How to make a laboratory report

Author: Marcus Baldwin
Date Of Creation: 21 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Write a Lab Report
Video: How to Write a Lab Report


A laboratory report is a clear and consistent description that you make as you record information. This article will give you a short description of laboratory reports that are commonly used in high school.


  1. 1 Identify the problem you are trying to solve or what you are working on. Write this down at the top of the report.
  2. 2 Determine the theoretical rationale for solving the problem or the preliminary outcome of your work and call it "Hypotheses". Use the expressions "If this, then this is from that" to write a hypothesis. "If this" - will be what you have changed, "" Then this "- will be the result of changing hypotheses." Based on this "- why such a reaction occurs.
  3. 3 Then briefly and consistently describe the materials you are using. This will then allow someone else to repeat your experiment and check your results.
  4. 4 After the list of materials, describe exactly the steps and measurements that you took. Again, this will reproduce your experiment.
  5. 5 Then describe your observations clearly and in a logical sequence. Summarize and categorize data so that it is easy to read and understand.
  6. 6 At the end of the report, make a generalized conclusion about the experiment, including your conclusion about the results obtained and whether your hypothesis was confirmed.
  7. 7 Finally, are there any errors in your data or extremely opposite values ​​that do not correspond to other indicators. Justify what can be changed to improve the quality and accuracy of the experiment.


  • If you are unsure of which report format to use, ask your instructor to help you.
  • Check your report twice: the first time for the layout, the second time for the content.
  • Pick a lab that you know well and feel confident about. Then you can describe it in more detail.
  • When recording data from external sources, always use the format your instructor recommends. Always indicate the source of the information.


  • You can be expelled from your school for plagiarism.
  • Different schools use different forms, so check them first.