How to deal with a girl dumping you for another boyfriend (for teens)

Author: Bobbie Johnson
Date Of Creation: 7 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
What To Do If She Has A Boyfriend BUT You Want Her
Video: What To Do If She Has A Boyfriend BUT You Want Her


If your beloved has gone to another guy, then trust us, you are not alone. It happens to everyone, more often than once! Does it still hurt? This is fine. After all, you are only human. Controlling your feelings is the best way to start moving on. Read on to find out how to quickly forget and overcome all feelings for this girl.


  1. 1 Remove it from the pedestal. The best girl in the world? Never met and never will meet another like her? This is a very common feeling, but trust us, it is probably not true. So, let your friends talk nonsense about her. Think about all the annoying things she did. Do what you need to do to remind yourself that no one is perfect, especially her.
  2. 2 Don't take it personally. The relationship is over. It happens, but beating yourself up or trying to "figure out" something about yourself will make your heartache worse. Instead, try to admit that it was mostly because of her and not because of you.
  3. 3 Don't think about it. This can be the hardest step. But dwelling on “if”, “but” and “why” is absolutely useless, especially for you. Find ways to get her out of your head.
  4. 4 Make your life more active. Reconnect with the acquaintances and friends you abandoned when dating or stalking Miss Queen of All. Join a sports team. Call an old friend. Read good books. Enjoy your own life and you will worry less about it. In the end, the best revenge is to live well.
  5. 5 Be healthy. Sign up for a gym, start running, eat good foods. It is scientifically proven that by keeping your body healthy, you are helping to keep yourself happy, and that is indeed what is needed.
  6. 6 Don't worry about the other guy! You never know why people do what they do. Thinking about the guy she found will only hurt you more.
  7. 7 Remember there are others. Take some time to organize your thoughts, and then remind yourself that there are still many more chances for you. Relationships are like adventures and sometimes they don't end well. But there are still many future relationships, they are waiting for their turn. Learn from them and do what you want.


  • Time heals all wounds. There is no surefire way to recover from grief. But, if you see perspectives and live your own life, in the end you will overcome everything.
  • It will be difficult at first, you will not have a goal. Over time, reading articles like this and doing what you love to be constantly involved in something interesting will change for the better. Just stay strong and connect with your friends and family.
  • Rediscover hobbies that you neglected, such as playing an instrument, reading, practicing, programming, whatever interests you.
  • Don't take drastic measures. Life will suck for a while, but once you master yourself, you will look back and feel okay.
  • It takes time. Never rush.
  • Looking at other girls will help bridge the gap, but don't overdo it.


  • Don't go out and start a relationship with the first girl you see. Eventually, this will be your next grief. Just have fun with life and remember to be yourself and you are sure to find the right girl.
  • Accept that she has a different boyfriend. Being obsessed with the guy she dumped you for won't make anyone happy, especially you.