How to impress

Author: Virginia Floyd
Date Of Creation: 12 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Impress Someone You Like
Video: How To Impress Someone You Like


There are many reasons why you might need to impress someone. You may be looking for a way to convince your girlfriend that you are a great potential husband. You may have moved to a new city and want to make friends. Or maybe you want to show your boss that you are ready to move forward. Whatever the reason, with a couple of tricks and a little work, it's not that hard to impress.


Method 1 of 3: Impress a new acquaintance

  1. 1 Look for opportunities to gain new and exciting experiences. A slothful champion is unlikely to impress his friends and new acquaintances. Your lifestyle should involve more than watching popular TV and going out to the pub from time to time. Strive to gain new experience and preferably try to do something that people rarely have the opportunity to do. As you share this with other people, they will be interested to know what it is like and they will want to know the details.
    • For example, you could start a charity to help start small businesses in poor countries; or go on a night hike with like-minded people.
    • The best way to gain this experience is to do what you have long dreamed of. Then you will enjoy your work, and at the same time the opportunity to impress others.
  2. 2 Show concern for others. Everyone wants to be caring and do good for others, but it's so easy to get hung up on your own life and leave your intentions unfulfilled. If you act with awareness and make an effort to help other people, your friends and acquaintances will definitely pay attention to it.
    • For example, by showing benevolence and support to disadvantaged people or those who are usually rejected by society (people with disabilities, religious housewives, service personnel, or homeless people), you will definitely impress most people.
  3. 3 Develop your talents. Talents always impress, even if they are a little pointless.You can hone your abilities and achieve excellence in something that you already possess, or you can try to develop in yourself the new talents that you have always wanted to have. Stop making excuses like “I’m not that kind of person” or “I don’t have a special ability for this” - just go and try it. No one shows outstanding abilities the first time, any interesting talents take time and work, but once you master them, you can easily impress others.
    • Drawing is a good example of this kind of talent. You can easily learn this on your own, and you don't need any innate ability.
    • Learning to play the piano is also relatively easy, and does not require a large financial investment. Buy an old used piano and start learning with tutorials or Youtube videos.
    • Try to learn origami. It's a relatively simple skill, easy to get started with, but the result is impressive enough. In addition, thanks to this, you will always have an original gift at hand.
  4. 4 Try to always keep up to date. Stay tuned for the most important news and be ready to join the discussion when people around you begin to discuss it. In this case, you will be able to join the general conversation and, perhaps, even highlight the unknown or incomprehensible aspects of the topic. This will impress them.
    • Awareness is also useful because it does not require special intelligence from you. Reading newspapers and keeping track of the latest political events does not require genius. But at the same time, your knowledge can help others make an informed decision, and you can appear before them in a favorable light.
    • Just remember to be curious and critical of information. Always question everything. People tend to be wrong, and it is quite possible that what you have read and believed in the past has turned out to be false.
  5. 5 Be humble. Of course, you do all of this to impress, but you shouldn't forget about modesty. Do not brag or try to wipe your interlocutor's nose with your knowledge. Moreover, try not to emphasize it at all. Let everyone see that this is business as usual for you. Then people will be more comfortable with you, and you will make a favorable impression without presenting yourself with self-praise.
    • For example, if a friend invites you to a party, say something like, "I'll try to come, but usually I volunteer on Friday nights, so I might be a little late."
    • If you are planning to meet someone, come to the meeting point early. Start doing something impressive: reading a classic novel or practicing guitar. You will be caught doing this and impressed. You don't even have to say anything.

