How to become successful

Author: Marcus Baldwin
Date Of Creation: 21 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Jack Ma’s Ultimate Advice for Students & Young People - HOW TO SUCCEED IN LIFE
Video: Jack Ma’s Ultimate Advice for Students & Young People - HOW TO SUCCEED IN LIFE


While there is no single secret of success, successful people share many of the same traits and habits. Adopt the habits of successful people and understand the theoretical foundations for becoming more productive in life - this will help you achieve heights in any area you choose.


Part 1 of 3: Achieving Success Through a Healthy Lifestyle

  1. 1 Wake up early. The founding father of the United States and a successful businessman Ben Franklin said: "Going to bed early and getting up early makes a person healthy, wealthy and wise." Research has shown that getting up early makes us more conscientious and improves our ability to solve problems, while ensuring that we make the most of every hour of the day. Here are some tips that can help you get up early on a regular basis.
    • Plan your evenings to go to bed at a reasonable time (which includes stopping gadgets an hour before bed).
    • Do not press the snooze button on the alarm. Better to put an alarm clock or other device on the table opposite where you sleep. This will force you to stand up to mute the alarm.
  2. 2 Go in for sports. Successful people understand that in order to perform at their best, you need to take care of your body. This includes exercising regularly, which provides the following benefits:
    • suppression of depression;
    • increasing energy levels and fighting fatigue;
    • strengthening immunity and preventing disease;
    • training in discipline and dedication to goals.
    • If you don't have time to exercise regularly and fully, make small changes to your routine, such as climbing stairs or walking instead of driving to nearby places. This will contribute to a healthy lifestyle.
  3. 3 Promote emotional and mental health. Research shows that emotional health is critical to overall self-confidence, which is a key component of successful professional endeavors. In other words, it is not success that creates happy people; it is happy people that create success. Below are a few ways you can take control of your happiness and create success.
    • Commitment. In this context, commitment means not giving up despite problems and setbacks. Don't dwell on self-doubt - instead, use frustrations as a driving force for your current and future endeavors.
    • The control. Control means giving up being helpless.This means accepting the challenges and the challenges that come with it, and trying to influence the results rather than just waiting for them to occur.
    • Call. Challenge means invariably taking stressful situations (both positive and negative) as a basis for learning and development.

Part 2 of 3: Achieving Success as a Mental Process

  1. 1 Visualize the plan. Take time to chart the course for each day. Don't just make a list, but actually visualize the steps you will take to complete important projects and tasks. Research has shown that visualizing actions increases the speed and success of tasks. This means that when you think through the plan in detail, you become able to complete more tasks every day. Below are suggestions on how to use visualization to achieve success.
    • Focus on the personality traits you need to be successful. Whether you are the president of a bank or a member of a school parent committee, there are certain traits that all successful people have in common. The skills to listen, learn, communicate, delegate, organize are just a few of them. Add to this the skills that successful people have.
    • Imagine what success would look like. Are you aspiring to be a successful interior designer or parent raising children? Either way, it's important to visualize what success will look like to you, down to details such as the clothes you will wear and the people around you.
    • Use affirmations (positive statements). Visualization goes hand in hand with verbal and written affirmations. For example, if you want to be a successful golfer, close your eyes and repeat to yourself, “I see myself on a green field. I feel comfortable and confident. I'm ready to strike. When I hit the ball, it flies exactly where I want it. He lands on the field and is left two hits short of steam. "
  2. 2 Understand why you want to have what you want. Part of success is self-awareness, and part of self-awareness is understanding the motives that drive desires and behaviors.
    • It is important to define your goals, as well as understand what you will gain after achieving them and how these achievements will positively affect your life. For example, if you want to get a promotion, ask yourself why it is so important to you. For a higher salary and personal self-affirmation? Or is it because you are trying to impress someone?
    • When you reassess the direction of your goals, you may be reassessing your needs and coming up with wiser decisions. For example, if you find that the reason you want to be promoted is not really the person you need to become in order to achieve your goal, reconsider your priorities and look for ways to maintain personal happiness and still be successful.
  3. 3 Reassess your priorities. Write down the time spent that describes what you did in the last week and how long it took. Take a close look at what you are spending your time and energy on. This includes the time spent developing personal and professional relationships that can play an important role in success.
    • Ask yourself if the effort is worth the value you get from your time investment. For example, is it helping you be more productive at the work you love if you stay up at night chatting with your girlfriend? Working 40 hours a week as a teacher's assistant satisfies your personal desire to help children and make the world a better place?
    • Adjust expectations and how to meet them. Ask yourself what tasks and responsibilities bring you the most satisfaction, and write them down. Then go through the list and think about what obstacles you will face in achieving your goals.Are these obstacles that you created yourself, or are they challenges that will make you a better person? Are there any obstacles you can remove along the way to get you closer to success?
  4. 4 Follow your aspirations. One of the pitfalls of success is to pursue a goal because it brought success to another person, while ignoring your own aspirations. This doesn't mean you have to act impulsively - just play with your strengths and learn to tap your creativity and enthusiasm.
    • Good work brings good pay. Instead of striving for a job because it pays well, strive for a job that you are enthusiastic about and in which you can excel. Outstanding excellence in any field will bring financial rewards.
    • You are the product. People rarely invest in a company simply because the product it sells is irreplaceable. In many cases, the key role is played by the person at the helm who leads the project, has a vision, and instills confidence. When we immerse ourselves in what we love, we showcase the key personality traits and skills that make us great. People will react to this and believe in you.
    • Do it because you can't help but do it. Think about what makes you wake up in the morning. What is your job title, parenting role, evening hobby? Look for ways to surrender to what inspires you for a desired skill or product, and reinvent your own success.
  5. 5 Learn to tolerate discomfort and postpone gratification. Strength of mind does not mean lack of emotion. This means being aware of your emotions, but being strong enough to deal with them in the face of inevitable discomfort.
    • Be motivated. Do you get anxious around new people? Are you tired of the current task, which is the key to the success of a larger project? Instead of saying, "I'm sorry I have to do [x]," say, "I can get through this," or, "Just take one day for this and get it over with."
    • Start small. Today you will refuse to watch TV until you wash the dishes. After a year, you will refuse to leave the twenty-second kilometer distance during a marathon. Training for success isn't just about snapping your fingers. It is about maintaining standards and good habits over time and in all aspects of life.
  6. 6 Analyze your progress. It is very important to have a plan, but it is equally important to be able to take a step back and analyze what you have achieved and what remains to be done.
    • Keep a diary. Some activities, such as journaling, making lists, or using a calendar / visualization board, can help you analyze and track your path to success.
    • Remember, analysis is not easy. The point of thinking about your path to success isn't about patting yourself on the back, but about critically assessing whether you've reached important milestones. If not, you may need to make adjustments to the original plan or completely rethink the actions you originally intended to take.
    • Starting over doesn't mean losing. If, after analyzing, you realize that you are on the wrong path, then it is time to visualize a new direction. Take stock of what you have learned and figure out how to move from the path you are on to one that is more closely related to your ambition and talents.

