Kiss your boyfriend sweetly

Author: Charles Brown
Date Of Creation: 6 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Hot Freaks - Puppy Princess (Lyrics)
Video: Hot Freaks - Puppy Princess (Lyrics)


Kissing your boyfriend sweetly is a great way to express your feelings for him without going too far. In fact, if you kiss your boyfriend sweetly, it shows that you are comfortable with him and that you feel good about your relationship. You can kiss him softly on his lips, of course, but also on other places such as his cheeks, neck or shoulder.

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Method 1 of 3: The preparation

  1. Make sure you have fresh breath and that you lips are soft. If you are planning to kiss with your boyfriend, it is important that you have fresh breath. Take the time to brush your teeth, to use mouthwash, to have a mint lozenge or to have some chewing gum. Also, regularly apply some lip balm to keep your lips soft and moist.
    • Do not use lip gloss; it is not the same as lip balm. Lip balm absorbs into your lips and makes them soft, while lip gloss sticks to your lips. The sticky texture can be unpleasant for your boyfriend and he doesn't like your pillow.
  2. Pick a time when you can be alone with each other. Some people feel uncomfortable touching them in public, so you better wait to kiss your boyfriend until the two of you are alone. Even if you only have a few minutes before you go to school or after a workout, you can still give those moments extra meaning by giving him a sweet kiss.
    • This does not mean that you have to wait for real all the way being alone in your room. An empty hall or a quiet park are also fine!
  3. Give him a sincere compliment. Complimenting your boyfriend makes him feel good about himself. Speak softly so that he has to lean forward a bit to hear you, and have something to say that you really mean, rather than just making up something flattering.
    • For example, you could say, "I admire the way you interact with your siblings," or, "You did really well today in rehearsal with the band."
  4. Make sure you touches him. It is best to touch him before you kiss him so that he is used to it and comfortable. Grab his hand, hug him, or sit close to him. Watch how he responds so you know if he's ready to take it a step further with you. Respect his wishes; so if he seems uncomfortable, turns away from you, or asks you to stop, you do.
    • Pay close attention to his body language during the moments leading up to the kiss. Sometimes people suddenly have doubts, or they want to withdraw once the time has come.

Method 2 of 3: Kiss him on the mouth

  1. Look deep into his eyes, then look at his lips. Look your boyfriend in the eye for a few seconds. If he does the same to you, he probably wants to kiss you too. Looking at each other creates intimacy between people and also a connection with each other. Now you slowly turn your gaze from his eyes to his mouth, leaning forward slightly.
    • With this clear body language you let your boyfriend know what your next step is.
  2. Gently pull it towards you. Don't do that hard or pull hard on him, just pull him gently and gently towards you. You can put your hands around his neck or on his chest. Maybe he'll put his hands on your waist. Just do what feels right for you, instead of worrying about what to do.
    • Once you've gotten to this point, it's important that you pay close attention to what he's communicating with his body language. If you notice that he stiffens or turns away from you, he probably isn't comfortable. Then save the kiss for another moment.
  3. Turn your head slightly to the side and gently press your lips against his. Turning your head slightly to the side will keep your noses from bumping into each other, as it could make this intimate moment uncomfortable. Relax your lips, you don't need to pursue them. Don't press your lips too hard on his lips; do it gently.
    • Again, don't think too much about the movements you should be making. Just let it happen.
  4. After a few seconds, take your mouth off his mouth. A sweet kiss is short and sweet. If you've both pulled back a little and he leans forward again, he'll probably want to kiss you again. If you're comfortable with that, you can also lean over and give him another kiss.
    • Don't force the second kiss, especially if he doesn't lean forward for a second after the first kiss.
    • If you don't want a second kiss, let it know subtly, such as by leaning back, turning away, or turning your face away. Pushing him away isn't a good idea.

Method 3 of 3: Give him more kisses

  1. Kiss him gently on the forehead or cheek to let him know how much you like him. Kissing is definitely not just for the mouth! You can also show your boyfriend how much you care by kissing him in other places. You can kiss him quickly and gently on his forehead or cheek to show him how much you like and appreciate him.
    • For example, if you're hugging your boyfriend because you're saying goodbye, kiss him on the cheek before you leave.
  2. Caress his neck with your lips when you're ready to be a little more intimate with each other. If you're comfortable with this, you can kiss your boyfriend's neck or ear. The skin is quite thin and sensitive in those places; so be careful. You can also lightly suck his earlobe - but don't make smacking noises while doing so.
    • For example, if you're cuddling on the couch, snuggle up close to him, then kiss him gently on the neck.
  3. Give him a kiss on the shoulder or chest so you can have a romantic moment together. These kinds of kisses are loving, and this kind of physical contact makes you feel more and more connected to each other. Caress his chest and shoulder gently with your lips so he knows how much you enjoy being with him.
    • For example, walk from behind to your boyfriend and put your arms around him. Kiss him gently on the shoulder.
  4. For example, try snooping with him. Gently rub your nose against his nose, like Eskimos do. With these kind of sweet physical gestures you can experience variety and more affection in your relationship.
    • For example, if you are sitting next to your boyfriend, lean against him and then start rubbing your cheek against his cheek gently.