Method 2 of 3: Impress your loved one

  1. 1 Do everything possible to make the person happy with you. The easiest way to impress by dating someone is to do whatever it takes to make the person feel happy. Do it selflessly, just for the smile on his face. You can almost always see the difference. Try to base your actions on what you know about the person and what is especially important to him.
    • For example, if you know your girlfriend is having a hard day, you can bring her a box of her favorite chocolates. Include a note like "I wanted to find something as delicious as you, but they only had one box."
    • Another example is to leave your sick or too busy boyfriend a full fridge of delicious food so that he does not have to cook himself. It will amaze him to the core.
  2. 2 Remember what they tell you. Pay attention to what your loved one is talking about and keep particularly important details in mind, even if you have to write them down to do so.If you remember his small, casual comments and act on those comments, you will score a lot in their eyes.
    • For example, your girlfriend casually mentioned that Valentine's Day is her favorite holiday of the year because only during this period her favorite heart-shaped candies are sold. Find a manufacturing company and surprise her with a big box of her favorite chocolates for her birthday.
  3. 3 Worry about what your loved one is worried about. Show him that everything that matters to him also matters to you. Selfless actions in order to make a loved one an enjoyable or hobby that brings him a lot of pleasure is more than enough to demonstrate his indisputable advantage over any competitors.
    • Let's say your girlfriend is seriously into ballet. It may not be yours at all, but you can secretly take a few lessons at a ballet studio and surprise her with a special date and dance together.
    • Another example: suppose your friend has an autistic brother who he really values. Play with his brother, or even take him to a movie or other entertainment. Considering that most of the time he has to observe a bad attitude towards his brother, he will be amazed by your open, caring and non-judgmental attitude.
  4. 4 Show the versatility of your personality. This is especially important if you have recently met the person you would like to date. If this person has often had to deal with mediocrity, you can draw attention to yourself by demonstrating integrity and an interesting personality. Express your opinion, share your hobbies and take action, do not sit idly by. These all show them what they can look forward to when they’re with you.
    • For example, let's say you collect antique books. Instead of hiding it, even a weird hobby, show it. Show off your collection and the book that you associate with this person. This will be a pleasant surprise, and the person, admiring your enthusiasm, will also feel a certain level of interest on your part in relation to himself.
  5. 5 Be yourself unashamedly. By focusing on being yourself, without false feelings of shame or trying to hide what makes you happy or sad, you will demonstrate self-confidence, and everyone knows how attractive self-confidence is, right? Many people feel they do not have the ability to feel comfortable in their own skin. Seeing someone who can do this, they remain impressed and begin to feel the desire to be close to such a person, so that they themselves feel free and learn to be themselves.

Method 3 of 3: Make an impression in a professional environment

  1. 1 Work selflessly without expecting to receive anything in return. In order to impress your boss, potential boss or colleagues, by and large, you just need to start working hard without expecting to get something in return. This will help you build a reputation as a selfless team member who can work for the value of the work itself. Typically, people tend to reward this behavior, and your manager is likely to be impressed if he has the opportunity to notice it.
    • In addition, all this work must be done in a good mood. Try not to complain and, when raising existing problems, do not forget to offer a solution.
    • For example, stay tuned for technical updates that could help improve your office's operations.
    • Another example is striving to get work done ahead of schedule to free up time for additional work or to perfect your results.
  2. 2 Take on additional responsibility. A willingness to take on additional responsibility is a quality that is sure to impress your manager, colleagues, and future employers. You can work as little as possible, and even then, a well-done job will suit most people, but taking a few extra steps to make sure everything is done and done well is sure to get attention.
    • For example, if your manager has a lot of paperwork that does not require special qualifications, offer your services to relieve him and give him the opportunity to devote more time to improving the work of the entire team.
    • Another example is to finish your work as early as possible and clean up the office so that others can calmly concentrate on their work.
  3. 3 Anticipate needs and solve problems, even if they don't directly affect you. A good worker is not limited to just the work assigned to him; he also anticipates problems and seeks solutions so that everyone can work better and achieve higher quality. You should pay attention to the challenges you face on a day-to-day basis and look for ways to overcome those challenges. At the same time, if you see what your colleagues are facing, you can help them in finding solutions to these issues, even if they do not directly affect you.
    • For example, suppose you notice that two of your coworkers are not getting along because they both think the other is working too slowly on their part of the document. You can suggest changing the planning or the process as a whole in such a way that the collaboration proceeds more comfortably.
  4. 4 Look for ways to do better work with fewer resources. Finding ways to get more work done with fewer resources means you can save your employer a lot of money. And as it turns out, employers appreciate it! Look for ways to improve your own workflow, as well as the activities of those who participate with you in these processes. This will truly impress your boss.
    • For example, you may have noticed that you and your colleague are filling out practically identical papers. Talk to your supervisor and suggest that the two documents be compiled into one and that one of you work on it, as this will increase the overall efficiency of the process.
  5. 5 Be a team player and support your colleagues. Everyone - managers, colleagues, and future employers alike - is pleased to work with a good team player. Share the recognition of good results with other colleagues, even if most of the work was done by you. Compliment others about their strengths and ask for advice if you are working on something that others are well aware of. Help in the same way when people ask you for help. This behavior demonstrates your willingness to work with others to help the company achieve the best possible results.
    • This is especially important if you are under 35, as the older generation tends to see the younger generation as an inability to work in a team.


  • Try to be competitive in the student environment and work on your speech - kind and beautiful words always make an impression.


  • Don't be overconfident and over-talented.
  • Always be energetic and ready to face challenges.
  • If you want to impress, don't offend anyone.
  • Be very serious on special occasions.

What do you need

  • Always shower and hygiene regularly
  • It takes patience and energy the most.