Baking your mom a trick

Author: Charles Brown
Date Of Creation: 6 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Mom Judges Cakes From "1-5 Star Bakeries".. that I made.. but she doesn’t know that !!
Video: Mom Judges Cakes From "1-5 Star Bakeries".. that I made.. but she doesn’t know that !!


Jokes can be fun and don't have to be expensive! If you're kidding your mom, you want your trick to be funny, but not to get you in trouble or accidentally hurt anyone. From ketchup-filled donuts and a bar of soap that doesn't foam, to turning all the clocks around the house - there are plenty of simple, fun jokes you can use to tease your mom a bit.

To step

Method 1 of 3: With food and drink

  1. Put fake bugs in a box of cereal or rice to scare your mom. Buy some small, cheap, fake insects and put a handful of them in a box of food you know your mom will use, such as her favorite cereal, a flour sack, or a bag of rice. Close the package again and shake well a few times to toss the "bugs". The next time she goes to eat it, she'll think it's full of bugs!
    • Make sure you are around when she opens the package! If you want, make a video of it (if you know your mother doesn't mind).
  2. Fill a donut with ketchup or mayonnaise instead of jelly or cream. Go to a donut shop and order a few jelly or cream filled donuts. When you get home, gently squeeze out the filling and throw it away. Put a little ketchup or mayonnaise in a large zippered bag, cut one bottom corner of the bag and refill the donut. Then just wait for your mom to pick up a donut and bite it!
    • Try to match the color of the original donut filling to the new filling (so don't fill a jelly donut with mayonnaise as your mom might notice the different colors and get suspicious).
    • If you're really ambitious, you can try making your own filled donuts at home!
  3. Replace spices or drinks with similarly colored substitutes. For example, you could fill the mayonnaise jar with yogurt, fill a bottle of Sprite with water, put toothpaste between sandwich cookies, or mix M & M's with liquorice. You could also fill a bottle of red wine with grape juice, clear liqueurs with water, or a colored liqueur (such as creme de menthe) with mouthwash.
    • Make sure to keep the original food or drink (such as the alcohol or mayonnaise) or buy a replacement to avoid getting into trouble.
  4. Place cups of ice upside down on the counter. After your mom goes to bed, go to the kitchen and fill a glass cup halfway with ice cubes. Place a paper towel on top of the glass, turn it over so it is upside down, then pull the paper towel out from under it. When your mom goes downstairs the next morning, she'll find an upturned cup full of water (from the melted ice) and have to figure out how to fix it!
    • If you need to help your mom clean up the water, just hold a large bowl under the edge of the counter, slide the glass forward, and with it the water in the bowl.
  5. Make "orange juice" using powdered cheese. Take some powdered cheese and mix it with water. You can use a large carafe or just mix it in a tall glass. Leave the "juice" in the fridge for your mom to find, or bring her a glass.
    • If your mom doesn't normally drink orange juice and you bring her a glass, she may find it suspicious. In this case, it might be better to leave it in the fridge for her to find.
    • The powdered cheese may dissolve faster and may not become lumpy in warm water. If you are using warm water, make sure to put the "juice" in the fridge so that it is cold before trying to give it to your mom.
  6. Add a few raisins to her morning coffee. Distract your mom for a moment, and if she's in another room or isn't looking, put three or four raisins in her cup of coffee. When she sees them at the bottom of the cup, she'll think they're insects!
    • To distract your mom, you can ask her to find something for you in another room, or just ask to look at something across the room (e.g .: 'Hey mom, what's that on the wall there? ').
  7. Decorate a cardboard box to make it look like a cake. Use a shoebox or something similar and cover it with icing. Write a message on the cake, such as "Happy Birthday, Mom" ​​or "Surprise!" If she cuts into the cake, she will be very confused! Make sure you have a real cake ready for her so that your joke isn't too cruel.
    • You can make a video of cutting the cake to watch it again later with your mom.

