How to look good in the morning

Author: Marcus Baldwin
Date Of Creation: 18 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
13 Ways To Wake Up Extra Beautiful
Video: 13 Ways To Wake Up Extra Beautiful


Unfortunately, for many of us, from time to time, the morning is not good. You may have worked all night, slept poorly, or are in a rush on business, but no doubt you want to look good. To do this, you just need to make some preparations in the evening, as well as adhere to a clear morning routine.


Part 1 of 2: Evening Preparations

  1. 1 Prepare your clothes. Before you go to bed, decide what you will wear tomorrow. Thanks to this, you will not be digging in the closet in the morning, trying to find the right thing, and make a mess. After you choose an outfit, prepare shoes, accessories, and other items that you will need.
    • When choosing clothes, consider the weather conditions and your plans for the day. Do you have an important meeting scheduled? Is the weather going to be hot or rainy?
  2. 2 Get enough sleep. Sleep is very important for mental and physical health. Aim to get at least 7-9 hours of sleep every night. During sleep, blood flow to the skin increases. This will prevent you from waking up with puffiness under your eyes and your skin will not look dull.
    • Maintain a regular sleep schedule. Chronic sleep deprivation causes premature aging of the skin and a tendency to wrinkle.
    • Sleep on a silk or satin pillowcase. The slippery surface will reduce the friction between the face and the pillowcase that causes deep creases on the face.
    • Some people need more than 9 or less than 7 hours of sleep a night. Consider your needs by paying attention to how you feel when you wake up in the morning.
    • Avoid caffeinated beverages, alcohol, and nicotine, as these often interfere with sleep or disrupt your normal sleep cycle.
    • Try not to doze in the evening, otherwise it will be difficult for you to fall asleep at night.
  3. 3 Drink plenty of fluids. The skin is mostly water, so it is very important to keep it hydrated from the outside and from the inside. If you drink little water, your skin becomes dry and flaky. Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day to keep your skin hydrated and healthy.
    • Apply a moisturizer to your skin after bathing, showering, or washing your hands. Skin absorbs moisturizers better when it is moist.
  4. 4 Wash your face. Remember to wash your face before bed. The skin is under the influence of the external environment all day long. It collects sweat, dust, bacteria and dirt. By washing your face before bed, you remove all these impurities. Otherwise, pimples may form on the skin and it will look dull in the morning.
    • While everyone should wash their face before bed, this is especially important for those using beauty products. Sleeping with makeup on can lead to acne breakouts as the makeup will clog the pores of your skin.
  5. 5 Moisturize your skin. Evening is the best time to moisturize your skin. While you are asleep, the body continues to work to repair tissue. Increasing blood flow to your skin while you sleep promotes better absorption of moisturizers you apply to your skin.
    • Apply a thicker layer of cream before bed.
    • Moisturizers are best applied to clean, slightly damp skin. Do this after taking a bath or washing your face.
  6. 6 Prepare your hair. If you pull your hair into a bun, you will look great when you wake up. If you have long hair, pull it up in a ponytail and twist it into a tourniquet. When you wake up in the morning, they will be slightly wavy. If your hair is not long enough to be tied into one ponytail, tie it into small buns all over your head and you will get the same effect.
    • Do not tie the ponytail too tight so that your hair does not have ugly creases.
    • If you shower before bed, you can braid your wet hair into braids to add texture.
    • You can also wash your hair before bed and use dry shampoo in the morning if you have oily hair.
    • If your hair has a lot of frizz, wrap it in a silk scarf or sleep on a silk pillowcase.

Part 2 of 2: Morning Preparations

  1. 1 Wake up early enough. Set your alarm so that you have enough time for all the necessary morning routines. If you're not sure how much time you need, try doing an experiment on your day off to help you determine how much time it takes you to get ready for school or work. Knowing this, on a weekday you will be able to set the alarm at the desired time.
    • Going to bed not too late will make it easier for you to wake up in the morning.
  2. 2 Have breakfast. A healthy breakfast provides the body with the nutrients it needs to start a good day.Your breakfast should include whole grains, lean protein, low fat dairy, and fruits and vegetables. Looking good means, among other things, being full of energy and getting the vitamins and minerals your body needs.
    • Here are some good breakfast options: oatmeal with almonds or dried fruit; fruit or vegetable smoothies; multigrain pancakes with fruit and yoghurt; Whole grain waffles or peanut butter bread omelet with vegetables.
    • Drink plenty of water with breakfast.
    • If you're always in a rush in the morning, prepare your breakfast ingredients in the evening.
  3. 3 Take care of your skin. Healthy, clear skin has a beautiful glow that gives you a fresh look. Wash your face with a mild cleanser and moisturizer in the morning. Before going outside, you should also use a sunscreen with an SPF 30 or more.
    • Apply a lighter moisturizer for the day than the one you use before bed.
    • You can also use a tinted moisturizer to give your skin a healthy glow and a smoother complexion.
  4. 4 Get rid of puffiness and dark circles under your eyes. Apply a cold compress over your eyes to relieve dark circles and puffiness. You can use a cold spoon or a bag of frozen vegetables as a cold compress. To reduce swelling, it is best to sleep on your back with your head elevated.
    • Put the spoon in the refrigerator - just not in the freezer, otherwise it will be too cold. You can do this in the evening before bed.
    • Wrap the frozen vegetable bag in a towel before applying to your face.
    • If the cold compress does not work, mask dark circles under the eyes with a yellow-tinted concealer.
    • Tea bags can also help reduce puffiness. Boil the tea bags with boiling water, let them cool slightly, squeeze out excess liquid and apply them to the eye area.
  5. 5 Try to exercise. This may not be easy for you, but try to find time for exercise in the morning. They improve blood circulation, promote the production of hormones responsible for a good mood, and have a beneficial effect on the complexion. If you can, devote 30 minutes to your morning exercise, but even a quick 10 minute walk can disperse the blood.
    • Exercise improves your mood and gives you the energy you need all day.


  • Avoid alcohol and salty foods as they can lead to dehydration and can affect your skin.
  • Try to go to bed and get up at the same time at all times. This will help you adjust your body clock and get enough sleep.
  • If you need a slow-release energy source, eat carbohydrates such as toast or cereal for breakfast.