How to stop being too jealous and become the best girl

Author: Bobbie Johnson
Date Of Creation: 4 April 2021
Update Date: 24 June 2024


Do you feel like you start to get a crushing sense of jealousy when your boyfriend talks to other girls? Are you afraid that your fears are strangling your own relationships? To stop being too jealous and become your dream girl, follow these instructions.


Part 1 of 3: Feel Safe

  1. 1 Learn to accept yourself for who you are. Much of jealousy comes from feeling insecure about the idea that someone else can make your partner happier or can give him more. Remember what your partner has chosen you, and not someone else. Stop constantly worrying about your weight, height, appearance; your constant negativity devastates both you and your partner. Moreover, when people are faced with an excessive sense of insecurity, they are turned off, and you find yourself under the influence of a self-fulfilling prophecy that pulls you deeper into the abyss of disrespect and self-neglect. Your partner is with you, and they have reasons to think you are attractive, but even if they are not, you should never let the opinions of the people around you determine your own attitude towards yourself.
    • Read about how to become self-confident - it will help you become a more balanced and confident person.
  2. 2 Deal with your old mental wounds. Most people have them, and many of us allow old grudges to seep into new relationships - unconsciously acting out the dynamics of the old relationship or perceiving our wonderful new partner through the prism of skepticism and bias. If necessary, figure out how to deal with emotional pain so that you feel better and see your relationship today for what it is.
  3. 3 Find out what it means to have a healthy relationship. Whether you are a beginner or a veteran in this business, it is not always easy to understand that supposed under a happy relationship, and what feelings they should evoke. Many of us grow up without a good example of relationships, among friends, family, and even among our parents. To make matters worse, a terrible relationship alone can completely throw you off balance and lose confidence in yourself, causing you to doubt yourself for years to come. To learn more, read about How to Have a Healthy Relationship.

Part 2 of 3: Assess the Strength of Your Relationship

  1. 1 Reassess your current relationship. After you understand yourself and have achieved a clear understanding of your feelings and experiences, it's time to take a fresh look at your relationship. Do your jealousy, doubts, and fears grow out of self-worth problems? Perhaps such a look will only be an excuse for your partner's unsatisfactory behavior? Even if you weren't the level-headed girl you should be, that doesn't mean you need to ignore and write off your partner's wrongdoing because of your guilt; there is always the possibility that your out of control feelings are the result of attempts to suppress your own instincts; after all, maybe you both had a hand in what is happening in your relationship at the moment. Before blaming yourself for jealousy and imbalance, read the articles on the issues below that you think might apply to your situation. The healing process can only begin when you know for sure what is really happening to you and your partner.
    • Read about how to recognize a manipulative or controlling relationship.
    • Read about how to recognize manipulative behavior.
    • Read about how to recognize a bossy person.
    • Read about how to end a controlling or manipulative relationship.
    • Read about how to deal with psychological abuse.

Part 3 of 3: How to Reduce Jealousy and Start Over

  1. 1 Give your partner more freedom. If you are following him, throwing accusations at him, following his pages on social media, or in any other way showing despair, your first priority is to back down. Take a few deep breaths, leave him alone, and try not to do anything challenging for a while.Find opportunities to hang out with your friends, go to an interesting event, and reduce the frequency of your meeting with your boyfriend by at least one date. Be careful and make sure that your behavior does not look (and is not felt by you) as revenge; Your goal is not to punish him, give him a cold shower, or manipulate him to beg you for forgiveness - your goal is to give both of you a chance to rest, let off some steam, appreciate what is happening and hopefully keep the relationship.
    • If you need more advice, read on to learn how to give your guy more freedom.
  2. 2 Breathe new life into your relationship. Before doing any inner work with yourself or with your partner, you need to take control of the possible further destruction of your tensions. Start by striking a healthy balance between giving your partner freedom and improving the quality of the time you spend together. Take care of your hobbies, and let it enrich you and fill your life with meaning - after all, part of the attractiveness of another person for us is born from his mystery and some secrecy; If you spend all of your time checking your boyfriend's calls, messages, emails, and social media posts, you're unlikely to be able to keep the intrigue of what you were doing. Divide your time evenly between your boyfriend and your friends, and let him do the same. Rekindle your interest in old hobbies, and if need be, find a new hobby that will make your non-romantic part of life more meaningful. Then, when both of you remember what it means to miss each other, improve the quality of your time together - go on vacation or have a weekend at home, try something new (like signing up for a dance together), or create the mood you want by flirting while trying to maintain romance. ...
  3. 3 Build the right communication with each other. You need to work on this together; Many relationship problems can be corrected (if not avoided entirely) if the couple is able to communicate genuinely and effectively with each other. Much of effective communication is about communicating an unpleasant topic without your partner defensively (or worse, attacking). Try to restrain yourself from accusations: learn to talk about what feel (for example, “I feel scared when you stay up late and don't tell me where you are and how soon you'll be back”) instead of talking about what are afraid (“I’m afraid you’re cheating on me”) would sound like a slap in the face. Be honest with your partner, tell him about your thoughts and worries, instead of accumulating them in yourself - sooner or later your feelings will burst out of the blue. Read up on How to Communicate Effectively for more detailed guidance.
  4. 4 Learn to trust. Trust issues can drive you crazy. Ask yourself the question: who do you really not trust? Your partner, his friends, or yourself? If you realize that you are still not sure of yourself in matters of love, or simply feel threatened by another girl, this will be a good result; both come out of the same problem that you can work through and take full control of. Read up on how to trust your boyfriend again, for both of you.
    • Did he not answer your text message? That's the problem. Obsessing over such things will only irritate you; If you step back and don't wait for your calls, sms, etc. to be answered instantly, your boyfriend won't get annoyed. Do not call him with an offer to meet if he is still at a meeting with someone about his business - take a deep breath and move on. He will answer you when he can.
    • Don't ask your guy to stop visiting any particular place.Some part of jealousy is born from the desire to control others; giving your guy freedom will show you trust and give him more reasons to respect you.
    • You don't have to give your guy absolute carte blanche of trust. If you are genuinely worried about something, not be careful not to raise this topic carefully. Tell him that you are uncomfortable when he talks to a particular girl, or honestly tell him about his behavior that offends you. Don't go overboard or stoop to accusations. Just talk about how you feel - if he respects it, he will try to make a difference.
    • If your boyfriend himself is not trustworthy, then it is his turn to roll up his sleeves and respond with his own work to all the efforts that you have made for your relationship. If he cannot or does not want to do this, leave him and start looking for someone else who is ready for this.
  5. 5 Be an amazing girl. Okay, you managed to save your relationship and repair the damage that was done to it. What's next? To become the girl of his dreams, to whom he dreams of returning home, read about how to be a good girl.


  • When you're not together because of something you do, don't be afraid to show him that you are bored. Perhaps he will get used to writing to you in those moments when he himself will be busy with something.
  • Give yourself a thought: you are not jealous. Repeat this to yourself many times - it will become your self-fulfilling prophecy.
  • You don't have to hate all of his girlfriends by default. Most likely, these are pretty cute girls who could also become your friends.


  • Anger is the worst reaction in this situation. Don't try to insult him or another girl. Keep calm.
  • Do not follow him in an attempt to make sure that he is not cheating on you (or because of some other suspicion). If he catches you, it will only exacerbate the problem or even create a new one.
  • Not try to act out jealousy to punish him. Most likely, he will not even understand what is causing you to experience these experiences, so this method is useless and, most likely, will harm your relationship.