How to prepare an analogue of herbal spices

Author: Marcus Baldwin
Date Of Creation: 19 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Gordon’s Guide To Herbs
Video: Gordon’s Guide To Herbs


Don't be discouraged if your kitchen runs out of herbs or spice mixes. Show a little imagination, and this will help you find worthy replacement options. In the middle of winter there is no way to pick fresh rosemary from the garden, which is necessary for the recipe, but you can always store a small amount of dried herb in the pantry. Pick an herb with a similar aroma if you run out of fresh and dried herbs. You can do the same if you do not have all the necessary components for the spice mixture at hand. In some cases, you can use a mixture instead of one type of herb. Anything about experimenting with culinary herbs requires some compromise and creativity.


Method 1 of 3: Replace Fresh Herbs with Dried Herbs

  1. 1 When replacing fresh herbs with dried herbs, use a 1: 3 ratio. For example, if a recipe lists one tablespoon of fresh oregano, you might notice it with a teaspoon of dried oregano.
    • Dried herbs have a richer flavor and should therefore be used less than fresh herbs.
    • Fresh herbs give a lively flavor to a dish, but remember that its dried counterpart tastes differently. The dish will turn out to be more intense, but it will not have a lively aroma of fresh greens.
  2. 2 Fresh sage can be substituted for dried or powdered sage. Replace sage with its dried counterpart if you run out of fresh sage while cooking a turkey or other meat dish. Keep in mind that dry sage tastes more intense and therefore only a third of the recipe should be used.
  3. 3 Use dried rosemary instead of fresh. Rosemary is often used in baked goods, sauces and Mediterranean meats. Use dried rosemary if you run out of fresh rosemary. It should be remembered that you need to take only a third of the amount indicated in the recipe.
  4. 4 Try replacing fresh mint with dried mint. Mint is a great addition to savory dishes and is used in many desserts and drinks such as tea and mojito. If the recipe calls for a tablespoon of minced mint, add one teaspoon of dried.
  5. 5 Use dried cilantro instead of fresh cilantro. Dried cilantro won't work as a side dish, so only use it when adding it to a main course.
    • If your recipe still requires a lot of fresh cilantro, try changing your mind and cooking a different dish.

Method 2 of 3: Swap one herb for another

  1. 1 Bay leaves can be substituted with thyme or oregano. Add a quarter teaspoon of dried thyme or oregano to each bay leaf listed in the recipe.
    • For example, you can always replace the bay leaf with a teaspoon of thyme or oregano if you need to season the stew, but it was not at hand.
  2. 2 Try substituting cumin for cumin. These herbs have a lot in common, as both belong to the genus Parsley. They also have a similar taste, but the cumin is more nutty and smoky, and the caraway is characterized by a sweet earthy hue. Start with a pinch of caraway seeds in less than the recipe indicated and then add until you achieve the flavor you want.
    • Zira can be replaced with ground coriander, but in this case the flavor will not be nutty and smoky. The coriander adds a touch of lemon to the dish.
  3. 3 Use a mixture of parsley, tarragon, and dill instead of cilantro. If you need to replace fresh cilantro, use an equivalent amount of fresh parsley, tarragon, or dill. Mix a small amount of all three herbs in turn to replace the cilantro. This option works best for side dishes.
  4. 4 To replace coriander, use cumin, fennel, or cumin. If you need to replace coriander seeds or ground seasoning, an equivalent amount of cumin, fennel, or cumin can be used for this purpose. A combination of three herbs will work as well.
  5. 5 Other Mediterranean herbs can be used to replace sage. If the supply of sage is depleted, you can always take an equivalent amount of Mediterranean herbs. Any of the options below will work fine:
    • Use marjoram instead of sage. It is a zesty herb, similar to sage, that lends a citrus flavor to dishes.
    • Substitute rosemary for sage. Rosemary is pine and citrusy, but it can also replace sage.
    • Use thyme. Compared to sage, it is dominated by mint notes, but this option is fine.
    • Replace sage with savory. It has the same peppery aroma, so it should only be used if the dish needs to be spicy.
  6. 6 Use winter savory instead of the usual one. Savory is used in the preparation of a large number of Mediterranean dishes, especially for meat and beans, vegetable and mushroom dishes. Winter savory has a distinct peppery aroma, and this must be taken into account. You can also use any of the following options:
    • Substitute thyme for savory and add some mint.
    • Use a mixture of parsley and celery leaves instead of savory.

Method 3 of 3: Replace herbs with a seasoning mixture

  1. 1 If you don't have fresh or dried sage on hand, use a poultry seasoning. Sage has a peppery and earthy flavor. Seasoning for poultry has a similar flavor aroma, as it contains sage in addition to other herbs. Use the same amount of poultry seasoning as indicated in the recipe.
    • Some seasonings contain salt, so try adjusting the recipe to avoid oversalting the dish.
  2. 2 Use chili instead of cumin. This will give you a small amount of cumin as it is in the chili seasoning, but don't forget about the other ingredients. In addition to caraway seeds, the composition includes cayenne and red peppers, garlic and onion powder.
    • Garam masala can also be used in place of cumin. It contains cumin, coriander, cardamom, black pepper, cinnamon, cloves and nutmeg. Additional ingredients such as dill are allowed. To start, add half the amount that was indicated in the recipe for the caraway seeds, and then add to taste.
  3. 3 Try making your own Ras el Hanut spice mix. If this seasoning is over, you can always prepare it yourself. Mix equal parts paprika, coriander, ginger and add a pinch of saffron.
    • Ground coriander can replace Ras al-Khanut. It won't give the dish such a richness of flavor, but it will also work fine.
  4. 4 Prepare a simplified version of the baharat mixture. If this seasoning is over, prepare it yourself, for which you need to mix paprika, cumin and cinnamon in equal parts.
    • Also, the mixture of baharat can be replaced with caraway seeds.
  5. 5 To replace garam masala, use black pepper or curry powder. If you run out of garam masala, you can always spice it up with a little black pepper or curry.
    • Garam masala is not difficult to replace, as most of the ingredients are always on hand. Combine two tablespoons of coriander, one tablespoon of cumin, cardamom, black peppercorns, one teaspoon of dill and mustard seeds, half a teaspoon of cloves, and two red chili peppers, then sauté over medium heat for about two minutes. Then you need to grind the toasted spices in a coffee grinder and add two tablespoons of turmeric.Store the finished mixture in a jar.
  6. 6 Prepare a mixture of Provencal herbs. If you need an analogue of this seasoning, try making your own spice mix. Using a mill or coffee grinder, combine two teaspoons of dried thyme, two teaspoons of dried savory, one teaspoon of dried marjoram, one teaspoon of dried lavender, half a teaspoon of dried rosemary, dill seeds, and one crushed bay leaf.