Making oatmeal

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 4 September 2021
Update Date: 19 June 2024
HOW TO MAKE OATMEAL | the BEST oatmeal recipe
Video: HOW TO MAKE OATMEAL | the BEST oatmeal recipe


Breakfast with oatmeal is a delicious and healthy start to the day. And because you can prepare it in so many different ways, you can even prepare it quickly and easily on hectic mornings. The easiest way to enjoy a steaming bowl of oatmeal is to use the microwave. You can also make it the old-fashioned way by letting the oatmeal simmer in water on the stove, or by pouring boiling water over ready-to-eat oatmeal and stirring until you get the consistency you want.


  • 45 grams of old-fashioned oat flakes, oat groats or instant oatmeal
  • 240 ml of water or milk
  • 240 ml almond, coconut or soy milk, or other alternative to milk (optional)
  • Various additives, spices and seasonings (of your choice)

To step

Method 1 of 4: Microwave oatmeal

  1. Place the oatmeal in a microwave safe bowl. Most oats, such as quick-cooking and regular oatmeal, have an average serving size of about 45 grams. When preparing instant oatmeal, just open a bag and toss the contents into the bowl - this is already packaged per serving, so you don't have to weigh it out.
    • You can use a scale to weigh out a serving or just have about half a cup of oatmeal.
  2. Place the oatmeal in the microwave for 1.5 to 2 minutes. Place the oatmeal in the microwave and set it on the highest setting. Set the timer for 1.5 minutes if you like soft, creamy oatmeal. If you prefer thicker oatmeal, set the timer to 2 minutes or even slightly longer.
    • If you are making a firm oatmeal, such as from oat flakes or groats, you may need to increase the time to 2.5 or 3 minutes to ensure that the oats are softening.
  3. Let the oatmeal cool before eating it. Let the oatmeal cook for a few minutes after pouring the boiling water over it. To avoid burning your mouth, wait for most of the steam to dissipate. When you take the first bite you will be glad you did!
    • With a little cream or Greek yogurt the oatmeal cools down a bit faster.
  4. Refrigerate the oatmeal overnight. Cover the jar or container on the middle shelf of the refrigerator. The milk is now slowly absorbed and the oatmeal becomes nice and soft and full. After 3-5 hours you can eat it. But for the smoothest texture, leave it on for 7-8 hours.
    • If your container does not have a lid, cover it with a piece of cling film or aluminum foil.
    • If you leave the oatmeal in the fridge for more than 10 hours, it might turn into a dirty soggy mess.
  5. Finish the oatmeal with your favorite additions. When the oatmeal comes out of the fridge, add tasty things such as honey, Greek yogurt or chocolate spread. Healthy eaters can add fresh fruit or nut butters.
    • Add a mashed banana instead of traditional sweeteners.
    • Be creative! The possibilities are endless, and you can try countless unique combinations.
    • If you don't like to eat the oatmeal cold, you can also microwave your portion for two minutes.


  • If you're making oatmeal for the whole family, prepare a buffet so everyone can add their own flavors to the oatmeal bar.
  • If you don't want to drink milk, use almond milk, coconut milk, or soy milk.
  • Prepare a large amount of oatmeal at a time and keep it in the fridge until needed. You can then take as much as you want, add a few spoons of milk and heat it up in the microwave.


  • It is better to clean the pan immediately after scooping up the oatmeal. When the leftovers are dry, you can hardly get them out of the pan without soaking it for a very long time.
  • Never leave a boiling pan or kettle alone on the fire. Not only is that dangerous, but you can burn your breakfast too!


Make oatmeal with the microwave

  • Microwave
  • Microwave suitable bowl
  • Measuring cup and scales
  • Spoon

Prepare oat flakes or groats on the stove

  • Shallow pan
  • Measuring cup and scales
  • Spoon

Make oatmeal with boiling water

  • Whistling kettle or kettle
  • Measuring cup and scales
  • Spoon

Let oat flakes soak overnight

  • Weck jar or similar container
  • Measuring cup and scales
  • Spoon