How to dance sexy

Author: Sara Rhodes
Date Of Creation: 16 February 2021
Update Date: 2 July 2024
6 Ways You Can Dance Sexy I Dance Tips For Beginners
Video: 6 Ways You Can Dance Sexy I Dance Tips For Beginners


Dancing is one of the most enjoyable ways to express sensuality. It’s not for nothing that good dancers are considered wonderful lovers. However, not everyone feels comfortable while dancing, especially if there is confidence in the absence of a sense of rhythm. It's time to convince yourself otherwise - everyone can dance and, moreover, dancing is a great way to attract the attention of a person you like.


  1. 1 Learn to feel the music. A good dance is born in the soul as an expression of your emotions, as well as your reaction to the rhythm and your attitude to the event. Before you head out to conquer the dance floor, pick up music that makes you "feel" sexy. Make a playlist that must include music that gives you confidence, relaxation, and energy.
  2. 2 Try to dance alone with yourself, at home. Close the door, dim the lights, and play your sex music of choice. All you need is just to feel the music and give free rein to your emotions. Don't worry about how you look, because your main goal is to release your feelings and dance like no one sees you.
  3. 3 Learn sexy dance. Even if it is not exactly the kind of dance that is usually danced in clubs, learning a specific dance will help you master new movements and, most importantly, will help to increase your self-confidence and improve your coordination of movements.
    • There are undoubtedly some dances that are considered sexier than other varieties. The first number on the list of the sexiest dances is South American dances such as tango, samba and salsa. You can also pay attention to belly dance, which has its origins in the Middle East and is still considered one of the most seductive dances.
    • If you are reluctant to attend formal dance lessons, purchase a pre-recorded DVD or take advantage of the vast array of online lessons for learning at home. Try to find choreography lessons that you like and learn the dance you like!
  4. 4 Dance among strangers. If you are constantly worried about what people think of you, try changing your environment and trying to dance in a place where you don't know anyone. After all, if something goes wrong and you make yourself a laughing stock, you will be comforted by the thought that you will never see these people again. In addition, when you finally stop tormenting yourself with these thoughts and relax, you will find that your dance causes not ridicule, but real admiration!
  5. 5 Relax. Relaxation is your ultimate guide to feeling sexy on the dance floor and looking the same way. Slow down, relax, and let your body move to the sound of the music. A tense dancer always looks wooden, clumsy and ready to lose his balance. And it doesn't look sexy at all - it hurts to look at such a "dancer"! Plus, being stressed can get in your way. That is why try to relax not only your thoughts, but also your body, allowing the rhythm to completely embrace you. Listen to the rhythm and begin to move rhythmically, letting your body's responses to the music guide you.
    • If you have any complexes (for example, if you are afraid to appear in front of the public or make a mistake), then you need to learn to be relaxed separately from other people. The point is, feelings of fear can hinder the relaxation process and prevent you from enjoying the dance.
    • Wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothing, but not overly loose. If you find it difficult to fully move in your clothes, or if you are constantly worried that some element of your wardrobe does not slip off and embarrassment occurs, it will be very difficult for you to completely relax. That is why choose clothes for dancing with special scrupulousness, and, if necessary, put the chosen things on a separate shelf so that you do not have to waste time in the event of an unexpected invitation to a dance evening. Choosing the right wardrobe is another step towards learning how to look sexy and dance!
  6. 6 Stay alert. When dancing, do not forget that there are a lot of people around you. Many places can be crowded with people, but in no case should this stop you from dancing sexually. But always remember that there is nothing attractive about dancing, during which you constantly bump into people around you and try to squeeze through the crowd. Moreover, make sure that harmony reigns between you and your partner. Sensuality is born from the bond that is established between two people during the dance, so follow your partner's movements exactly and try not to trip over or step on his / her feet. Don't be afraid to lead your partner from time to time, even if you're not used to it. As for the lead partner, remember to take into account the even balance that must be present between you - this advice applies not only to dancing, but also to your life with your companion.
  7. 7 Remember to express yourself. It is considered extremely useful to study the basics of any dance style, but not everyone wants to do this and not everyone will consider the learned movements applicable for every occasion. The most important thing is to learn to express yourself through dance. This means that you need to learn to enjoy dancing out of love for this art form without worrying about what other people think or say. Remember that you are an individual. Once you realize this, relax and feel confident, you have no choice but to succumb to the power of the rhythm.
    • Use your thoughts to help you maintain your sensuous mood. Think of dancing as a way to create the mood for your date by expressing your thoughts through dance moves.
    • When expressing yourself through dance, remember that you need to know when to stop in everything. Your dance moves can be original, creative and seductive, but you shouldn't overuse them, or you risk exposing yourself to ridicule. Repeating the same movement over and over is not sexy at all, no matter how attractive it is! Quite the opposite - it's funny enough, so try not to overstep the boundaries. And remember, it's not how many dance moves you do that matters, but how you do them is important.
  8. 8 Enjoy yourself. Self-enjoyment is an integral part of self-expression. The art of dance is about relaxing and having fun. It is important not only to smile while dancing, but also to be able to relax. Perhaps the performance of some dance styles requires serious expressions from the dancers, but this is not your case - if you do not want to look unapproachable and embittered, just smile, because a sincere smile will make you more sexy! Don't be too serious, it will prevent you from enjoying the dance to its fullest.


  • Choose clothes and shoes that will make you feel comfortable.
  • Try dancing with your good friends, in which case you may not be afraid of a negative reaction to your dance.
  • Take time to watch movies like Street Dance, Yard Dancing, or Follow Me The Last Dance, which have tons of sexy moves for you to dance.
  • Don't forget about physical fitness. Dance, especially sexy dance, is an exercise. If you are in good physical shape, it will be easier for you to maintain the energy you need to dance. Otherwise, find ways to improve your fitness, and don't forget to include dancing in your workout routine! And remember that the more energy you have, the easier it will be for you to enjoy the dance.
  • Make friends with people who dance well. They can help you master new movements. But in no case should you copy their dance moves, you just have to watch how passionately they give themselves to the dance and how the music flows through their bodies!
  • Dance lessons, like dance itself, are much more enjoyable if you attend them with friends or your significant other. Plus, it's a great way to learn how your partner responds to your movements and emotions while dancing. Relaxing activities will allow you to experiment and avoid intrusive glances and ridicule. Dance with someone you trust and be open to both communication and dance.


  • Afraid of asking someone you like to dance? Just do it without further thought. If you get a refusal, then, as they say, "not destiny." But if the answer is yes, your dance may be one of the sexiest things you have ever done.
  • Whenever you feel uncomfortable, just relax. Internal relaxation exercises can help you learn to relax at the right time and in the right place. And remember that your confusion can be passed on to your partner. Otherwise, your partner will be grateful to you for choosing him and, rest assured, both of you will enjoy the dance. The main thing is a smile, and then everything will be wonderful!
  • Don't wear too tight clothing. Remember, the main thing is convenience, because during the dance, clothes should in no way hinder your movements.
  • Avoid experimenting with new moves in the company of critical people, as this can significantly lower your self-confidence, and as a result, your sexy dance may be interpreted as awkward.

What do you need

  • Comfortable clothes and shoes suitable for dancing.
  • Large mirror (optional)
  • Good music
  • Dance lessons (formal, group lessons, online lessons, etc.)
  • Partner (optional)