How to maintain long-distance relationships during adolescence

Author: Marcus Baldwin
Date Of Creation: 19 June 2021
Update Date: 16 September 2024
6 Tips on Maintaining Long Distance Relationships
Video: 6 Tips on Maintaining Long Distance Relationships


Distance can make a relationship difficult, especially during adolescence. It is not easy for people to maintain long-distance relationships, but this situation has its advantages. If both partners understand the meaning of such a relationship and make joint efforts, then they can make this relationship special.


Part 1 of 3: How to Start a Long-Distance Relationship

  1. 1 Set the boundaries of your relationship. Both partners should be clearly aware of how they see their relationship. If you started dating in high school before going to university or met at summer camp, then boundaries need to be set before breaking up. You should clearly understand the situation in order to prevent jealousy and confusion.
    • It is necessary to decide whether this relationship will be the only one. This is not necessary if both partners agree to date other people.
    • Determine if the relationship can grow into something more. If so, consider when you can be together. In adolescence, this prospect will seem very distant, but if you have no idea when your separation may end, it will be much more difficult for you to maintain a relationship.
  2. 2 Remember the benefits of long distance relationships. Distance isn't always a bad thing. The period of separation will allow you to get to know each other and yourself better, and in difficult times you will always have someone to talk to.
    • You will be able to communicate better. Distance will force you to communicate regularly, get to know your common interests and differences better. You will not be able to avoid talking about your own life, dreams and worries, because at the moment, talking is the only way to maintain a relationship.
    • You have the opportunity to spend time with friends and family, to do things that make you happy. Your new partner will probably not share all of your interests. From a distance, you can devote time to your interests and not feel guilty about not spending that time with your partner.
    • Try to write down all the benefits. This will help you clarify your thoughts and read these points the moment you feel overwhelmed by the distance.
  3. 3 Get ready to say goodbye. Not to end a relationship, but every time you're going to be apart again. Remember that every new date you have will come to an end and you will have to return to your remote places of residence. You can alleviate such a sad moment if you prepare for it in advance.
    • Keeping upset after each goodbye can take a toll on your emotional health. You need to decide if your relationship is really important enough to regularly expose yourself to this test.
  4. 4 Tell your parents. Dependence on parents and constant control is one of the main difficulties in the life of a teenager. This is why parents need to be aware of your relationship, as they set the rules to follow. They can also support you and even offer ideas for how to keep in touch or find a way to meet.
    • Your parents may not approve of your relationship, but this is not a reason to hide the truth from them. Better behave yourself and show how mature you are. Be clear about what you expect from them, be it advice or support. Be honest and open about why you need this relationship. If they do not approve of your decision, then you should remain calm and try to understand their position, ask questions.
  5. 5 Be careful if you meet online. You will probably want to meet, but if you met online (on a dating site or on a social network), then the person may not be who he claims to be.Be sure to collect information about this person and only after that you can start any relationship.
    • There are several simple ways to find out information about a person. Ask other site visitors or mutual friends about this person to make sure they are a real person. If a photo has been sent to you, then check it in a reverse search engine like “TinEye” or “Google Images”.
    • Never give a person personal information like a phone number or address if you are unsure of the person you are talking to. Do not rush to share such information even if you are convinced of the reality of a person.
    • Recognize other signs of harassment, such as asking for a private conversation, offering money or other gifts, or trying to get information about your home or family. If you have never met this person, then such behavior may indicate serious problems that need to be reported to the site administration and parents.
    • If you met online, then this is an extremely important step. There are many swindlers on the Internet who engage in fraud or other illegal activities. Be vigilant and don't fall prey to criminals.

