How to understand why your boyfriend is acting differently around a coworker

Author: Joan Hall
Date Of Creation: 6 July 2021
Update Date: 23 June 2024
Don’t Analyze His Mixed Signals! Here’s Why He Sends Them
Video: Don’t Analyze His Mixed Signals! Here’s Why He Sends Them


So, we all saw our buddies with their partners and maybe even noticed a change, whether it was the way of speaking, the action or the subject of the conversation, or the whole pattern of behavior. Some of the reasons why this happens are described below.


  1. 1 Understand that when he is with his colleagues, he must match them. Obviously, his behavior will be different from when he is alone with you.
  2. 2 Don't expect an abundance of love. When his partners are next to him, he will not show love, therefore he does not want to seem like a stupid slug in front of his friends, no matter how you wait for the manifestation of emotions and feelings.
  3. 3 Don't force him to make a choice. He will not be able to choose whether to get the approval of friends or yours, being with friends, he will want to hear: "you are cool", and with you he will try to hear something like: "you are so cute" or vice versa.
  4. 4 Expect a difference. He enjoys both your affection and his companions, which gives rise to two behaviors. Try to understand that he doesn't say or do certain things on purpose, it's just his nature. Most likely, you will not want him to be a brutal type all the time, and with you too, even if it is better only with your friends.
  5. 5 Trust his colleagues. They inspire him to grow, they are the ones who were with him at the very beginning, so he does not try to be different when he made a girlfriend, he does not want to lose friendship.
  6. 6 Let him go. There are times when a guy only wants to spend time with his friends, doesn't want you to hear their conversations when they are drinking or just eating. Therefore, let him go if he goes with friends, but does not call you.
  7. 7 Leave him some space. He wants to be free to walk with friends, but he does not want you to feel abandoned because he loves you and expects you to understand.
  8. 8 Please. He just hesitates to publicly show his affection. This is typical of many guys, we love you, but we are embarrassed to show it in front of our friends. We hope you can understand.
  9. 9 Remember, if he is really rude to you in public, then he may not be the one to relate to.
  10. 10Most guys don't want to be laughed at
  11. 11 Have patience when he laughs with colleagues at a joke that you do not understand, instead of getting in, wait until they finish and ask what the joke was about. If his colleagues laugh at you, and he does not intercede, then he is not worthy of you.


  • If he does bad things (does it all the time or treats you really badly), talk to him about it, tell him that it is your concern about the relationship. If he allows himself to offend you and it doesn't go away, it might be time to reconsider your relationship with this person.
  • A productive conversation can go a long way towards fostering rapport and romance in a relationship. Talk about your problems: dislikes, repulsions, fears, benefits, etc.
  • Guys tend to be shy about showing their affection to people, much less to friends.


  • Don't get too close with his buddies, or he'll think you're flirting and leave you. But don't be boring! Talk, laugh, be nice and funny, interact with them so that your friend understands how amazing his girlfriend is, that she was able to please so many people, and they want to communicate with her.
  • Don't be rude. Guys don't like it when a girl is rude to their friends, especially if they are also colleagues.