How to convince your parents to let you go

Author: Mark Sanchez
Date Of Creation: 8 January 2021
Update Date: 3 July 2024
How to ask your parents to let you go out!!
Video: How to ask your parents to let you go out!!


The alumni meeting is a joyous occasion. However, not all parents are willing to let their children go to the event. If you want to attend an alumni meeting, you will have to convince your parents to let you attend. Don't worry too much about this. You will be able to convince your parents if you give reasonable reasons to show them that you are old enough to be allowed out for homecoming night.


Part 1 of 3: Talk to your parents

  1. 1 Choose the right time. Remember that whenever you ask your parents for permission to attend an event, timing is key. If you come up with a request when your parents are in a bad mood, they will most likely say no to you. Therefore, it will be best if you approach them when they are in a good mood.
    • Do not ask your parents when they are tired or stressed.If your parents have just returned home after a hard day at work or are late for work in the morning, you should not talk to them about the evening of the alumni meeting.
    • Pay attention to the mood of your parents. This will help you choose the right time to talk. For example, if you know that mom and dad are always in a good mood after a delicious dinner, approach them with your request after an evening meal. Parents can also be more relaxed after an evening walk. You can take a moment and ask them to let you go for a future event.
  2. 2 Express your gratitude. Before you start talking about homecoming night, tell your parents that you really appreciate that they give you enough freedom. If you act as if you have already decided everything yourself, then they are unlikely to let you go. Instead, express your gratitude for what they are doing for you.
    • For example, you might say, “I am very grateful to you for letting me go to the party last month,” or “It means a lot to me that you let me go out of town with my friend and her parents last summer.”
  3. 3 Tell us about the upcoming event in detail. Parents are likely to want to know the details of the event before they let you go to the alumni reunion. Be prepared to provide them with the information they need, such as the date, time and location of the meeting. Also, tell us who will be running the event. If teachers or fellow practitioners' parents will be present, be sure to report it.
    • You should tell your parents how you plan to get to the meeting location and also later home after the event is over, because they will most likely be worried about it.
    • If you plan to spend time with friends after the reunion, such as attending a party hosted by your friend, be sure to tell your parents. Give them your friend's address, and also mention if his parents will be at home during the party.
  4. 4 Tell your parents why you want to go to this meeting. If you want to convince your parents to let you go to the reunion, explain to them why it is so important to you. Say that this is an opportunity to spend time with people who are dear to you. If you explain to your parents why you want to attend an alumni meeting, they will be more willing to let you go.
    • If you don't know what to tell your parents, you can use the following example: “I want to dress nicely and have fun with my friends” or “I have close friends on the football team and I really want to spend time with them.” You can also say, “All my friends will be present at the meeting. I will be very offended if I cannot visit her. "
  5. 5 Give your parents time to think. If you really want to go to this meeting, then most likely you will expect an immediate response from your parents. However, don't rush them. If you ask them for an answer right away, chances are they will say no. Instead, invite them to think before they make a decision.
    • When raising the issue of an alumni meeting, tell your parents that you are not expecting an immediate response. You can say, “Please don't say yes or no right away. Just listen to me. "
    • Of course, being patient is not always easy, especially in these circumstances, so you can mention a specific time when you come back to this conversation. You might say, “Please think about my request. And tomorrow at lunchtime I would like to continue our conversation. Do you mind? "

Part 2 of 3: Imagine the person you are going to be paired with to your homecoming night

