally turns her hair purple, and you say you like it, she'll think you're a fool, or you're going to be her brother.
  • Break the flirting barrier when you feel comfortable with her. When ready, initiate collision - lower back, middle back, arms, etc.
  • Make sure you remember the anniversary and give her something.


  • Some girls are very selfish and only care about looks. Don't try to have a girl like this unless this is all you want in a girl.