Stop worrying

Author: Charles Brown
Date Of Creation: 6 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
4 Ways to Lower Anxiety & Stop Worrying
Video: 4 Ways to Lower Anxiety & Stop Worrying


Almost everyone is concerned at some point. But worrying too much can get in the way of a happy life. It can make it harder to sleep and distract you from positive things in your life. Worrying can make it even more difficult to address the issues that worry you. Even worse, studies show it can even lead to physical health problems if you worry too much. Constant worry is a habit that can be difficult to break. The good news is, there are many things you can do to stop the over-worrying pattern and live a happier life.

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Part 1 of 2: Changing your behaviors

  1. Postpone worry. If your worries are getting in the way of your daily life and you can't stop, try putting your worries off until later. Give yourself permission to worry, but only during certain times of the day.
    • For example, you can make a reservation half an hour after dinner. If a concern comes to your mind at another time, you can acknowledge it, but say it to yourself I will think about this later.
    • This technique allows you to put your worries aside so that you can get through your day.
  2. Talk about your concerns. Discussing your concerns can also help. It can put things into perspective and help you get to the bottom of your problems.
    • Just be aware that too much of this can be difficult for your friends. If this is an ongoing problem, consider a therapist or other mental health professional.
  3. Spend less time on the computer. Recent studies have shown that people who rely on computers and other devices for social interaction are more prone to anxiety disorders. Consider reducing your computer time to help with excessive worry.
    • Use of social media in particular can lead to conflicts and comparison of yourself with others. It can also make it more difficult to relax. All of this can make worries worse.
    • Turning off your devices several times a day can give you more control over your relationship with technology.
  4. Keep your hands busy. Doing something with your hands, such as knitting or using worry beads can help reduce stress and worry. Recent research by the Medical Research Council shows that engaging your hands during troubling events can reduce how much they bother you later on.
    • The investigation found no impact on concerns about things that have already happened. But if you're in a troubling situation, do something with your hands with patterns and repetitive movements. You may be less concerned about it later.
  5. Get plenty of exercise. Movement is not only good for your body. It's also an effective way to ease the fears that lead to worry. Regular exercise can be more effective than prescription medications for reducing your anxiety.
    • Animal studies show that exercise also increases serotonin levels. This is a chemical in the brain that reduces anxiety and makes you feel happier.
  6. Take a deep breath. Breathing slowly and deeply activates the vagus nerve, which can help reduce stress and worry.
    • Some people recommend 4-7-8 take breaths when you have concerns. To do this, take a full breath through your mouth. Then you breathe in through your nose, counting to four. Hold your breath for seven seconds. Finally, you exhale through your mouth, counting to eight.
  7. Try meditation. Medical research shows that meditation affects the brain in ways that make you less worried. If you persist in worrying, learning to meditate can be helpful.
    • Meditation increases activity in the ventromedial prefrontal cortex, the part of the brain that controls worry. It also allows you to ground in the moment. Meditation, when done properly, should make it impossible to think about future problems, at least while you are meditating.
  8. Try aromatherapy. Recent medical studies support the claim that the scents of certain essential oils can reduce stress and anxiety. The grapefruit scent, in particular, was found to be effective in this area.
    • Essential oils and other aromatherapy products can be purchased at many health and health food stores. You can also try just smelling a grapefruit!

Part 2 of 2: Changing the way you think

  1. Recognize your concerns and keep going. Sometimes trying to suppress your worries makes them worse. So don't try to ignore your concerns. When they come to your mind, you accept them, but then you try to keep going.
    • It's hard not to think about something you're actively trying not to think about.
    • Writing down your concerns, or identifying a special one worry time can be very useful to let them pass.
  2. Categorize and challenge your concerns. When you think about your concerns, categorizing is a good way to deal with them. Specifically for each concern, try to determine the following:
    • Is this problem one you can fix or not? If you are concerned about a problem that you can solve, the best solution is to fix it. Once you have a plan to fix the problem, you will worry less. If you can't fix the problem, accept it, work through it and move on.
    • Is this concern about something that could or could not possibly happen? Indeed, a concern about something that could potentially happen can be concerning. On the other hand, if you decide that it is unlikely to happen, this could be a first step in letting go of that concern.
    • Is this concern about something very bad or not? Think about what it is you're worried about. If it really happened, how bad would it really be? In fact, most of the things we worry about are not that bad. If you decide it wouldn't be a disaster, this can help you let it go. That is doubly the case if it is also something that is unlikely to happen!
    • During this process, try to think rationally. Ask yourself what evidence you have that your concerns are realistic. Think about what you would say to a friend if he had these concerns. Try to imagine the most likely outcome, rather than the worst that could happen.
  3. Make your worries boring. If there is a particular concern that bothers you often, you can try to make it boring so that your brain returns to it less often. Do this by repeating it over and over in your head for several minutes.
    • For example, if you are concerned that you could be in a car accident, repeat the words in your head I could be in a car accident, I could be in a car accident. In the short term, this can increase your anxiety. But after a short while, the words will lose their power and become boring to you. There is a good chance that they will not come to your mind that often after that.
  4. Accept uncertainty and imperfection. A major change in your thinking is to accept that your life is unpredictable and imperfect. This is important to stop long-term worries. A good way to start this change is with a writing exercise. Write your answers to these questions:
    • Is it possible to be sure about anything that can happen?
    • How is the need for security useful to you?
    • Do you tend to predict that things will go wrong because you are insecure? Is that realistic?
    • Can you live with the possibility that something bad could happen if the outcome is not likely?
    • When concerns arise in your mind, try to remind yourself of your answers to these questions.
  5. Think about social influences. Emotions can be contagious. If you spend a lot of time with other people who worry, or people who make you anxious, consider spending less time with these people.
    • Think about the people you spend time with and how they affect you. It may even be helpful to have a care diary track who can track when you are most concerned. If you find it happening right after seeing a particular person, you may decide that you want to spend less time with them. Or you can decide that there are certain topics you don't want to discuss with that person anymore.
    • Changing your social circle can change the way you think.
  6. Live in the moment. Most concerns arise from fear for the future, and not from our immediate environment. Focusing on your surroundings and the moment you are experiencing right now can be a good way to silence worries.
    • Some people recommend the stop, look, listening technique On. In this approach, when you worry, you stop and acknowledge that you are worried. Take a deep breath. Then look at your surroundings. Spend five minutes focusing on the details of the world around you. As you do that, talk calmly and reassure yourself that everything will be fine.


  • Eat chocolate! Too much sugar or other junk food is a bad plan. But recent research shows that a small amount of dark chocolate, eaten regularly, can reduce stress and worry. Eating 45 grams of dark chocolate daily for two weeks reduced stress and gave other health benefits.
  • We often worry about situations that challenge us or make us feel uncomfortable. Sometimes it is helpful to expose yourself to the situation that concerns you. This can help you see that you are able to handle this situation, making it no longer a source of fear.


  • If your concerns are persistent and severe, you may want to see a therapist. You may be suffering from a general anxiety disorder. If none of the above suggestions work for you, and your concerns are affecting your ability to function, seek professional help.