  1. 1 Tell your parents honestly if you are going to an event with your loved one. If you want to go to a meeting because your loved one asked you to, be sure to tell your parents. You may be worried that when they find out about this, they will say no to you. However, if you tell your parents the truth, they will appreciate it. You will show that you are a trusted adult.
    • If you don't know how to tell your parents about the person you like, don't make it difficult. You can say: "A very important person for me asked me to come to this meeting, and I am glad of it."
  2. 2 Tell your parents about the person you like. Typically, parents want to know everything about the loved one of their son or daughter. Give your parents as much information as possible, such as the name, age, and hobbies of the person you are dating. You can even tell how you met and what you like about this person.
    • Share with your parents information about the family of the person you like. Most likely, they will be interested to know about it.
    • In addition, parents may ask you how the person is doing. So be prepared to answer this question.
    • If you have a photo together, show it to your parents.
  3. 3 Introduce the person you like to your parents. Even if you tell your parents about this person in detail, they may still not be ready to let you go to the upcoming event. However, if they get to know your loved one in person, they will likely be more willing to let you go. Therefore, introduce your loved one to your parents.
    • Make it as easy as possible for your parents to meet your loved one. You can also invite friends your parents know and love. This will prevent your loved one from feeling as if he is being interrogated.
  4. 4 Prepare to talk to your parents. If your parents still don't want you to go to an alumni meeting with the person you are dating, you can try arranging a parent-to-parent meeting for your parents. They will be able to discuss details related to the upcoming event, such as how you will get to the meeting and what you will do after it. This will make your parents feel more relaxed.
    • A parent meeting is also a great opportunity to exchange contact information.

Part 3 of 3: Demonstrate Your Maturity

  1. 1 Listen carefully to your parents, all their concerns and objections. If they are not ready to let you go to the meeting, ask them to explain the reason for the refusal. Perhaps they are worried that there will be alcoholic drinks or drugs at the event. In addition, they may be worried about who will bring you home. Listen carefully to your parents. Remain calm and be patient. Let them give their opinion.
    • If you are unsure of how to start a conversation, you can say, “I know you are in doubt. What worries you?"
    • While this can be difficult, you shouldn't interrupt your parents when they are talking. Show respect and show that you take their concerns seriously.
  2. 2 Be prepared to compromise. If you know what your parents are concerned about, try to find a solution to the problem. In most cases, this means a willingness to compromise. For example, your parents might not want you to go to a party after the reunion, so agree with them and promise to return home immediately after the event. They may also be worried about how you will get home after the meeting, ask them to pick you up by car. Do your best to keep your parents happy.
    • Another way to compromise is to promise your parents that you will be in touch with them throughout the evening. For example, you can promise to call or send messages when you arrive, during, and after the event.If you plan to continue chatting with friends at the party, call your parents when you get to the party location and also when you get home.
  3. 3 Earn the trust of your parents. If you are acting like an adult and a responsible person, chances are, your parents trust you and are more willing to let you go to the event. If your parents require you to return at a certain time, be sure to comply with their requirement. If you have household chores, do them without parenting. Also, be kind to your brothers and sisters. Try to resolve conflicts with them without involving your parents.
    • Your school performance can also be a determining factor. Be diligent in your studies. Try to get good grades. This will help your parents see that you are taking your responsibilities seriously.
  4. 4 Accept their decision. If your parents refuse you, be ready to accept their decision as an adult. Keep calm. Don't cry or scream because you didn't get what you want. This will only cause negative emotions in your parents, and they are unlikely to let you go to such events in the future. It also shows your parents that they made the right decision.
    • If you are very upset about a parent's decision, counting to ten silently will help calm you down.


  • Remember that your parents were children too, they probably don't want you to repeat their mistakes. Most likely, they know firsthand what happens at such events, so they may refuse to let you go.
  • If you drink too much, don't try to get home on your own. Call your parents and ask them to pick you up by car. Your safety is more important to your parents than breaking the rules on your part. In any case, you will face punishment, but your parents will be glad that nothing bad happened to you.
  • If you fail to keep your promise and return home at the appointed time, honestly tell your parents about it. Don't try to sneak into your room after the set time. Call your parents and tell them you are late.
  • If your parents are still hesitant, consider wearing a more modest outfit. If you have strict parents, they will be glad to see you in a long enough, closed dress. But don't forget about the price.


  • Do not use drugs or alcohol during the event. Of course, this is your personal choice, but it can have bad consequences for you. Plus, the next time you want to attend this meeting, your parents are unlikely to say yes to you. They won't trust you after what happened.
  • If you are going out with the person you are dating, make sure they are trustworthy. You will be safe with friends.