Getting your legs and butt in shape

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 27 September 2021
Update Date: 21 June 2024
Supermodel Workout to Get Your Legs and Butt in Shape - Fit How To
Video: Supermodel Workout to Get Your Legs and Butt in Shape - Fit How To


Getting your legs and butt in shape means you can stroll in your new summer clothes, show off your new shorts, or look fabulous in your skinny jeans. While training your legs and butt is not an easy task, you will be perfectly capable of doing it as long as you master some of the most important exercises first. If you want to look great in a bikini or in your everyday clothes without worrying about how you look from behind, give the following exercises a try.

To step

Method 1 of 2: Work on your thighs and your legs

  1. Go up stairs. Look for stairs that are not too steep and are 30 or more steps high. Start by going up and down one flight of stairs. Then do two flights of stairs. Finally, you take three flights of stairs, which completes the circuit. Do the full circuit as often as you can in 20 minutes.
    • If you're having a hard time finding stairs, check out an apartment building or sports field. Grandstands are great for this type of workout.
    • If you find yourself unbalanced, use the handrail to be on the safe side.
    • Make sure there are no other people on the stairs. You don't want to hit them and it also causes you to get out of balance.
    • This is a great cardio exercise and good for your legs. The higher your heart rate, the more fat and calories you will burn. Do this exercise for extended periods of time to increase the intensity and burn more calories.
  2. Do marching hip raises. Lie flat on your back, your knees raised in front of you and your arms and hands flat on the floor. Lift your butt so that your torso forms a bridge and use your arms that are still on the floor for stability.Now from this position, lift your right leg until your knee is pointing towards the ceiling. Lower this leg again and now do the same with the other leg for a full rep. Do 15 to 20 reps.
    • To make the cardio aspect of this exercise heavier, you can lift both legs a little faster.
    • Make sure your back stays straight and your arms are barely doing anything. You are not supposed to sustain a back injury or become unbalanced.


  • Stretch after your workout.
  • Always eat protein and carbohydrates 15 to 30 minutes after strength training and / or cardio. When working on your muscles, make sure you have a good source of protein of about 8 to 16 grams of protein. You can find these in cheese, milk or meat. If you had an intense cardio workout, make sure you also eat about 15 to 30 grams of carbohydrates, found in milk, whole grains or fruit.
  • While strength training will tone and build your muscles, it is also necessary to do cardiovascular exercise for burning fat and calories so that you get lean muscles. Some of the exercises listed above already use cardio, but incorporating additional cardio will also improve your overall fitness. Activities such as running, jogging, and swimming increase your heart rate and help burn calories, which will help you burn more fat over time. Try to supplement your workout with cardio every week for best results.
  • Don't do strength training every day. You will not gain a lot of extra muscle by doing this, because your muscles cannot recover properly between workouts. Take a day of rest between the days of strength training. These days are perfect for your cardio.