Method 2 of 3: Confuse your mom

  1. Make your mom think it's later or earlier than it really is. Wait until your mom is in bed, then walk around the house and set all the clocks a few hours later than it really is (so if it is really 10pm, set all to 1am). Don't forget to set your mom's alarm too! When she wakes up in the morning, she will just go about her normal routine, although she may be confused about why it is darker than usual outside.
    • If your mom uses her cell phone as an alarm clock, this trick may be harder to do.
    • If your mom has to work or has an appointment, don't get this "joke" or she might be late or not getting enough sleep because of you, and you and she, too, will probably get in trouble!
  2. Swap family photos for photos of a celebrity like Nicholas Cage. Find photos of a celebrity online and print out different sizes of those photos. During the week, swap family photos for photos of this celebrity, or paste their face over someone else's in a photo (be careful not to tear the tape or patches you use when you take it off later). Wait until your mom notices that all family photos have changed!
    • You could even put celebrity pictures on the inside of closet doors or under your mom's pillow to confuse her even more.
  3. Add a few drops of food coloring to your mom's toothbrush to dye her teeth. Red, blue and green work the best for this joke. Just take the food coloring and add one or two drops to the bristles of your mom's toothbrush. Try to put the drops in the center of the brush and as close to the base as possible so that the color doesn't draw your mom's attention. When she goes to brush her teeth at night, when she looks in the mirror, she will see colored foam and her teeth have a different color!
    • Luckily, your mom can brush her teeth a few more times (after rinsing her toothbrush) and her teeth should be clean again.
  4. Paint a bar of soap with clear nail polish to keep it from foaming. Take a bottle of clear nail polish and a dry soap and coat with the nail polish. Let it dry on a paper towel before putting it back in the shower or near the sink. When your mother wet the bar of soap, it will not foam and will confuse her.
    • Either buy your mom a new bar of soap, or make sure there are spare bars of soap in the cupboard so she doesn't run out!
  5. Secure the toilet paper with super glue so that it cannot be unwound. Carefully unroll a few squares of toilet paper and put super glue on the bottom. Wear rubber gloves or be very careful so you don't accidentally get super glue on your hands! Once the glue is applied, unroll the toilet paper again - it won't unwind if anyone wants to use it!
    • You could even take a toilet paper roll from the cabinet, super glue it, and put it back in. The joke is then delayed until the roll is taken, but it can be even more confusing for your mom to get a "new" roll of toilet paper that cannot be unrolled!
  6. Put a rubber band around the sink spout to splash your mom. Take a rubber band or a hair tie and wrap it around the sink sprayer (if there is one) a few times until the spray button is held down. The next time your mom turns on the sink, the sprinkler will turn off automatically and she will get wet!
    • Be careful to remember doing this so that you don't accidentally spray yourself.

Method 3 of 3: Playing jokes with devices

  1. Create a fake home screen on your mom's phone. First, take a screenshot of your mom's home screen. Then you place all apps on the next page. Then change your mom's background in the screenshot you took. If she uses her phone and tries to open an app, she will think her phone has locked up!
    • Be careful not to delete apps when you move them!
  2. Use the auto-correct feature on your mom's phone to confuse her. From your mother's phone, go to the "Settings" app. Go to "General" then to "Keyboards". There, select "Text Replacement". Once there, click on the plus button in the top right corner. In "Shortcuts", add a word that your mother texts frequently, such as "No" or "Call me". In the "Phrase" box, write something funny, such as "I like chicken" or "My child can get what he wants". When your mom starts texting, that word will automatically be replaced with the phrase you entered!
    • To remove the autocorrect, go back to the "Text Replacement" category and delete your entry.
  3. Text your mom line by line lyrics. Choose a number that also sounds like it could be a conversation, such as Adele's "Hello" or Justin Bieber's "Sorry". Then text your mother line by line. She will respond to your messages thinking that you are trying to talk to her about something important! See how long it takes for her to realize what's going on.
    • If your mom is starting to freak out or get really worried, you might want to give her a call and tell her what's going on so she doesn't think you're having a mental breakdown!
  4. Send your mom a text that was meant for someone else. For example, you could text your mom something like "Got 2 grams for $ 40" immediately followed by "Ignore that, sorry" and see how she responds! This is a popular joke on the internet right now, so you can show her other people's reactions too.
    • Other fun texting ideas include: "Don't tell my mom I'm banned," "I think I can sneak out around 11pm" and "I'm not ready to be a dad".


  • Consider your mother's feelings. If she doesn't like to be teased or tricked, then it's probably best not to try this on her, even if you think it's funny.
  • If you break or unusable something (like a bar of soap or food), get it replaced and don't let your mom cover the cost.