How to remove odor from your shoes with baking soda

Author: Janice Evans
Date Of Creation: 27 July 2021
Update Date: 23 June 2024
How to remove odor from your shoes with baking soda | Remove Odor
Video: How to remove odor from your shoes with baking soda | Remove Odor


Few things are as awkward as shoes that smell bad. Fortunately, getting rid of the smell is easy and inexpensive.All you need is baking soda. Baking soda takes time to absorb odors, so it is best to use these methods in the evening or temporarily skip wearing shoes.


Method 1 of 4: baking soda

  1. 1 Measure out at least one tablespoon of baking soda for each shoe. It will take so much baking soda to cover the entire insole in the shoe. Large shoes may require more than one tablespoon of baking soda.
  2. 2 Shake your boot to distribute the baking soda over the insole. Tilt your boot back and forth to distribute the baking soda evenly. You can also shake your shoes from side to side. It is important not to spill baking soda outside.
  3. 3 Leave the baking soda in your shoes for a few hours or overnight. Strong odors may take up to 24 hours. During this time, the baking soda will absorb unpleasant odors. It can also kill bacteria that cause odor.
  4. 4 Remove the baking soda. After a while, flip the shoes soles up over the trash can or sink. Shake out all the baking soda. Don't worry if there are some small soda particles left inside, as they won't harm you or your shoes. If you wish, you can vacuum clean the remaining baking soda.
  5. 5 Repeat the procedure as needed. If your shoes often start to smell unpleasant, repeat the cleaning once a week. Do not use this method too often with leather shoes to prevent the leather from drying out and becoming brittle from the baking soda.
    • If leather shoes often start to give off an unpleasant odor, then leave them in a well-ventilated area. You can also use a napkin impregnated with an antistatic agent and softener as a freshener.

Method 2 of 4: Baking soda and essential oil

  1. 1 Place two tablespoons of baking soda in a small bowl. Instead of a bowl, a wide-necked jar will do. This is enough for one treatment. For very large shoes, double the amount of baking soda.
  2. 2 Add 5 drops of essential oil for fragrance. Essential oil on its own does not destroy odors, but it can add freshness to shoes. Choose from pleasant and fresh scents:
    • lemon;
    • lavender;
    • peppermint;
    • tea tree;
    • pine and cedar.
  3. 3 Toss the baking soda and oil with a fork. If you are using a jar, simply close the lid and shake. Stir and shake until all lumps are removed.
  4. 4 Measure out one tablespoon of baking soda inside each shoe. It may seem to you that this will be too much, but you do not need to spare the baking soda. If the amount is insufficient, the odor may remain.
  5. 5 Tilt the boot down to distribute the baking soda over the insole to the toe. You do not need to rub the baking soda into your shoes, otherwise it will be difficult for you to remove the powder later. You can shake your shoes to distribute the baking soda evenly over the insole.
  6. 6 Leave the baking soda in your shoes for a few hours. It is best to leave your shoes on until morning or 24 hours. The longer the soda stays inside the shoe, the more odors it will absorb!
  7. 7 Dispose of the baking soda in a trash can or sink. After a while, flip your shoes soles up over a trash can or sink and shake out any baking soda. You may have to tap the toe of your shoe to remove all the baking soda. Don't worry if small particles of baking soda remain inside, as they won't damage your shoes. If desired, you can always remove the remaining soda with a vacuum cleaner.
  8. 8 Repeat the procedure as needed. Use this method no more than once a week. Essential oil may not be the cheapest remedy, so you can remove odors with regular baking soda, and add essential oil to the baking soda once a month.

Method 3 of 4: Shoe fresheners

  1. 1 Find two unnecessary socks. These can be old socks or socks from different pairs, but they must be clean and free of holes.
  2. 2 Add 1 to 2 tablespoons of baking soda to each sock. Shake the socks gently to let the baking soda go down.
  3. 3 Tie the ends of the socks with string or tape. You can also use an elastic band. Tie your socks just over the baking soda roller.
  4. 4 Place fresheners on the inside of the shoe, in the toe area. The baking soda will soak up any unpleasant odors, but the socks will keep your shoes clean. This way you don't have to think about how to extract the baking soda.
  5. 5 Leave your socks in your shoes overnight. You can leave them on for much longer (24 or 48 hours). During this time, the baking soda will absorb any unpleasant odors.
  6. 6 Take out the fresheners and wear shoes. Remember that over time, baking soda loses its anti-odor properties as it will absorb all shoe odors. This freshener can be effective for 1–2 months. After that, you need to empty your socks, wash them and add fresh baking soda to them.

