Sleeping during a thunderstorm

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 23 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
EPIC THUNDER & RAIN | Rainstorm Sounds For Relaxing, Focus or Sleep | White Noise 10 Hours
Video: EPIC THUNDER & RAIN | Rainstorm Sounds For Relaxing, Focus or Sleep | White Noise 10 Hours


Flash! Crackling! Boom! A thunderstorm is coming. How are you supposed to fall asleep with all that noise, let alone sleep peacefully? How can you keep out the noise and the light? In some regions, thunderstorms can be a common sleep disturbance for many people. However, you can take certain precautions to ensure that you can still doze off no matter what happens in the clouds. It just takes a little planning and ingenuity.

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Method 1 of 3: Stay calm

  1. Keep an eye on the weather. The first thing to know is when a thunderstorm can form. Check the weather regularly. Read the local weather forecast online or watch your local television newsletter. If you have a barometer (a device that measures barometric pressure in the atmosphere), pay attention to when it starts to drop - this means that a low-pressure area is forming and there may be a thunderstorm on the way.
  2. Try not to focus on the thunderstorm. Think calming things and not the storm. Try to read a book until bedtime. Play a game of cards. Think about what you might be dreaming about or what kind of day you have tomorrow. This will distract you from the storm.
  3. Create a thunder plan. Find a safe and comfortable place in the house that you can go to in the event of a heavy thunderstorm. If your room has a lot of windows facing the storm, go to the basement or an interior room, for example. It helps to have a place in the house where the lights and sounds of the thunderstorm cannot penetrate.
    • Bring blankets, pillows and other things to make the space as cozy as possible. You can also have a "storm kit" with you with things you can do to take your mind off the storm. Games, puzzles, other activities, and flashlights in case the lights go out are all good ideas.
  4. Work on overcoming thunderstorm phobias. Many children and some adults fear thunderstorms. Try to learn more about these weather events. If you do, you will realize that they are usually not dangerous if you have a safe place in the house. There are certain things you can do.
    • Understand what is happening. A thunderstorm occurs when warm air and cold air converge in a certain way, causing the warm air to rise to the top. This pushes moisture into the upper atmosphere, where it cools, condenses and forms clouds. The electricity comes from particles in the clouds that rub against each other. The tension builds up until there is a discharge in the form of lightning - Boom !.
    • Know how to stay safe. If you are inside during a thunderstorm, you are already quite safe. Make sure you stay away from windows during heavy thunderstorms, with a lot of wind and lightning. It is often good to move to a low place or room without windows, such as a basement. Do not take a shower and avoid using devices such as the landline telephone.

Method 2 of 3: Keep out noise and light

  1. Use ear plugs. Thunderstorms make a lot of noise. In order to sleep, you have to ignore or drown out the sound. One method for the latter is the use of earplugs. You can buy these at any pharmacy in a variety of forms, including foam, cotton or wax. Follow the directions on the box and push the earplugs into your ear canal. Then lie down and try to sleep.
    • Earplugs vary in effectiveness. Find a type that best muffles sound (measured in decibels).
    • Do not use tissues to put in your ears. This seems like a good and quick solution and is easy to do. However, there is a danger that the paper will tear and end up in your ear canal. All in all, it is a bad idea to put household objects in your ear.
  2. Listen for white noise. It could be music - classical, mood music like Brian Eno's, or even whale song - provided the music is at a low volume and low dynamic range. You don't want sudden noises to wake you up when you're about to doze off. It could also be the noise of a fan. The point is to create a soft ambient sound.
    • Try a free online white noise generator such as SimplyNoise. Or buy a white noise application for your iPad, as they have been proven to help people fall asleep faster. In addition, the constant low-pitched sound can also help mask more abrupt noises that might otherwise disturb you when you do eventually fall asleep.
  3. Shut out the flashes of lightning. Close your curtains if the flashes of lightning disturb your sleep. You can also try to sleep in a room without a window, which will block out the noise as well.
    • Turning on a dim light or "night light" can help. One of these lights can reduce the contrast between total darkness and lightning flashes.
    • If you still see lightning through your window, don't look towards the window and close your eyes.

Method 3 of 3: Hide yourself from the thunder

  1. Create a pillow and blanket barrier. Find some comfortable, heavy blankets and large pillows when you know a thunderstorm is coming. These can block out the sound. If you are nervous or especially bothered by the noise, try covering your head with the blanket or a large pillow - making sure you can get enough breath. EXPERT TIP

    Put on a hood. Instead of pillows and blankets, put on a hood. This can be a sweater, with or without a full zip. It really doesn't matter. However, the hoodie should preferably have a thick but comfortable hood, and not one that is tight or constricting.

    • Try to fall asleep with the hood on. Once you've retired to your thunderstorm room, have earplugs handy, and are snug in your hood, you can make an effort to sleep. The hood covers your ears. If the lightning is still bothering you, turn the hood over so that it covers your eyes.
    • Some hoodies have a zipper all the way to the top of the hood. Have this up as far as is comfortable to cover your face.
  2. Create a stuffed animal barrier. If it makes you feel safer, create a barrier against the thunder of your favorite stuffed animals. Gather your animals together. Try to place them in a circle or rectangle around your bed. You will then be in the middle.
    • Lie down in bed and under the covers. Imagine the animals are guarding you. Let their presence reassure you and create an apparent force field to keep the dark things out of the way.
  3. Try not to worry about the thunder. Remember, thunderstorms will usually not last long. Usually the worst of a thunderstorm is over in a short time, often between 30 minutes and an hour. You are also safe at home, in your room. Try not to worry yourself too much.


  • You may not want to go to sleep when the storm is bad. Check the weather reports for warnings or a weather alert so you can take proper precautions.