Part 3 of 3: Implementing Success Habits

  1. 1 Learn from mistakes. Successful people are not born, they are made with the help of accumulated life experience, which includes both risk and failure. Of course, you should never act impulsively, but if you take calculated risks, it can pay off in the long term.Even if you don't succeed at everything you do, remember that analyzing mistakes and learning from them is a key trait of all successful people.
    • Steve Jobs was fired from Apple in 1985 in large part because it was difficult to work with him. However, he came back 12 years later and turned the company, then in decline, into a successful and promising one because he improved his leadership skills.
  2. 2 Be proactiverather than reactive. Research has linked personal success to being proactive. So instead of waiting for opportunities to find you, jot down a list of ways to improve your life and career, and act without delay. Below are some tactics to increase proactivity. Useful brainstorming techniques include free writing, making lists, and sketching maps.
    • Anticipate what obstacles you will face and plan how to overcome them. Prediction is associated with skills such as visualization. When we realistically project the path to success, we are sure to project the pitfalls along the way.
    • Prevent avoidable obstacles. Of course, not all obstacles can be avoided, but many of them can be circumvented by preparing in advance, obtaining funding and training.
    • Appreciate timeliness. Research shows it's important not just to take action, but to know when to undertake them. Rushing into an unfamiliar business may seem unprepared or reckless. If you hesitate to take action, you may not be able to make the most of your skills and act as a leader.
  3. 3 Surround yourself with successful people. Success doesn't happen in a vacuum. Every successful person has a long list of friends, teachers, mentors, colleagues, and others who have helped along the way.
    • Look at the people around you already: talented, positive, supportive, motivated, and knowledgeable. If possible, spend time learning and collaborating with them.
    • Internships, workshops, and professional supervision are also great ways to interact with and learn from successful people.
    • Perhaps your goal goes beyond the pursuit of wealth and you are looking for ways to be successful as a parent or teacher. The rule remains the same. Find successful people you admire. Chat with them and find out what drives them. Adopt good habits to stimulate your own ambition.
  4. 4 Develop strong, positive relationships. Are you trying to improve your shipping or customer service? Are you looking for mentorship from other, more experienced professionals? Do you want to improve your skills and become a high-class cyclist? Whether you're thinking logistically or personally, building lasting relationships is integral to being successful, no matter the playing field. The following tactics can help you nurture those relationships in productive ways.
    • Expand your personal dating network. While every entrepreneur knows that a strong brand and social media presence are the keys to professional success, they do not replace personal contacts, which are the most common source of opportunity and development.
    • Develop relationships beyond your serious ambitions. Think of your personal life as the practice of managing people in a professional or work context. If you don't hear the needs of family members or are not a loyal friend, this relationship is doomed to fail. It's also important to look for opportunities to develop relationships with new friends, so consider joining a hobby club or attending hobby-related gatherings.
  5. 5 Ask questions and listen more than you speak. Asking questions is a great way not only to engage in important conversations, but also to expand your knowledge and increase your attractiveness, as it gives other people the opportunity to share something.
    • By listening to others, you also get the opportunity to capitalize on their experiences and use what you have learned for future challenges.
  6. 6 Take responsibility. When you shift the blame for your actions to others, you also deprive yourself of the opportunity to take success.
    • Don't blame outside forces for failure. Instead, analyze what you did and how to do it better next time. Remember that you are the only one who decides whether you succeed or fail.
  7. 7 Maintain high standards. Successful people are highly motivated and have a strong work discipline.
    • Invest as much as possible in every task you complete. Exceed the expectations of colleagues and managers. Don't just comply with the requirements, but always work to improve and progress to go beyond what is expected of you.