How to heal your vocal cords

Author: Virginia Floyd
Date Of Creation: 11 August 2021
Update Date: 22 June 2024
Swollen Vocal Cords Remedies: How To Heal Your Voice (Effectively)
Video: Swollen Vocal Cords Remedies: How To Heal Your Voice (Effectively)


If you are having problems with your voice, including hoarseness, sore throat, and changes in your voice, you should check your vocal cords, especially if you are a singer or your job involves a lot of communication. Before trying any folk remedy for the treatment of vocal cords, be sure to consult with an otolaryngologist. For minor voice problems, the doctor usually prescribes rest for the ligaments, plenty of fluids, and healthy sleep. For more serious problems, your otolaryngologist may advise you to undergo voice therapy, vocal cord injection medialization, and even surgery.


Method 1 of 4: Resting Your Vocal Cords and Restoring Water Balance

  1. 1 Consult your doctor. Before proceeding with the treatment of the vocal cords with alternative methods, be sure to consult with an otolaryngologist (ENT doctor). The ENT doctor will be able to diagnose and prescribe the appropriate treatment.
    • In mild cases of the disease, the doctor usually prescribes rest for the ligaments.
    • In case of a moderate illness, in addition to rest, the doctor will also prescribe antitussives or antibiotics.
    • In severe cases, your doctor may order surgery to correct the defect, especially if nodules have formed on your vocal cords.
  2. 2 Try not to talk. Depending on the severity of the problem, you may want to save the ligaments for 1-5 days.To do this, try not to talk almost, and also do not do anything that can harm the ligaments (grueling workouts or lifting weights). Communicate with people using sticky notes.
    • If you need to say something, take a 10-minute break after every 20 minutes of the conversation.
    • Don't replace speech with whispers. Whispering puts even more stress on the vocal cords than normal speech.
    • While your ligaments are resting, you can read a book, do breathing exercises, sleep, watch a movie or show.
  3. 3 Drink water. Drinking will moisturize your ligaments, speeding up their recovery. Keep a bottle of water handy to refresh your throat as soon as it becomes dry.
    • Avoid drinking fluids that can slow the healing of your ligaments (alcohol, caffeinated drinks, and high sugar drinks).
  4. 4 Get more sleep. Sleep allows the vocal cords to rest and heal. Therefore, sleep at least 7 hours a day during your recovery.
    • If you've taken a day or two off from work or school to preserve your ligaments, try not to stay up too late.

Method 2 of 4: Gargle with water, honey, and herbs

  1. 1 Heat a glass (240 ml) of water. Heat a glass of water in the microwave or on the stove to 32–38 ° C. The water should not be too hot (or too cold), otherwise it will irritate the vocal cords.
    • Use filtered or bottled water.
  2. 2 Add 30 ml of honey. Add some honey to warm water and stir until honey is completely dissolved. On the advice of a doctor, an extract of some medicinal herbs can also be added to this solution. Add three to four drops of the extract to the water.
    • Natural remedies that help relieve sore throat and restore vocal cords include cayenne pepper, licorice, marshmallow, propolis, sage, rusty elm, and turmeric.
  3. 3 Gargle for 20 seconds. Take a sip of the solution and tilt your head back. Allow the liquid to penetrate as deep as possible into the throat, but do not swallow it. Slowly blow air out of your throat to rinse it out (in other words, "gurgle"). When you're done gargling, be sure to spit out the liquid.
    • With each procedure, the throat should be gargled three times. Gargle every 2-3 hours throughout the day.
    • Remember to rinse your throat before bed. Herbs and honey can soothe sore throat and heal your vocal cords while you sleep.

Method 3 of 4: Steam inhalation

  1. 1 Heat 6 cups of water (about one and a half liters). Pour 6 cups of water into a saucepan. Place the saucepan on the stove over medium heat. When the water begins to evaporate (after about 8-10 minutes), turn off the heat and remove the pot from the stove.
    • At 65 ° C, the water will produce enough steam.
    • If the water boils, the steam will get too hot. Wait a minute or two until the water cools down to start inhaling.
  2. 2 Pour hot water into a bowl. Place the bowl on the table and pour the water into it. If desired, herbal extracts can be added to the water. Add five to eight drops of your chosen extract to the water.
    • For more benefits, add chamomile, thyme (thyme), lemon, oregano, or clove extract to the water.
  3. 3 Take a towel and place it over your head and shoulders. Sit in a chair and bend over the bowl well away from the steam. Cover your head, shoulders, and bowl with a towel.
    • So the couple will have nowhere to go, and it will be easier for you to breathe them.
  4. 4 Breathe in the steam for 8-10 minutes. That should be enough. Set a timer to keep track of the time. When you're done, try not to talk for 30 minutes. This will allow your vocal cords to rest and recover from the procedure.

Method 4 of 4: Treating More Serious Injury

  1. 1 Make an appointment with your ENT doctor. Your ENT doctor can help you strengthen your vocal cords through a variety of exercises.Depending on the severity of the injury, the ENT doctor will also help restore control over breathing during speech, as well as regain control over the muscles around the damaged ligaments. This is all necessary to prevent abnormal ligament tension and to protect the airway when swallowing.
  2. 2 Undergo injection medialization of the vocal folds. Injection medialization of the vocal folds is performed by an otolaryngologist. This procedure involves injections of collagen, body fat, or another approved substance into damaged vocal cords to increase their size. This will allow the vocal cords to be closer to each other when speaking. This procedure can improve speech and reduce pain when swallowing and coughing.
  3. 3 Agree to have surgery. If voice therapy and / or injection medialization of the vocal folds have not improved, the doctor may order surgery. Surgical treatment may consist of structural implants (thyroplasty), dislocation of the vocal cords, nerve replacement (reinnervation), or tracheotomy. Discuss your options with your doctor to understand which procedure is best for your case and your needs.
    • Thyroplasty is a procedure in which the location of the vocal cord is changed with the help of an implant.
    • It is possible to change the position of the vocal cords by moving them closer to each other, moving tissues from the outside of the larynx inward.
    • Reinnervation is the replacement of a damaged vocal cord with a healthy nerve from another part of the neck.
    • In a tracheotomy, the doctor makes an incision in the neck to allow access to the trachea. A tube is then inserted into this hole to allow air to pass by the damaged vocal cords.


  • Quit smoking while your ligaments are repairing.