Part 2 of 3: How to Stay Connected

  1. 1 Talk often. In the modern world, there are many ways to communicate even at a great distance. Mobile phones, computers and other technologies make it possible to communicate from completely different places. Make sure to schedule regular communication.
    • You don't have to talk every day or at a set time. Everything will be fine if the desire and desire to communicate are mutual. Above all, don't let conversations take away your personal time.
    • The technology must be available to both partners. Conversations and messaging using a mobile phone may not be available if one of the partners lives in an area with a weak signal strength. Likewise, if one of you has an old computer without a webcam, then you are unlikely to be able to use Skype.
    • Don't forget the time difference. If you live in different time zones, then keep this in mind when you get in touch. No one likes to wake up at five in the morning just to chat.
    • Track how the communication is going. Do you always call first or does your boyfriend always initiate conversations? If the initiative comes from only one person, then this is not the best sign. Make sure the desire to keep in touch is not one-sided.
  2. 2 Do business together. You are in different places, so the task may seem daunting, but it goes a long way in strengthening the relationship. So you can develop common interests, you will always have a topic for conversation on the Internet or on the phone. If you do things together, then you will learn to become closer to each other, even at a distance. Some examples of joint activities:
    • Watch a TV show together and talk over the phone at the same time.
    • Try to learn a new skill together (learn a new language or play sports). Always share your successes and give each other useful advice.
    • If you both enjoy video games, you can play online together. Be sure to make sure you understand your partner's competitive nature so you don't offend each other while playing.
  3. 3 Send gifts to each other. Gifts do not have to be large, small tokens of attention and care are enough. Teenagers usually have little money, so there is no need to spend it on big and expensive gifts. Even a simple handwritten letter will be a great expression of your feelings.
    • A small reminder of the place where you first met will always allow you to remember pleasant moments spent together. Your joint photo with a cute note will revive joyful memories in your memory.
    • It is necessary to know the likes and dislikes of your partner so that the gift is always pleasant.Also consider possible food allergies if you wish to send sweets.
  4. 4 Schedule your next meeting. Despite the many benefits of long distance relationships, you will definitely want to meet and be together. Work together to find time to meet.
    • The details of the meeting depend on how far away you are from each other. If you live in the same area, then you can meet on weekends every couple of weeks. The situation will be more difficult if you live in different parts of the country or even the world. Discuss with your partner the frequency of your meetings and who exactly will be visiting.
    • Turn collecting money for a trip into a fun game. Calculate the cost of your trip and keep track of how much you save. Do not forget: every time you save some money, you bring closer the moment of a new meeting with your soul mate.

Part 3 of 3: How to Take Care of Yourself

  1. 1 Be honest about your values. The point of a relationship is not to change for the other person, but to be accepted and loved for who you are. In adolescence, this is difficult, because you will face intense pressure and attempts to change you. If you are not confident in yourself, then it is easier to influence you. Let your partner know about anything that matters to you. A caring person will support you or learn to put up with this fact.
  2. 2 Learn to plan your time. Relationships are probably very important, but don't make them the meaning of your life. Take time to meet friends and try new things. Don't always turn down invitations just because you're trying to find time to call. If you are in a serious relationship, then your partner will understand everything.
    • Also, do not interfere with your significant other from finding time for their interests and hobbies. You can't constantly tell your partner about how you spend time with your friends, and then be jealous if he does the same.
  3. 3 Share your relationship with your friends. They need to know that you are in a relationship. Periodically tell your friends about the affairs of your significant other and what you think about it. You would be talking about your relationship if it weren't for a distance. So what's the difference?
    • So you will remember your partner, think about him even in those moments when you are not talking to him.
    • By changing your tone or not mentioning a partner, friends may notice that you are not doing well in your relationship. They can spot problems before you and help fix the situation.
  4. 4 Think about your goals. Relationships can be challenging during adolescence because you don't always know what you want from them. Your goals can change in the course of a relationship, desires can arise or disappear.
    • Always inform your significant other about the current state of affairs. Both partners should be up to date. Otherwise, the news may come as an unpleasant surprise at the time of your meeting after a long separation.


  • Trust is the cornerstone of a relationship, especially when you can't get close to each other. Without trust, you cannot build a relationship regardless of distance or closeness between you.


  • Very often, adolescent relationships quickly come to an end, and the distance only contributes to the approach of this moment. You will be hurt by the end of the relationship, but you can move on as you would with any other breakup.