How to become an event manager

Author: Clyde Lopez
Date Of Creation: 17 June 2021
Update Date: 24 June 2024
EVENTS MANAGER CAREER | What to Know Before Choosing this Career!!
Video: EVENTS MANAGER CAREER | What to Know Before Choosing this Career!!


An event manager, commonly referred to as a party organizer, responsible for hosting interesting and exciting events such as concerts, festivals or games. In other words, an event manager is a salesperson. A promoter usually works as an independent contractor, more with different companies than for one company than for one organization, his career can skyrocket without any training exercises. This article will show you how to become an event manager.


  1. 1 Explore your interests.
    • The event manager is involved in different areas. For example, if you are interested in music, you can specialize in hosting concerts. However, if you are interested in partying, you can specialize in hosting parties.
  2. 2 Get your bachelor's degree. Although, a bachelor's degree is not required, it will be preferable.
    • Most of the activities in this area are related to marketing, public speaking and business.
    • You need to unlearn 4 years to become a bachelor. You can take courses that are not related to your specialty, such as electives, basic training sessions.
    • A 4 year bachelor's program may require you to have an internship and marketing in the field of promotion.
  3. 3 Get the entry-level experience.
    • Look for radio jobs or promotions. Typically, entry-level jobs entail handing out flyers and stories of all kinds of holidays to strangers.
    • Find a job that will help you hone the skills required in event management. For example, you can get a job as a salesperson where you can gain experience of communicating with people and explaining information about products.
  4. 4 Join an event promotion organization or association.
    • Working for organizations or associations will help you connect with other event managers. For example, these connections will lead you to new opportunities and increased knowledge about the job.
  5. 5 Connect with potential clients.
    • You need to organize events, connect with clients via the Internet, and offer your services to clients wherever they plan an event.


  • As an event promoter, you can be involved in all aspects of the promotion. For example, you can rent a concert hall or write press releases about an event.
  • You can start with small events until a client hires you for more exciting work.
  • To become a famous event promoter, you have to work hard. When planning events, you will need additional expenses. For example, you need to pay for music installations before a customer pays you. That is, chances are that you might screw up everything before you even get paid.
  • When looking for connections, you can recruit a team of reliable, trustworthy business associations that you depend on. Business associations such as public organizations or venue managers may need your help.