Method 4 of 4: Solutions for Flip Flops and Sandals

  1. 1 Sprinkle a generous amount of baking soda on flip flops or sandals that give off an unpleasant odor. If you don't want to litter the floor, place your shoes on a stand or on a newspaper. Then cover the insoles with a thin layer of baking soda and let sit for 24 hours. After a while, shake the baking soda off your shoes. Remove remaining plaque with a vacuum cleaner or damp cloth.
  2. 2 Place the sandals in the bag and add ½ cup (90 grams) of baking soda. First put sandals in the bag and then add baking soda. Tie the bag tightly and shake. Then leave it on for 24 to 48 hours, then remove the sandals. Brush off any small remaining baking soda particles from your shoes.
    • This method is safe for leather sandals if not used too often or the shoes can become dry and brittle.
    • You can also use a large ziplock bag to fit your sandals.
  3. 3 Clean dirty, foul-smelling flip-flops with a paste of baking soda and water. This product not only removes dirt, but also removes odors. In a small bowl, combine some baking soda with enough water to make a paste. Apply the paste to the flip flops using an old toothbrush. Leave it on for 5 minutes and then rinse with plain water. Leave the shoes to dry before using.
    • You can also use an old nail brush.
    • If the shoes will continue smell bad, repeat the process, but this time add salt water. Salt is capable of eliminating unpleasant odors. You can also use magnesium sulfate.
  4. 4 Soak your rubber flip flops in baking soda water. Place 10 parts water for one part baking soda in a plastic bowl. Stir the mixture and place the shoes in the water. Leave the shoes in the solution for at least 12 hours, preferably 24 or 48 hours. After a while, remove and dry the clean flip-flops in the fresh air.
    • This method is also suitable for sandals that can be wet or washed.
    • If the shoe floats to the surface, press down on the flip flops with a stone or heavy can.
    • In a small bowl, it is best to turn the shoes upside down, as most of the odor tends to be concentrated at the point of contact with the feet.


  • Closed-toe shoes should be worn with socks. They absorb sweat and bacteria that cause odor. However, do not wear one pair of socks more than once in a row without washing.
  • Alternate shoes. Don't wear the same pair for more than two days in a row.
  • Air your shoes after use. Loosen the laces and pull the tabs up. It is best to leave your shoes outside in sunny weather. When doing this, do not leave leather shoes in the sun, otherwise the material may become brittle.
  • Leave the shoes in a place where they can ventilate after use. The closet will not be the best place, because in a closed room the smells simply will not have the opportunity to disappear. Also, an unpleasant smell can penetrate other things. If you store shoes in a closet, then you must first ventilate them before storing them.
  • You can also add scented wipes with a fabric softener to your shoes. Not only will the wipes keep your shoes fresh, but they can also absorb harsh odors.
  • Place your shoes in the freezer if they smell very strong. Place the shoes in a plastic bag, which should be tied tightly. Leave your shoes in the freezer for 24 to 48 hours. During this time, bacteria that give off an unpleasant odor will die.
  • Place crumpled newspapers in unpleasant-smelling shoes. The paper will absorb sweat and moisture, which are often the cause of odors.


  • Don't use baking soda on leather shoes too much often, otherwise the material will dry out and become brittle.
  • In some cases, the shoes cannot be saved, and sometimes more intensive cleaning or processing is required. To remove the odor, the inside of the shoe can be rubbed with rubbing alcohol.
  • This method only brings temporary results. After a few days, the smell may return again.

What do you need

Baking soda

  • Baking soda
  • Measuring spoon
  • Shoes
  • Waste bin or sink

Baking soda and essential oil

  • Small bowl
  • Fork
  • Measuring spoon
  • Essential oil
  • Shoes
  • Waste bin or sink

Shoe fresheners

  • Socks
  • Baking soda
  • Measuring spoon
  • Rope, tape or elastic
  • Shoes