How to restrict Internet use in Internet Explorer

Author: Marcus Baldwin
Date Of Creation: 19 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Restrict Internet Explorer Access.flv
Video: Restrict Internet Explorer Access.flv


Internet surfing regulation can block access to inappropriate content on the Internet for children and workers, or eliminate phone calls complaining of inappropriate chatting. To restrict access to certain places on the network using Internet Explorer, follow the instructions below.


  1. 1 Open Internet Explorer and go to Tools - Internet Settings. Please note that if you have a non-standard toolbar, the Tools button will look like a small gear in the upper right corner of the screen.
  2. 2 Select the Content tab and then click the Enable button.
  3. 3 Select filtering settings for the categories to be displayed. These include language, nudity, sex, and violence. The further you move the slider, the more content will be available.
  4. 4 Click on the Allowed Sites tab. Here you can enter any sites to which you want to set special access. You can later return to this list and change it, for example, after receiving feedback from family members.
  5. 5 Go to the General tab and click on the Create password button. This will make you an administrator and restrict other users from changing settings.
  6. 6 Click OK to exit this dialog. Now that you've turned on content filtering, you can sleep soundly and be sure your family members are only watching low-rated content.


  • The content manager can be used, but there is more efficient software that allows you to:
  • Control what programs and games run on your computer
  • Limit the time you use your computer to days or hours.
  • View a list of visited websites.
  • Control access to sites.
  • To compare the capabilities of different programs, look at the data in this table:

Comparison Chart
Program OS Browsers Web Categories Per User Remote control Restrict by Time Restrict Programs Restrict Chat Price
Windows IE6 4 No. No. No. No. No. Free
K92000 / XP Any 59 No. No. Yes No. No. Free
Windows Firefox
35 No. No. Yes No. Yes $40
Windows IE
60 Yes No. Yes Yes No. $40
2000 / XP Any 22 No. Yes Yes Yes No. $40
Note: SafeEye's license includes installation on 3 computers, and there is a Mac version available.

  • If a child is logged on as an administrator, they can try to turn off content filtering by deleting registry settings.Create a disabled account for them to make it unavailable to edit the registry.
  • Restricting Internet use can result in bad behavior if the child is used to something completely different, so try to set filtering when they are still very young so that they immediately get used to such a stripped-down version.
  • The Content Manager only filters data in Internet Explorer, so if a family member installs another web browser, such as Firefox, the filtering will no longer be effective. To prevent the user from installing another browser and bypassing Internet Explorer filters, create a new user account on your computer and set limited use rights for it. This can be a guest account, it has shown itself quite well in Windows. Make sure that other users register in the system under the account you created, then their ability to install new programs will be limited.
  • Here are a few more programs worth installing:
    • K9 Web Protection is one of the best parental control software. On the net you can find many tips and tricks for parents who want to protect the virtual life of their children.
    • BrowseControl is an easy-to-install control program.
    • SafeEyes is what some schools do.
    • CyberPatrol is perhaps one of the most common home use programs. It also provides control over access to programs installed on the computer.
    • ContentProtect - Supports remote control function.
  • Built-in tools. If you are subscribed to AOL, MSN, or Earthlink, or if your computer has Kaspersky Anti-Virus, Norton Internet Security, or ZoneAlarm Internet Security, you already have certain parental control tools built into these programs.
  • If your children or other Internet users in your home feel that they are limited on the Internet, take the time to explain what happens to a computer that has no protection at all, and introduce Internet filters as part of security.
  • Free proxy services can hide further navigation to web pages from parental control programs. Of course, most programs will automatically block access to such sites, but it's worth checking your surfing history to see any attempts to bypass the protection and have a conversation with your child about what is acceptable on the Internet.
  • Advanced kids can try using cheats to bypass your supervision.


  • These restrictions apply to all users, not just some of them.
  • All parental control programs sometimes sin by blocking unnecessary sites or, on the contrary, losing sight of them. Read the reviews of the program before installing to minimize the risk of blocking a large number of safe sites or providing access to inappropriate content.
  • Web browsers are often targeted by various vulnerabilities and malware, especially popular ones such as Internet Explorer or Firefox. If you don't like it, you can switch to less popular browsers such as Opera or Konqueror (Linux / Macintosh OS), which come with additional settings and modifications. It should be noted here that most security problems are the result of sloppy computer skills.
    • Ask your family members:
    • Scan all downloads with antivirus.
    • Avoid programs and services that you don't trust.
    • Install Windows Security Essentials to block pages that try to access your computer.
  • If you have a router or modem with uninterrupted Internet access, parental control programs can be bypassed by loading the user's system from a third-party media. But this does not apply to using a regular USB or dial up modem.
    • Install a physically proxy service that allows you to control all calls to the Internet at the access level. To do this, you may need to purchase an expensive router with advanced features.