How to make rice milk

Author: Marcus Baldwin
Date Of Creation: 22 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Homemade Rice Milk // Vegan
Video: Homemade Rice Milk // Vegan


1 Place water and rice in a blender bowl. Pour 4 measuring cups (960 ml) of water into the blender bowl and add 1 measuring cup (200 grams) of cooked white rice. For healthier rice milk, use filtered water - it contains much less chemicals and minerals than regular tap water.
  • You can use a food processor or a special smoothie blender to make rice milk.The more power of the device that you take, the more homogeneous the drink will end up.
  • 2 Turn on the blender and blend the ingredients for 1 minute. Turn the blender on to the maximum setting and let it sit for one minute for a smooth, thick liquid. Turn off the blender - if there are still lumps in the contents of the bowl, turn on the blender for another minute. Stir the contents of the bowl until it is completely smooth.
    • Do not use any other kitchen utensils while the blender is on - excessive stress on the electrical network may cause the breaker in the electrical panel to operate.
  • 3 Store prepared rice milk in the refrigerator and shake well before drinking. Rice milk tastes better when drunk chilled, but you can drink it warm as soon as it is cooked. If you prefer cold drinks, put the prepared milk in the refrigerator for half an hour. Stir the rice milk well before drinking so that the water and rice slurry form a smooth drink.
    • Prepared milk can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 5 days.
  • Method 2 of 2: Brown Rice Milk

    1. 1 Place water, brown rice and dates in a blender bowl. Measure out 2 measuring cups (480 ml) of water and half a measuring cup (100 grams) of cooked brown rice, place in a blender bowl, then add 4 dates. For best results, you will need a high speed blender. If you don't have a dedicated kitchen appliance, you can use a regular food processor.
      • Dates can help give the milk a sweet taste, but if you want to make unsweetened milk, don't add dates to the blender.
    2. 2 Turn on the blender and blend the contents of the bowl until smooth. Turn on the blender and wait until the rice and water form a homogeneous suspension that resembles milk. Usually two minutes are enough for this. The longer you mix the ingredients, the more homogeneous the resulting drink will be.
    3. 3 If desired, strain the resulting liquid through a fine mesh sieve to remove any remaining lumps. Brown rice has a denser texture, so even after grinding in a blender, small pieces of dense rice may remain in the liquid. If you prefer lump-free milk, place a fine mesh strainer over the wide-necked bottle and strain the rice milk.
      • Leftover rice particles can be thrown into the compost heap or trash can.
    4. 4 Drink rice milk immediately after preparation, or store in the refrigerator for no more than four days. Pour freshly prepared rice milk into a cup and enjoy this delicious, healthy drink. If you prefer chilled drinks, refrigerate the milk for half an hour. If you take the milk out of the refrigerator and see that the drink has stratified into water and rice cake, just stir it and you will have a smooth drink again.
      • If you notice that rice milk gives off an unpleasant smell, it means that it has gone bad. Don't drink it - just pour it out.

    What do you need

    White rice milk

    • Measuring cups
    • Blender

    Brown Rice Milk

    • Measuring cups
    • Blender
    • Fine mesh sieve
    • Wide-mouth bottle